e l e v e n : s p a r k

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Anne was jolted from a deep and thoughtful reverie being pursued from the comfy layer of sheets on her bed when the loud slam of a door, followed by hasty footsteps, resonated from downstairs.

"Bec! Lettie! Charles! Everyone! Come! Come!" Barnum's excited voice boomed out.

Attempting to push the troubling thoughts and the swirl of whimsical doubts from her mind, Anne straightened up and smoothed down her plaid skirt before exiting her room and following the others downstairs.

"What is it this time, Barnum?" Lettie rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"I have exciting news to tell you all!" he exclaimed as he beckoned for everyone to gather around him. "As you know, Phillip and I went out to attend a luxurious banquet with some upper-class citizens of New York. Well, you'll never guess who was there..."

"Stop toying with us, Barnum, and just tell us already!" Charles piped up.

"Okay, okay," Barnum waved his hands around. "But you're never gonna believe this! Jenny Lind! Jenny Lind was there!"

As a buzz of anticipation and excitement rippled through the group, Anne nudged Lettie and whispered confusedly, "Whose Jenny Lind?"

Lettie raised her eyebrows. "Only the greatest, most famous singer of all time. I can't believe you haven't heard of her. Her voice is the most-talked about topic in Europe."


"Anyway," Barnum cleared his throat and continued, "She's here to visit America and scout out possible places to tour through next year. However, when I had the pleasure of introducing myself, I told her that she wouldn't have to wait until next year to book such an event."

"Wait...you did?" Phillip's eyes widened as he turned to face Barnum. "Why would you say that?"

"Because I'm going to pay her to perform in the biggest auditorium, with the best orchestra, in front of the highest aristocracy in New York!" he proclaimed. "If she works alongside us, can you imagine, just for a moment, how much money we'd make?"

"What's money got to do with any of this?" Phillip demanded.

Barnum let out a heavy sigh as he glanced over at his junior apprentice. "Look, Phillip, it isn't just about the money, okay? The hierarchy here in this city refuse to see our show because they consider it to be a vulgar entertainment. At least, when Jenny Lind gives them a performance they will never forget, they may rethink their decision to visit the arena. I didn't create this act just to please the lowly. I created it to impress the wealthy. That's all. That's all I want. Just some recognition for all the hard work that I've had to do to get this far."

For a moment, no one responded. Then, Phillip placed a reassuring hand on Barnum's shoulder. "It's your show, Barnum. Do what you must."

As a round of applause and a roll of cheers circled around, Anne caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye. Tilting her head back, she watched disbelievingly as Bec, his head bowed and his hands hidden deep within his pockets, left the room on silent feet.

He had always voiced his undying support for Barnum and his campaign. So why would he desert him at such a time as this?

The next few days were a flurry of bustle and hustle. While Barnum was busy going through the necessary paperwork in order to hire out the auditorium and the orchestra, Phillip was out advertising the much-looked-forward-to-event. Bec, although silent and brooding the entire time, helped design the posters and tickets to be publicly displayed in the square. Lettie, Charles and Anne rehearsed speeches to tell after their shows which would inform their audiences about the upcoming performance.

Finally, the day came. The museum was vividly decorated with colourful streamers and banners and posters. The walk-way outside of the building was crowded with eager streams of people and carriages heading towards the auditorium that was just down the street. As Barnum and Jenny and their crew were already prepping for the event, Phillip was in charge of getting everyone out of the arena, after their late-morning routines, and down to the place where half of the city seemed to be.

As Anne plodded down the cobblestone street after her friends, she noticed, within the group of bobbing heads and hats, that Bec, too, had decided to accompany them.

Knitting her brows together in determination, Anne pushed her way towards him and caught his elbow with her hand. "Bec, I didn't realise you would be coming with us."

He turned to glance at her, surprised. "Why not?"

She opened her mouth to respond but hesitated before answering, "I - uh - well...that is...you didn't seem very keen on - um - all of this."

"And what gave you that idea?" he cocked his head questioningly to one side.

Anne swallowed hard. "I - I saw you...walking away...when Barnum was first telling everyone the big news. I - I thought you were upset."

