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Wayo's pov

" you need anything?" P'Pha sit beside me and kiss my forehead. After I've been discharger from the hospital , he never let me do anything..He will do everything from cooking to cleaning. And he work at home. Watching his own hospital and cafe from house. P'Kit can't help him anymore. Because Ming don't let P'Kit work.

"Hey a good girl to mommy okay..Daddy want to cook for your mommy..okay..And your brother will come back from school..he will play with you okay.." I smile when P'Pha is talking with Linda...Linda Kongthanin..
(*Shoutout to  PhaLindaYo Thanks for the name.😊😂)

"Oh yaa P'Pha ..P'Forth and Ming said they will come this afternoon. Do you want me to help you cook for them?" I look at ny husband while smiling.

"No baby..just stay here..I'll cook a few thing...and order the half." I nodded my head and lifted up my baby girl and walked to the living room with P'Pha that bring his daughter baby bed.

"Thank you sweetheart.." I said.

"Most welcome sweet pie.." He kissed my lips then walked tp the kitchen after put down the baby bed. I carefully put my baby down and  and put him give her the pacifier. To make her fall asleep.

In approximately 5 minute she fall asleep. I take the pacifier out and cover her with a blanket carefully.. Put the cushion beside her and laying beside her. And without I realize I fall asleep too.


"Mommy...Mommy..wake up.."  I open my eyes slowly when I heard Cooper voice..

"My baby is home already.." I sit up slowly and kiss my son cheeks. Then look at Linda that still sleeping . Cooper smile and kiss his sister cheeks. Then leaned and kiss my cheeks..

"Do you forget you daddy now?" P'Pha come out from the kitchen wearing a short and an apron. As always he not wearing his shirt. He said its hot. But actually he doesn't know that he is as hot as the weather.

"No I don't forget my daddy.." Cooper run into P'Pha embrace and kiss his dad cheeks.

"Sweet pie.. I almost done cooking..Just wait a bit okay Cooper. Uncles and babies will come today.." P'Pha raised his brow and kiss my lips.

"Yeayy...I miss uncles and babies. I will go and shower now mommy, daddy..I can't smell bad. Bye Linny.." Cooper sprint up to his room. I just smile look at my son. He just like his dad.


"Uncles...I miss you so much.." Cooper run and stand infront of the other as soon as their leg stepped into my house.

"Hey there Cooper .." P'Forth ruffles his hair and sit on the couch while holding a baby bag. P'Beam just smile and holding his son.

"I think that Tae want to play baby.. Let just put him beside Linda." P'Beam said then ask P'Forth to take his baby bed from the car.

"Be a good boy okay Tae sweety.." P'Beam kiss his son then put him beside Linda. The babies giggle when Cooper play with them.

"Heyaaaa....Friend..Your friend is arrived.." Yups thats Ming..Everyone can hear his voice. Then I hear a baby cry.

"He will get it again today..." Forth said and rolloed his eyes. We all know what P'Forth mean.

"How many time do I have to tell you..Stop being too loud when you is holding Lydia!" P'Kit pulled Ming ear and take Lydia from his arm.

"Auu baby...I just excited..I'm sorry naa..Lyd please stop crying..Look what mommy do..Please stop naa.." And like a magic Lydia stop crying. Ming placed his arm on P'Kit shoulder then walked toward us.

Not like P'Forth..Like I said Ming is a stupid dad ever.

"Ming..wheres the baby bag and bed?"

I laugh when he open his mouth in 'o' shape then run out . P'Kit slapped his own forehead and shake his head.

"Why I decide to marry a stupid man.." P'Kit whined and look at P'Beam and I..

"I told you friend is stupid.." I chuckled slowly.

"Mommy is so sorry .. about your daddy..But he I still love him.."

"I love you naa Kitty.." Ming show up holding a baby bag and a hello kitty bed.

"Dinner is ready!" P'Pha suddenly scream from the kitchen..

Tae..Linda and Lydia start to cry.. due to my husband beautiful voice. Ming and P'Forth lifted their arm in the air.


"Aii bahh...!"

"She just done crying you stupid Phana..!"

We three scream in union at my husband. Yes I forget he is stupid too.. Oh my god..

But I love you naa Phana Kongthanin..


A/N: One question guyss..should I do an epilogue or not??

I Love You Guyss😘

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