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A/N: I know I kinda crazy because I just finish and now continue with a new books. But I just love doing this.. And I hope you who read it right now..Is always happy... And enjoy the read...😊


Wayo's pov

I sit on the chair watching Ming, P'Kit , P'Forth and P'Pha playing badminton. P'Beam is at the kitchen getting the snack and the drink. This few day I always throw up. I don't know why.. And I don't tell P'Pha that.. I don't want him to get worried.

"My dear space out again don't you." P'Beam slap lightly my shoulder make me smile brightly at him.

"Oii Beam...I saw you slap my wife shoulder...!" P'Beam just ignore P'Pha and sit beside me..

"Pha..don't you dare to shout at my wife.." P'Forth sudden smash hit right on P'Pha stomach. P'Kit rush toward P'Pha.. He just overeacting again..

"Auu...auch... I need my medicine... Its hurt so much..Wa...wayo..." I sighed then walked toward him.

"P'Pha khrubb... I love you.." And I kiss his lips..

"I'm feeling great already.. Thank you naa... Forth...lets do this again.." He stood up and hold his racket.

Everyone just look at him in disbelief.. Yups thats my P'Pha..He keep acting weird this day.. He always ask me to do a lot of weird thing.

"What a drama King you Pha .I can't believe how Wayo can stand you..." P'Kit said then wipe Ming sweat.

"And I wonder how Ming can stand you too." P'Pha said then show his tongue to P'Kit. This guy almost 25 years old.. But still act like a kid.

"Wayo... I ask some question to ask you..?" P'Beam suddenly pulled my hand and walked to the kitchen.

"Why P?" I ask while furrowed my brow.

"You always throw up?? Eat a lot?? Sleep a lot?? Feeling touchy?? Being a picky eater?? Hate a certain smell..??"  What a lot of question P..

"Ermm...I guesa Yes to all the question.." I answer him..

"Oh God..Its can't be...Come and meet me at the hospital tomorrow."

"Why?? Whats wrong P?".

"Just come okay.."


"P...I...I..really don't know what to say. I'm..pregnant.." I closed my mouth with my hand then hug P'Beam.

"I'm gonna be an uncle...Pha have to know about this." P'Beam about to take out his phone when I stop him.

"P..I will tell him myself. Please don't tell him anything okay P?.."  I hold P'Beam hand then smiled widely.

"Okay..My nong Wayo khrub.." He pinch my cheeks.


On the way back from the hospital I keep rubbing my stomach slowly.. I know P'Pha has a photoshoot today.. So I decide to go to the location where he doing his works. As  a doctor and a a models I know he always busy.

Phana's Pov

"Pha~… what are you doing..?" That voice belong to Sprite the models who work with me.

"Auu..Sprite... What are you doing here..?" I cover my half naked body with a shirt.

"You know that..I actually like you.. And...Pha..." She try to kissed me but I manage to avoid her.

"Sprite...please... Stay away from me.. I already told you that I already married.. So please..." I want to walked away but she pulled my hand make me fall onto her and my lips touch his lips. I want to get up but she pulled my head.

I have to pulled her hand and stood up right away. But I just feels like I have been struck by a lightning when I saw Wayo standing at the door and cover his mouth with his hand..and I can see a clear crystal fall from his eyes.

" Wa...Wayo..." I run toward him and hold his shoulder. "Baby..this is just a misunderstanding.. I really..I don't do that..I don't know.."Before I get to finish my word Sprite suddenly talk.

"What do you mean misunderstanding.? Its a really great kiss Pha.. Your kiss skill is the best."

"Shut up!!" I look at her with my red eyes. Not because I want to cry.. But because of my anger.


"Thats it P... Sorry for disturbing you." Wayo pushed my hand and run. I grab my shirt and run to find him. I just ignore the people who call me because I still didn't finish my photoshot.

"Damn it.. Jammed.." I hit my car stereng with my head. I really need to hurry up because I can't let Wayo like that.

Almost 20 minute I finally arrived at home. I open the door and run upstair. But Wayo is not there. Then I saw a note on  the bed . I walked with breath heavily.

P'Pha... I'm sorry but I have to leave.. My heart feels so hurt .. But I promise I will take care of our angel...

Oh my lord...what have I done... I grab my hair slowly... then I run downstair again and jumped into my car.

I need to find him. I called Ming..Kit..Beam ..and Forth..I told them everything.. And decide to meet them.

"Oh god.. Wayo must be so hurt.. He didn't call me." Ming said while placing his hand on his face.

"No..No...we cannot let him alone.. we really can't.." Beam screaming while suddenly stood up make everyone look at him.

"Beam calm down first na..Everyone is worry too.." Forth try to pulled Beam hand .

"No..Pha..we need to find him fast... Wayo told me don't tell anyone..But I have no choice.. We need to find him.."

"What do you mean Beam..??" I stood up beside him and make him look at me.

"Wayo is pregnant Pha..." What Beam said make everyone shocked. Escpecially me. My legs feel numb hearing that...

Wayo is pregnant??... Thats what he mean by the angel in his letter...

"I'll find him Beam." I collect all my energy and stand.. I walked toward my car and just ignore Forth that was calling my name. All I know is I need to find him.. I need my wife back.


Its already been like 5 months I have been looking for him. I quit from being a doctor ..reject any modelling job.. I now already look like a crazy person. I called Wayo name everyday... Look at his picture every second. I didn't cut my hair or shaving.

My friend is the one who look at me ... All I can remember is Wayo.. I tried to move on but I just can't ..I always thinking about Wayo and our angel..  I cry everyday when I look at the chair that he always sit. And Imagine he is beside me.

Yes sometime I talk with him.. Sometime he didn't show up.. I always see him everytime I want to sleep.. And he lost when I open my eyes..

"Beam..look Wayo is so cute." I said when smiling so brightly. But Beam will cry. I wonder why.. Maybe he just feels to happy.

I just look at 'Wayo' running around while laughing..  But then I cry with Beam..Cause I know he is not there...

He is not there......

A/N : I actually plan to do another storyline.. But then I change everything last minute.. Because I just want to try a new idea... 📝

Hoping that you will like it...🙏💗

I'm gonna update twice a weeks..depend on my mood... Beside I'm not in a good condition right now.. my hand is kinda hurt after the accident...😩

But I still hope you will read my new ff..Please leave a comment and a Vote...😘

I really appriciated that...😇 And I love you all..💜

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