Chapter 2: Meeting cap

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Petra P.O.V.

After meeting with Stark I went back to patrolling, I can't believe he thinks I'm gonna help him. It is not my fight, it is a fight between two assholes who couldn't talk things through like a simple adult. As I kept watch I see four thugs harassing a girl.

3rd P.O.V.

"Hey pretty momma, how are you giving me and my boys some entertainment?" One of them leered.

Batwoman jumped down on one of the thug's cars. "Let the girl go and walk away."

"or else what batfreak."

"Or that" she said, the rest charge at her.

(An skip to 1:51, Pretend Batwoman is robin.)

After she finished she turned to the woman. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah thanks Batwoman."

"Just doing my job mam. Now go on outta here and be safe." Batwoman watches the woman left. "You gonna explain to me why the hell didn't either you asshole help that woman out?" Batwoman asked, out cap with his team.

"We're just observing, seeing how you can handle it." Cap said

"Good, now get out of my city." Batwoman said in a monotone voice.

"hey kid, we need your help." Falcon jumped in. "You see there is--"

"I don't care, it doesn't involve me."

"Well the accord does." Cap said, Frustrated with the bat. "The government is making heroes like us into attack dogs."

"Yeah, hero like you, I'm no hero pal. Besides, have you guys seen the damage you cause with your battle?" she asked. "Have you looked back at the people's lives you cost, or the lives of those they're related to?"

"Caps said that you can't save everyone." Scarlet witch said.

"Cap also said don't do drugs, but how he became the man is now." Batwoman retorted. "Beside what this asshole did in berlin?"

"They were going after a friend of mine." Cap defends.

"Oh, You mean Barnes." Batwoman shocked everyone. "Yeah I know all about him and the soldiers."

"Then why won't you help us?" Cap asked in disbelief.

"Because you are not gonna like what you find." Batwoman said emotionlessly. They decided to leave since there was no point in convincing the bat. "Hey you in the red coat let me talk to you a sec." she pointed at Wanda who nodded in confusion. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because it is my fault that those people died." Wanda answered.

"Is it, because what I heard from a friend who was there that Cap was distracted. Wanna guess what it was or who it was." Batwoman said. Wanda eyes widen in realization.

"Bucky" she said shakily. Batowman nodded. "Wait, who told this?"

"Let say I'm friends with someone royalty, but that isn't really the point, are you really gonna follow a guy with a one track mind?"

"But what about the soldier?" Wanda couldn't help but ask.

"Same with my early comment."

"So what? I just followed Stark after he locked me in my room." she sneered. she got smack in the head. "ow"

"You sound like a spoiled brat, Don't deny it because that is exactly how it sounds. Beside Don't you know that there are people who want your head? Hell for all you know Stark was trying to protect you."

"why should I listen to him? He killed my parents." she sneered.

"BooHoo, Cry me a fucking river I lost my parent to and you see me bitchin about it, hell I witness my uncle got kill in front me. What makes you so special than the rest the world has to suffer for it huh. you get to be with the Avengers, live in luxury in Stark tower after you try to kill them. How does make sense at all?" Wanda thought that over and batwoman has a point why did that let her stay with them after what she put them through. Hell she should be in jail no matter what.

"Cap vouch for me." Wanda said.

"Why?" Batwoman asked.

"I don't know, ask him." Wanda said frustrated and confused.

"I'm not asking him, I'm asking you why do you think Cap vouch for you."

"Cause I'm just a kid." Wanda defends weakly, Batwoman doesn't look amused.

"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that." Batwoman said, Wanda huff, Because that was awful. "You wanna know what to think." Wanda nodded. "You sure?" she nodded again, Batwoman signed. "I think cap did this for a selfish reason."

"What Cap is not selfish."

"Wanda thinks you are a former Hydra agent, You know Captain America is famous for fighting them right." She nodded remembering the history. "So in the hell did allow a former Hydra agent into the Avengers without any question?"

"He Believe can be redeemed." she said softy

"Why, why does he believe that." Batwoman pressed. "Think Wanda please think, why does Cap believe you can be redeemed after what happened." Wanda thinks and thinks but sees nothing. "Think Wanda what this bullshit really about."

"Bucky, Oh my god it's about saving his friend."

"Exactly, think if you a former hydra agent can be redeem, then why not his old buddy bucky. The only difference is Bucky was forced, you on the other hand like it or not chose to be with them." Batwoman said.

"But I didn't know." Wanda said.

"For how long?" Batwoman asked. Wanda went silent Because Batwoman was right. It wasn't that long when Hydra was exposed but she and her brother didn't care as long as they had their revenge.

"Oh god it wasn't that long but we just want to make Stark pay." she burst into tears.

"Wanda looks at me, sometimes Vengeances make people do horrible things and not realize what they did until it is too late. Let me ask you this: do you still hate stark? Really think this through." Batwoman said. Wanda thought it through.

"A little bit." Wanda answered honestly.

"That is a slow process but it is good. listen I know it is not easy to get over what happens to your folk but sooner you have to let go ok." Batwoman said. "It took a year to let go of the death of my parents, a month for my uncle. But I have to look at the positive that I still have people that care for me."

"does it help?"

"a little, it was a slow process but as long as she is by my side I know I'm not alone." Batwoman explained, Wanda nodded. "It looks like I kept too long. I've leave you with this advice, look around you and ask yourself 'Am I doing the right thing, Is Cap really doing this for me?" Wanda nodded then walked away. "Hey look after her okay." Batwoman said to the shadows. then use the grappling hook to leave.

"Don't worry kid, I got my eyes on both Stark and Cap." Hawkeyes said from the shadows

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