Chapter |21|

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One more chappy before the sports festival arc

It's in multiple parts tho cuz I got a lil carried away 💀


If u see any mistakes pls let me know kthx 💀💀

Enjoy :D


Muffin: good news guys!! I asked Yamada and he said we could have a sleepover at his house :D


Father: that is wonderful news! I'm sure this will be a great bonding experience!

Mother: I'm excited! Speaking of excitement, are you all ready for the sports festival coming up?

ZuZu: I'm a little nervous, but also excited!

Sharkyboii: I'm pumped! It's gonna be so MANLY!

Muffin: :D I'm still confused a bit on what we're gonna be doing but it sounds fun!

ZuZu: I'll explain more about it during lunch tomorrow Danny Kun :)

AlienQueen: but I thought it was our Danny Day :(

UravityEET: Didn't you guys get him Friday though?

Tapeyboii: No that was you guys I'm p sure

AngryBoom: we're not fucking arguing about this stupid fucking thing again, I'm not sitting through another damn yelling match between you fuckheads again on who Discount Casper sits with during lunch

Pikachu: Iida pull out the schedule

Father: it appears that Danny sits with us tomorrow

Muffin: I'm confused :(

Pikachu: shit guys we weren't supposed to talk about custody with the child Present

Mother: somebody changes the subject quick

Sharkyboii: Hey bro have you ever had chocolate muffins?

Muffin: ??? There are more types of muffins ???


Danny put down his phone and threw it on his bed as he got up. As much as that revelation had shocked him, he couldn't get his mind off of the sports festival. If it was being broadcasted, would his parents be able to watch it? Would Vlad?

Ever since he started going out at Amity Parks' favorite vigilante, all he's ever heard his parents talk about was how much they wanted to rip his hero persona apart molecule by molecule. Danny's seen their lab; they weren't exaggerating.

Would they force him to go back with them to amity park so they could experiment on him? As much as Aizawa is trying, he still doesn't have full custody of him. Would he be able to prevent his parents from taking him if they have the right to?

He walked out of his room, still deep in thought. He didn't realize where he was heading until he ran straight into the wall in front of his bedroom door. Aizawa looked at him from where he was cooking dinner, a 'wtf' look on his face.

"..did you stay up all night watching that depressing anime again?" He asked with a stern eyebrow.

"No! I'm on an emotional break at the moment" Danny replied as he rubbed his face from the wall's abuse.

Besides, 'given' was not just a depressing anime it was art.

Art that made him sob his eyes out all night-

Anyways! Back to the issue at hand. Aizawa was now suspicious.

"Mmhmm, during this emotional break of yours, are you worried about the fact that the sports festival is going to be broadcasted?" Danny really shouldn't have been surprised at the fact that Aizawa knew what he was worried about.

But seriously; how the hell did Aizawa know?

"I know because I know my kid" Aizawa spoke as if he read Danny's thoughts.
"And no, I did not read your thoughts. You mumbled that out loud, you've been spending a lot of time with problem child #1, I can tell" Aizawa quickly finished up making dinner before setting it down at the table.

"...yeah I'm worried about the sports festival being broadcasted, it's just, will my parents or Vlad be able to watch from America..?" Danny asked, poking his rice with his fork. He still has no idea how to use chopsticks, no matter how many times Aizawa, Nemuri, or Yamada tried teaching him.

"The broadcast is only shown in a limited number of areas, Amity Park isn't one of those areas, even if it were, there's nothing those pieces of shit would be able to do to you. Not without them going through me first" Aizawa's speech made him relax enough to feel like eating something without throwing up afterward. He gave him a smile, which he returned with one of his own. Danny took a bite of rice but immediately choked when Aizawa asked his next question.

"So whose Vlad? Is he the creepy uncle you were talking about the other day?" Aizawa tried to sound nonchalant but he couldn't help but add a bit of edginess to his tone. He didn't like Vlad, nor how uncomfortable he seemed to make his kid whenever he brought him up.

He smacked Danny's back as he began to choke on his rice. Once he was back to breathing normally, he avoided Aizawa's gaze.
"Um.. he's nobody really" Danny spoke fast and refused to meet his dads' eyes.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow. He didn't want to pressure the kid to tell him, but he didn't want his kid to be in danger without him knowing what the danger was.
"Kid? Whose Vlad?" He needed to know what he did to his kid to make him that nervous.

Danny sighed in defeat before finally meeting Aizawa's face.
"He's.. he's a friend of my parents who lost his quirk during a lab accident. I thought I finally found someone who I could trust, who I could confide in without hurting me. He seemed normal at first, just starting by asking regular questions about my quirk. But when he learned how I got it, he... changed.." Danny trailed off.


"He began obsessing over me and my quirk. He even went as far as trying to recreate the accident. When that didn't work he went even crazier and invited my parents over to his mansion. He forced them to take me as well, and when I got there everything was okay. Then at night, he lured me down to his lab and tried to dissect me" Danny spoke fast during the ending. He held up some rice.
"want some rice?" he asked, trying to change the subject.

"what?" Aizawa asked through gritted teeth, a dark aura surrounding his father figure.

He immediately calmed down when Danny flinched back a bit, never having seen his dad that pissed off before. His heart clenched a bit at the sudden fear-stricken look that flashed across his kid's face.

"I'm sorry bud- I'm just angry, you deserve so much more. You didn't deserve to raise yourself, you deserved good parents, good people to look up to and protect you and help you grow-" Aizawa was interrupted by a small form tackling him in a hug.

"And I have all that now," Danny said, smiling at his dad. Aizawa choked back his tears at that and quickly returned the hug.

The two stayed there for a few minutes until they had to stop pebbles from eating all of their dinners.



Some comfort before the h u r t-

I mean what? Haha- 🏃🏼‍♀️


Tis all,

Good day

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