Chapter 11

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~~~Danny's POV~~~

I wake up to my mate jumping on my stomach.

"Rise and shine sleepy head." he says. I groan in pain.

"What was that for?" I ask, rolling onto my side.

"I slipped some crushed up sleeping pills into your food last night. We've been trying to get you up for the past fifteen minutes." he tells me.

"Well why would you do something like that?" I ask.

"Face it Danny, if he didn't you wouldn't have gotten any sleep last night." Sam says.

"Yeah but now I'm tired." I complain.

"Just change into your ghost form. Your enhanced healing will probably help get the medicine out of your system." Tucker suggests.

I decide to give it a try. It works a little, but I decided to try my ghost king form since it has the crown of fire and ring of rage to amplify the effects. A green ring forms around me and parts. Instead of my normal Phantom costume, I am wearing a long black cape, with a neon green trim, and the clasp to keep it on has my white DP symbol. I have on a black suit-like outfit, but more fit for royalty. The crown of fire and ring of rage are there, and I feel all the drowsiness leave my body quickly. I revert back to human form with a smile on my face.

"Looks like it works." I tell them. "Let's go make breakfast."

We walk down stairs and start making breakfast. We start talking in ancient greek about all of the improvements we have made, and are making to the GZ. We have music on and we are throwing utensils around to each other, not even looking. Since I became king, we have only grown closer. Because of this, we are completely comfortable in clothes that show our muscles and scars. Sam and Tucker don't have as many as the rest of us, but they still have some. We are all heavily trained in battle, and have gone on several missions for the GZ to get criminal groups under control.

"I think the process of getting ghosts organized into towns and sub kingdoms is starting to progress. I talked to Dora the other day, and she said that the new farming community that we put up near her kingdom is doing really well. They started trade between the two." Sam says.

"Desire has been doing well with the kingdom we gave her. The ghosts living there seem to really enjoy having her as their queen. I went by, and they have been creating shops and the currency we provided them with has increased as they started to trade with other towns and kingdoms." Val says.

"I was thinking we could get some public transportation set up. Not only would that create more jobs, but ghosts could travel long distances without lugging around large amounts of luggage." I say.

"Oh! And we could set up hotels in all the towns." Andy adds excitedly.

"That's a great idea, and then-" Sam is cut off by someone clearing their throat. Immediately, Andy, who is the closest person to the knife holder, tosses us each one and we crouch down into a fighting position.

~~~Line Break~~~

Lancer's POV

I arrive with the class about a half hour early. We can hear voices inside, but can't make out what being said over the music. I knock on the door and wait a minute. I knock again. This time, Jasmine opens the door a few seconds later.

"Sorry Mr. Lancer, I could barely hear you over the music and talking. Come on in." She says moving aside to grant us entry.

"Thank you." I tell her as we walk in.

I decide to follow the noise and find a sight that I never thought I would see. Utensils are flying through the air at blinding speeds, but the children are catching them, using them, then tossing them and repeating the process. They are all talking in what sounds like greek, but I only recognise a few of the words even though I am fluent in greek. After a few minutes of us standing there, gaping at the scene before us, Jasmine walks in and clears her throat.

When she does, one of them throws a bunch of knives at the others, and they catch them. Then, the group of mysterious group of teens drop into battle ready positions like seasoned warriors. After realising it was only us, they try to look normal.

"H-how long have you guys been standing there?" Daniel asks.

"Long enough for you to realize you need to finish getting ready so we can go." Jazz says.

"Um, children? Where are your parents?" I ask.

"Hold on, I'll get them." Danny says throwing his knife back at Andrew who catches it like a pro and puts it away. He goes to a door off to the side and opens it. I hear the noise of machines and tools running. "Maddie! Jack! The class is here early and want to know where you are!" He yells.

The noises stop and we people stomping up the steps. I am slightly confused by the fact that he called them by name. If I remember correctly, when they came to talk to the class about the field trip, he called them mom and dad, although it did sound a bit forced. I am even more confused that when they come up, they are smiling like they weren't even affected by their sons blatant use of their first names.

"How nice to see you. It's a good thing you're early. We had a few safety precautions that we forgot to go over. Why don't we gather in the living room. You kids can bring your breakfast. I know you have all been told before, but it never hurts to have a refresher." Maddie leads us to the living room, Jack, Jasmine, and the mysterious group following behind.

I notice that as soon as Maddie and Jack got here, not only did Danny and Andrew tense up more than the others, but the others moved in between the two so as to keep them from being all over each other like they are in class. I have a feeling that the Fentons are unaware of their sons relationship with Andrew.

When the children finish eating, they head upstairs. We hear music again, along with voices speaking in english this time. The music stops, then someone speaks loud enough for us to understand what they are saying.

"Get a room!" Tucker yells.

"Tucker! Give that here!" Danny yells.

"Come on Tuck. You know you can't beat us." Andrew says.

"Sam, what are you doing? Sam? Sam!" Tucker seems to have done something to cause the others, probably mainly Danny and Andrew considering the comment about getting a room, to be angry. "No! Darla! Give her back!"

"There. The picture is deleted." Andrew says.

"They didn't hurt you did they baby? Daddy's so sorry. I'll keep you away from those mean people." I hear Tucker coo.

The music starts back up again. Twenty minutes later, we hear Valerie yell, "Crap! We were supposed to be done five minutes ago!" followed by the sound of stomping feet. The music stops, and five teenagers walk down the stairs in matching outfits, consisting of black pants that seem flexible, but casual at the same time, black hoodies with the Danny Phantom symbol on it, a camping pack on their backs, and a duffle bag slung over their shoulders. Both girls have their hoods up, and they are all wearing matching black combat boots.

"Daniel James Fenton! What do you think you are doing wearing something supportive of a ghost?!" Maddie yells.

He looks at her dead in the eyes, and walks into the kitchen without a word. Some of the students whistle at how he boldly ignored what his mother said. Most people wouldn't be brave enough to stand up to their parents like that. I know I wouldn't.

