Chapter 3: A trip to the avengers tower.

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Petra is right taking out the trash, She was about to head back inside.

"Excuse me." her eyes narrow at the person coming toward. "you're Petra Parker." She nodded. "Good, my boss wants to see you."

"Not interested. " Petra said.

"My boss is Tony stark." Happy said,

"And, not interested."

"BBBut, come on it is the shake of my job." happy said, shock that kid not coming.

"Then find a different job."

"Please just come with me to the tower."

"I said no, Goddammit." Happy sign at the kid's stubbornness.

"I'll pay ya." Happy last resorted.

"Fuck you." Petra was about to walk back.

"Wait," a voice said, Petra turned and saw Flash running toward her. "If you do ten this I'll owe you ten favors." Petra stared at him for a minute.

"Aunt May I'll be right back, I'm heading to visit someone." Petra shouted.

"Ok honey be safe." she called back. Petra got in the car and reluctantly she sat next to Flash.

"Thank you for doing this." flash smile.

"I'm only doing this, because you owe me ten favors." Petra said,

Time skip

Happy drop the two off in Stark tower. Both Flash and Petra got out and walked to the front door. Petra is still wondering if it is still not too late to back down. Petra doesn't know why Stark wants to see him but guessing that Flash must have something to do with this.

"Ok, kids head up to the elevator." Happy said, he turned to Petra. "And please don't make my job any harder."

"Dude, go fuck yourself. I didn't ask you to come and get me. In fact be fucking grateful I decided to even come here." Petra glared darkly, making Happy flinch a bit. Both teens went into the elevator and headed to the penthouse.

"Hey, can't you not embarrass me in front of the Avengers. This is my shot at the big league." Flash said,


"I mean this my big dream."


"So Please don't ruin this for me."

"You told him who I was didn't you." Petra finally said.

"What, no, of course not." Flash said, unconvincingly.

"Really, Matt called me yesterday. Tony Stark showed up in his office and he was showing him photos of matt being Daredevil, one of them had Spider-Man in it." Petra said, getting more and more pissed. "Matt asked where he got those photos. You what your hero said?"

"No, what?" Flash asked.


"Mr. Stark wanted new heroes." Flash cried.

"So you told him mine and Matt's secret Identities. Give me one good reason I shouldn't kick the shit out of you." Petra threatens, Flash is silent because Petra was right. No matter how much he can justify it he still sold out a fellow vigilante. And for what to get a shot at the big league. The elevator door opens, Petra walks out pissed followed by a slightly guilty flash. Both walk in the room and they notice the avengers sitting in the room.

"Hello, my name Steve Rogers." He held out his hand, Flash shook his hand but Petra ignored him and sat down.

"Who are you?" Natasha asked coldly, she narrowed her eyes at the two. Flash is scared a bit but Petra bats glare her into submission. The team was shocked to see someone scare natasha.

"I'm Flash and this here pete- Petra." Flash quickly correctly was about to say the deadname but a Bat glared at him.

"Also known as Spider-Man and Batwoman." Tony said smugly. "betcha wondering how I know don't ya kid."

"Flash told you, Just like he told you about Daredevil's identity. So what do you want?" Petra said, not in the mood for games.

Tony signed "Me and the team had a discussion on new recruits, so how bout it do you two want to join the avengers." Tony said, smiling a lot with the team. Flash agrees imminently but Petra.

"No." she shocked the entire team.

"What come on kid this is the big league look if it about the accord." Sam said,

"Fuck the accord. I told you asshole I don't give a shit about it." Petra said.

"So what you don't want to be a hero."

"Oh you mean the same heroes who almost let a woman get harassed by a group of thugs."

"Kid, we told you we were waiting." Steve start

"See right there, why were you waiting when a woman was being assaulted and you were waiting for me to save her. Why didn't you do anything? What if I didn't show up? That woman could have been killed or worse and you just stood there waiting for what permission. Ain't that the shit you were fighting against. And you did the exact thing you tried to avoid." Petra sneered, Steve and his team looked down in shame. "So no I will not be joining the Avengers, if that all then I shall leave."

"I'll tell Aunt May." Tony blurted out."

"What?" Petra stops.

"I said I'll tell.."

"I heard what the fuck you just said, I'm surprised that you have the balls to pull that shit." Tony was silent. "So what. I refuse you resort to blackmail yeah real hero like. One: who do you think taught me how to fight beside Daredevil." Ok Tony eyes widen. "Yeah dumbass she already knows, made me promise not to do anything big. You know the avengers like big. and second: if you ever I mean ever blackmail me again I'll deactivate all your suits then beat the living shit out you. Understand?" Tony nodded fearfully. "Good." Petra was about ready to leave again but this time Wanda stopped her.

"Wait, please think about it. I can really use someone to teach me to be a real hero." Wanda said. Petra thought about it and Wanda could use someone to actually teach her and not be a pussy about her powers.

"I'll think about it but until then all of you better leave me the fuck alone." Petra leaves the room. leaving the avengers hoping that she'll join.

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