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9 months later

Ming's pov

Today is my day off so I just laying alone on the couch while watching Kit put our baby to her day sleep. How can my grumpy..stubborn and cute little kitty can be a mom to my daughter. Well at least he being so cute to our daughter*sobs* . By the way,The answer is easy guys. Because we choose what will happen in our life. And I choose this grumpy and stubborn guy to spend my life with. And I happy with my desicion*proud face*.

"Ming.." I smile and look at him when he called and walked toward me. He slowly crawl and leaned his head on my chest with his hand around my waist.
"I'm so tired..can I sleep for a while..Wake me up when Lydia woke up okay.." I nodded and kiss his forehead.

"Just sleep baby..I know you are tired.."

"Well..its your *yawn* fault.." Kit snuggle under my armpit. I know its weird but he love to do that.. So I just let him sleep like that.

After 30 minute Kit sleep our precious daughter woke up and she start crying. I don't to wake up Kit , so I care fully places his head on the pillow and walked to Lydia. I lifted her up and walked to the balcony.

She stop crying when the wind touch his face. I kissed her cheeks and she start to giggle. She grab my hair and pulling it slowly. Then she grab my bracelet and want to put it in his mouth.

"Hey..stop it little girl.. You can't eat this..Lets go and grab you toys. Beside you need to sleep more. Look at your mommy..He so tired. So you need to sleep more so mommy can do something else when he wake up.." I slowly hold my baby in my arm and start bouncing my body just like what Kit do.

And wallahhh! She fall asleep in just 10 minute. I'm such a great dad. I put her back in her bed and walked down to the kitchen.

Well..well..I don't know how to cook but let just try make something Ming..So Kit can relax. I look in the fridge and smile. I know lets cook pasta today.

Brocolini Pasta Salad.

Sound delicious.. Let do it Ming..I grab all the ingredient from the fridge . And look back at my tablet.


After 1 hour I finally done with cooking.. Its not that hard actually.. Now I know why Kit love to cook. I even remember he ask me to eat all day when he pregnant. All he do just cook until he bored. My cute Kitty..

I was washing the pan and stuff that I use to cook when suddenly Kit walked down with Lydia in his arm.

"What are you doing Ming baby?" He sit on the chair at kitchen counter and look at me.

"I cook something for you ..Tadaaa!" I open the lid and show him the food that I made.

He look at me and furrowed his brow then smile.

"Thank you my handsome hubby.." He said then get up and kiss my lips.

"You know..we need to give Lydia another siblings .." I raised my brow and he smack my shoulder.

"Shut up..!" He walked away while humming a song to our daughter.

"Wait..I just don't want our daughter to feel alone..Don't be cruel naa Kitkat.." But he just dissapear. Tch..I keep washing the stuff then ,I walked to find Kitkat.

I stepped inside the room and saw Lydia in her bed sleeping peacefully but Kit is sitting alone on the couch at the balcony. I slowly walked want to surprise him. But I stop when I heard he cry..

"Aww baby... why are you crying??" I sit beside him and pulled his shoulder ..and he burried his face  on my neck.

"You said that I'm a cruel mom.." He said in his tears.

"You know thats not what I mean. I'm sorry okay.. You is the perfect mom anf perfect wife ever..Stop crying naa baby.." I rub his back slowly.

"Ermmm Ming..I wanna eat orange cake..."

"Wait naa.." I run to the kitchen and grab the orange cake that Wayo give me last night. But then I remember something. I walked up while smiling . And give Kit the cake. He eat it like his favourite cake.

"Why you keep smiling Ming?" He ask and look at me while smiling and wiggle his brow.

"Baby..today you are so sleepy right? You cry because I said that you cruel right? And you eat orange cake baby..You hate orange cake right?" He nodded to all my question.

But then slowly the smiled on his face dissapear.

"No.no..no.." He stand up and grab something from the drawer and stepped into the bathroom.After a few second........


I knew it..I'm such a great husband..

A/N : why I write all this..haha...tomorrow is an epilogue  about Fortbeam okay guyss...and the finale is our on and only Phayo...😊

I Love You Guyss😊😘😍

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