~~~Line Break~~~

Danny's POV

I know that nothing is going to change her mind, so I go with outright ignoring her question. It serves her right for making baseless assumptions on a species of people she hasn't even bothered to truly understand. I don't have to look back to know that my friends are following me along with Jazz. I hand her her hoodie and she puts it on. She too, has a camping pack and a duffle bag full of things that she thought we might forget.

We put our stuff in the back of what appears to be the speeder bus. We all get in, sitting in the clear back. Andy and I make sure to get behind another set of seats so that we can still sit together and not worry about the Fentons seeing us together. It wouldn't matter if it weren't for the fact that they don't like gay people, and Andy is staying in our house. Even if they didn't mind us being together, they would probably make him move out.

When the rest of the class loads onto the bus, Maddie takes control, and the speeder hums to life. It starts to float ever so slightly and slowly moves forward, towards the gaping hole in the wall with swirling green at its center. When we pass through the green vortex, I find myself relaxing slightly from the familiarity of the comforting green atmosphere. I close my eyes as Andy's hand slips into mine.

"Mr. Fenton, what are all those doors for?" Mikey asks after twenty minutes. The shock of first entering the zone willingly finally wearing off.

"Well my boy, I'm not entirely sure. You see, we theorize, that the time when Pariah Dark took Amity hostage in the ghost zone, was actually him just making the sky look like the zone. Which would mean that we've never been here before." He told them in his overly loud voice.

At that, there is a collective "What!" throughout the speeder, before everyone but team phantom starts to panic. After five minutes of this, I sense an unfriendly presence approaching quickly. My eyes shoot open and I jump up. Team phantom takes this as their que and gets to work. Jazz runs to the front, and moves Maddie out of the way, taking control of the speeder. Sam follows close behind her in order to make an announcement. Tucker goes to the defenses and starts to prepare the weapons. Valerie and Andrew go down the aisle making sure everyone is seated and properly buckled in. I go to the front and make it look like I am keeping myself busy while I put up a ghost shield.

"Attention! There is a malevolent ghost approaching quickly. Please be cooperative with those who are checking your seatbelts. Please stay seated and calm. As of now, things are under control." I hear Sam say over the intercom system. Soon, everyone but myself is seated and buckled.

"Danny you need to sit down if we get attacked-" Jazz never finishes her statement as we are shot at and start to lose altitude, if you can even call it that in a place that has no top or bottom. I Jazz starts to aim us towards a piece of floating rock or path, but I don't know which one because I am flung into the back of the speeder due to the speed we are falling. The last thing I hear before everything goes black is several people shouting my name.

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