Chapter 12

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Danny's POV

Pain fills my head and I reach for it in a useless attempt to ease it. I feel a hand on my back, helping me to sit up. I open my eyes to see the worried ones of my mate. He hugs me when he realizes that I will be fine and we stay like that for a long while.

"The Fenton's won't let anyone leave. They don't think the air is breathable outside. I love you and I know you're still in pain, but we need to get out of here. Whoever shot us down can't be too far away." He tells me in esperanto.

I nod my head, which is already starting to heal. He helps me stand up and leads me to the front where the adults are trying to keep everyone calm. Team phantom acknowledges the move as us taking control and moves to join us.

"Everybody shut the hell up!" I yell. I get a lot of strange looks, but I have their attention, and that is what's important. "I know you guys don't like me or my friends very much, but right now, we are your only hope of getting out of here. The truth is, we've all been in the ghost zone before, and we know our way out."

"What do you mean you've been to the ghost zone before?! That's dangerous! You could have been killed son!" Jack says. I glare at him for the son comment.

"And we nearly were several times. But now, we are familiar with the zone and the ghosts that inhabit it. Some, like you believe, are malevolent and cruel; however, most of them simply wish to be left alone by humans who want to hunt them, and remain here in the GZ. We have made friends with some of these ghosts, including Phantom, and we have come prepared to lead you to Phantom's Keep, where we will find a portal waiting for our use." I tell them.

"Danny, you can't let them fool you. There is no such thing as a nice ghost. I forbid you to see these ghost friends again." Maddie says.

"Well it's a good thing you aren't my boss then isn't it." I tell her.

"Don't you dare talk back to me young man. I am your mother and you will do as I say."

"No. You don't know anything about me because you decided you would rather study ghosts. You didn't even do a good job at that considering you obviously don't know anything about ghosts. I've gotten close to them, spent time with them, observed how they act in their own dimension, and all you two can think to do is find ways to kill them. You should be ashamed of yourselves as both parents, and scientists. Now shut your mouths and do as we say, or die trying to do it your way."

The whole bus is silent. Everyone holds their breaths while they see what Maddie's reaction will be. Everyone is surprised when it's Jack who makes the first move instead of his now, red faced wife.

"I trust you Danny-boy. Just tell me what you need me to do, and I will. I won't shoot at any ghosts until you give the okay. I've always wondered what would happen if we didn't shoot at a ghost as soon as we saw one. I guess this trip will be an interesting one." he says, his usual goofy smile back on his face. I smile back at him.

"Thanks Jack. Now, you should all know that the air in the ghost zone is perfectly breathable. When Pariah took over Amity, he really did bring us here. This dimension is connected to earth. If a ghost can come to earth and be fine, we can come here and be fine."

We grab our things and pull out the clothes we got the girls.

"Put these on." Sam orders throwing the clothes and shoes to the girls.

"Why would we want to wear something like that?" Paulina hisses.

"Because we will be walking for a long time, and the shoes will keep your feet from hurting too bad and the clothes will keep you from getting cold. We have jackets for everyone. The air here is livable, but it is colder than earth." Sam tells her.

Hesitantly, the a-listers all pick up the things they need. The nerds are next and they gratefully thank us for thinking ahead.

We start walking and nobody says anything for at least an hour, when we finally get a complaint.

"My feet hurt!" Paulina whines.

"Too bad. We don't have the time to take a break every hour just so you can rest your feet. We'll take a break for lunch and dinner. Then we will walk until we find a good place to camp out." Valerie says. Unfortunately, Paulina's outburst broke the silence enough to get others talking as well.

"You really are a freak Fenturd. First, you have ghost hunters for parents, then your a gay, and now you hang around with ghosts. How weird can you get?"

"Excuse you, but my son is not, nor will he ever be, gay." Maddie says indignantly.

"Mads, did you really not catch on that he and Andrew were dating? I mean sure they tried to hide it but the way they look at each other is unmistakable." Jack says. I can't believe I'm saying this, but out of all my living parents, he just became my favorite. If he really cared if we were together he would have done something to stop it. I can't help but smile at him.

"Don't be ridiculous Jack. We raised Danny to be a proper man who would never stoop so low as to date a boy. It's just wrong. Right Danny?" I scowl at her.

"You do realize that the man who isn't even my real father is more accepting of me than you right?" She looks at me confused so I decide to spell it out for her. "I'm gay. Andy and I have been dating for several months now." I say it slowly like I'm talking to a child.

She looks at me with horror and I just keep walking. The class falls silent again. I feel a hand intertwine with mine and I don't even have to look to know that team phantom has moved to its more natural position. Andy and I in the middle, Tucker and Valerie to our left, and Sam and Jazz to our right.

I can feel the anger along with a small amount of guilt rolling off of Maddie and I decide to feed off the guilt side. Ever since I became king, I gained the ability to feed on people's emotions like Spectra, only, I can pick and choose which emotions I feed off of. I can even feed on good ones. I decide to feed off guilt, because I would really rather not deal with an angry Maddie in the GZ. Besides, I think it would be good for her to feel a little less self absorbed for a little while.

I smile as her emotions become less angry and more guilty. What's even better is that it makes me feel more energized. I feel Andy squeeze my hand a little and chuckle. I squeeze back.

"I love you so much. And you're right. It would do Maddie some good if her head went down a few sizes. It's like we're getting a ride in a hot air balloon instead of walking forty miles." He says in Spanish. I laugh really hard and I'm surprised to hear Paulina laugh as well.

"What you didn't really think I'm that stupid do you? My native language is Spanish. I would hope I knew how to speak it."

"I think I'm more surprised that you're talking to us." Tucker says from next to me.