"Upset?" At this, Bec moved his arm out of Anne's reach. "No. I wasn't. I was just - er - disappointed. That's all."

Anne shook her head in confusion. "But why? Shouldn't you be happy for him? It's a big fish he's landed here."

Bec scoffed and shook his head. "Really? A big fish?"

Anne blushed at her choice of words. "Oh. Well. I just meant..."

"Barnum is losing sight of his original vision," Bec cut in shortly. "He wanted to open a show in support of equality, not go parading around town with some fancy-prance singer."

"Sometimes change is good," Anne pointed out.

"Yeah? Well, sometimes, it's not!" he snapped. "You weren't here, alright? You weren't here when Barnum was a poor, mistreated street boy who wanted nothing else but to follow his vision, his dream. This isn't his dream, Anne. But like you could ever understand!"

Stunned at his outburst, Anne slowed her pace and fell back behind Bec.

Trying to push the explosive incident out of her mind, Anne shuffled into the crowded auditorium, determined to enjoy herself to the best of her ability.

As the lights dimmed and the murmur of voices quietened, Anne and the other performers, who had been directed to the standing box up the back of the arena, huddled together in eager anticipation.

If this performance was a hit, their show could sky-rocket off the charts!

It would be a dream come true.

As Barnum stepped out onto the stage, only to be greeted with whispers and pointed fingers, he pulled his shoulders back, adjusted his newly-pressed suit and looked straight at his troop of employees who had come to support and encourage him in his new endeavour.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, "I give to you tonight the greatest entertainment ever renowned by mankind, the sweetest voice ever heard by human ears and the most beautiful and talented singer across Europe - Jenny Lind!"

As the curtains arose and the audience politely clapped to welcome the auburn-haired beauty to the stage, Anne was struck with the serene peace of the moment. Like she had confessed to Phillip earlier, she had never been to the theatre. This was the closest she had ever gotten to revelling in such a wonder of awe and tranquillity.

The orchestra began to play, a melodious, soft strain of tunes, and Jenny opened her mouth to reveal a range of rich, soprano notes - both of which were eagerly received by her huge, vast audience.

"All the shine of a thousand spotlights, all the stars we steal from the nightsky, will never be enough, never be enough."

As the song floated through the cool, dusky atmosphere of the arena, tears of joy pricked Anne's eyes. It felt as if Jenny were speaking straight to her - as if the words were piercing deep within her heart and swirling continuously throughout her mind.

Just then, Anne felt something warm wrap itself around her hand. Glancing down, she saw that Phillip, who was standing beside her, had reached over and enclosed her fingers in his. Looking up at him, she couldn't hold back the smile that played around her lips.

"You said you've never been to the theatre before," he breathed in her ear. "So, how do you feel now?"

Anne let out a small sigh of contentment as she turned back to gaze wonderingly at Jenny. "I - I feel...wonderful."

Satisfied, Phillip moved his head away from hers and fondly squeezed her hand.

It was a beautiful moment, a perfect moment...a moment that, too soon, was ruined.

Anne's eyes flickered from the stage to the onlookers beside her. Her brown orbs, alight with happiness, met the tortured ones of Bec who, having positioned himself right across from her, had seen the entire exchange between herself and Phillip.

Aghast, Anne stared at him, fumbling for words, until he turned and walked away.

"Wait! Bec! Please!" she called out desperately.

Pulling away from Phillip, she sent him a hasty apology before pushing her way through the crowd after the youth donned with thick-rimmed glasses and a simple but presentable array of clothes.

As she rushed to the door, intent on following him outside and explaining what had just occurred, Anne bumped shoulders with someone who had just entered the building via the same entrance she was heading towards.

"Oh god, I am so sorry," she began before looking up and pausing. "W.D? Why are you here? What's wrong?"

W.D let out a half-hiccup, half-sob. "A-Anne," he faltered. "It's Oma."


"She's sick, Anne, very sick. The doctor says that she's going to die. You have to come home."

Gif: Anne and Phillip at the auditorium.

Question of the update: What do you think is wrong with Oma? Why is she sick?


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