"You know I really only act shallow because I want to stay popular right? I'm a lot smarter than I lead people to believe. In elementary school they wanted to move me up two grades. And honestly, I think it's great that you two are so open about your relationship. But if you tell anyone I told you guys this, you will regret it." We look at each other surprised.

"What just happened? I didn't understand any of that." Nathan says.

"Don't worry about it. We just know to take Spanish off the list of languages we can speak around you guys." Sam says.

"You say that like you all know more than three languages." Mikey interjects.

"I know eight, Tucker knows seven, Sam nine, Jazz twelve, and those two know more than we can count." Val answers.

"I think I would know if my son with c average grades new more languages than his genius sister." Maddie says. This time it's Jazz's turn.

"Danny is smarter than me." She says calmly.

"Jazz-" Danny is cut off by his sister.

"No Danny. Secrets are obviously going to come out on this trip, I think you deserve at least a little credit."

"You don't mean-"

"No. Those are yours to tell. The truth is that my little brother pretends like he doesn't understand things. Ever since Andrew started helping him, he has been far smarter than most people, including you and me."

"Danny, is that true? Have you been faking like you're bad in school all this time?" Jack asks.

"Yeah, so what if I am."

"Why didn't you let us know we could have gotten you in higher classes. You could have graduated early. You could get into a good college." Maddie says.

"I'm not going to college. As soon as I graduate high school, I'm out of this place for good. The five of us are going somewhere none of you will find us, and we will only keep in contact with Jazz." I can't help but get angry.

The only thing they see when they see someone who is smart, is a new scientist. Someone who will find new ways of killing ghosts. The only reason Jazz got out of it was by pretending to be bad at science.

We walk for two more hours before I decide it's time for lunch. Sensing my decision, my mate drops my hand in favor of cupping his around his mouth.

"Alright guys, we're going stop for an hour for lunch." Everyone drops to the ground groaning.

"We forgot to bring the food!" Maddie yells panicked, which, in turn, causes the others to panic.

"Everyone calm down! We brought food. I need everyone to line up. In order to get yours, you need to write your name in print on the paper. Tucker will be watching to make sure you put your own. Everyone gets one sandwich, one granola bar, one snack item, and one bottle of water. Sam and Val will be watching those."

It's not much longer before everyone is seated in their own social groups talking. I however, am lying my head on Andy's lap, eyes closed, but very much aware of my surroundings. Just not the conversation my friends are having.

"-anny. Earth to Danny!" Sam yells in my ear causing me to jump out of my skin, form an ice dagger, and aim it at her.

"Oh, sorry Sam. I was scanning the area. We still don't know who shot us down. Obviously they didn't have intentions to kill us or they would have made sure we died. If that's the case, what did they want?" I tell them in Japanese. They all nod their heads and we start brainstorming.

"What if it was just a rebel ghost trying to get revenge for stopping his friends?" Tucker suggests.

"But don't you think they would try to finish the job?" I ask.

"Well it's not like you execute any of the rebels that are captured." Jazz points out.

"Yeah but we still are stopping the rebellion." Val adds.

"What if they are trying to reveal your secret?" Sam questions.

"Okay, that seems logical but who would want to reveal that I'm Danny Phantom?"

"I'll give you one guess." Jazz says. Unfortunately, I don't get it. I give her a confused look. "Your father." She tells me.

"That bastard!" My outburst draws attention and I decide to change the subject. "So how about that weather we're having?" This prompts many laughs throughout the whole class. That is, all but the Fenton's and Mikey. I wonder what his problem is.

~~~Line Break~~~

Mikey's POV

I'm sitting next to Nathan, eating my sandwich quietly, when I hear Sam trying to get Danny's attention. I look over to see him holding what looks like a dagger made out of crystal to her neck. He realizes it's her, and puts it down. Then he starts speaking in Japanese, which I only know because I am really into anime and so I took five years of Japanese and I am very fluent in it.

"Oh, sorry Sam. I was scanning the area. We still don't know who shot us down. Obviously they didn't have intentions to kill us or they would have made sure we died. If that's the case, what did they want?" He wonders out loud.

"What if it was just a rebel ghost trying to get revenge for stopping his friends?" Tucker suggests. I wonder what they mean by rebel.

"But don't you think they would try to finish the job?" Danny says making me slightly nervous.

"Well it's not like you execute any of the rebels that are captured." Jazz points out. This confuses me even more. Why would Danny be allowed to kill someone. Why would he need to anyway.

"Yeah but we still are stopping the rebellion." Val adds.

"What if they are trying to reveal your secret?" Sam questions. Now things are getting interesting. I might be the first one to find out the truth about the mysterious group. It took me a while to figure it out, but the group seems to revolve around Danny, which means this could be it. The reason they keep to themselves. Why they seem so tense when talking to other people, and all the weird stuff that happens around them; I'm about to figure it out.

"Okay, that seems logical but who would want to reveal that I'm Danny Phantom?" Danny says. I almost don't believe it, but it makes sense. That's the missing piece to every puzzle surrounding the group.

"I'll give you one guess." Jazz says. He doesn't say anything, but looks at her like he' waiting for her to explain. "Your father." She says. I'm confused by that since Mr. Fenton was in the bus with us the whole time. Then I remember his earlier comment about someone who wasn't even his real father noticing that he was gay when Mrs. Fenton didn't. He had been talking about Mr. Fenton. But who is his father then?

"That bastard!" Danny yells. Everyone looks at him so he does the first thing that comes to his mind. "So how about that weather we're having?" Everyone laughs but the Fenton's and I. I decide I will confront the group when we get home.

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