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Beam's pov

I look at Phana and sigh. He look so sick right now. He keep calling Wayo name everyday. We all tried hard to find him. But we still don't find him. Its almost 4 years now. Phana hair is almost as long as his waist. He said he will never cut his hair if he don't met Wayo back.

I never thought that my friend will turn like this.. The handsome and cool Phana is gone. Now he look like someone that u will never expected.

"Beam...Its time to eat.. Let Pha sleep..and lets go down." Forth suddenly come and kissed my cheeks. I never leave Phana alone since that day. Kit also come everyday to look at him.

I hug Forth waist then close the door slowly.. I walked down to the kitchen.

"Forth..still doesn't have any news about Wayo.." I ask him . I really can't stand seeing Phana like that.

"Owhh..about that .I actually heard something..Thats Wayo is at Chiang Mai.He working at the pub there." Hearing what Forth said make enlarged my eyes.. He is at Chiang Mai and no one can find him??.

"I have to tell Pha." I stood up but Forth stop me.

"Baby..We still need to confimed it.." Let ask Ming and Kit to go and check if that true Wayo is there.." Forth is right...

I take out my phone and call Kit .. I send him the location from Forth phone and wait anxiously.. I really hope Wayo is there.. And I hope his angel with him too...


Kit's pov

"Ming..this is the place.. They said that today is his day off...So the informer said he always come to this park with his son." I point my finger toward the park. I don't see alot of people today.

I walked with Ming hoping he will be here. After like 10 minute walking around this big park My eyes spotted someone.. Thats him..

I grab Ming hand and run toward him..

"Wa..Wayo..?" I ask him carefully.. He with a cute kid that looks exactly like him right now..

He turn his head and look at me.

"P'Kit...Ming..." He grab that little boy hand and look at both of us..

"Aii stupid.. We have been looking for you like ages.. And here you are.. You such a stupid Wayo." Ming said then punch Wayo shoulder lightly..

"Hey..Don't hit my mommy..." That little boy stood infront of Wayo and hit Ming back with his small hand.

"Its okay sweety.. They is mommy friend. " Wayo lifted that little boy in his arm and kissed his cheeks.

"Wayo..this is..." I ask him hesistanly..

"This is Cooper. Yes P..He is the angel." Wayo said then smiled at us.

"Wayo...actually we come here for a reason.."

"You want me to go back right P..? Don't worry..I'm also planning to go back. But...P..hows P'Pha..?" He look away when he mention Phana name.

" need to see him yourself.. After you leave ..he doesn't look like Phana that we used to know anymore." I said then linked my hand around Ming arm.

"Lets go P..But can I go with you guys.. Cooper hate buses." He said then pinch slowly his son cheeks make that small boy laugh.

He is like Phana..Both hate buses.. I smiled and nodded my head. After we help Wayo pack all his thing.. and help him to resign from his job. And about the house he rent went drive back.

Wayo and Cooper sleep at the back. They both look the same.

After approximately 2 hours..we finally arrived. I already inform to Beam earlier. So he is waiting with Forth infront of the door. As usually he look nervous.

I woke Wayo up. He come out from the car while hloding his son in his arm. Cooper is still sleeping. Ming take out all Wayo stuff and bring it into Phana room.

"P'Forth...P'Beam..." Wayo smiled looked at them . Beam hug Wayo slowly. And Forth just patted his shoulder.

"Wayo..its been a long time... I'm glad you are okay... And this is...??" Beam ask while smiling. His eyes focused on Cooper.

"This is Cooper P...My son.." Wayo smiled then touch his son faces slowly..

"Well...he look like you.." Beam laugh then ask him to go inside the house. He closed the door and bring Wayo to Phana room.


Wayo's pov

I hand Cooper to P'Beam as soon as I see P'Pha.. So look so different..With his long hair..his facial hair. He lost his weight a lot. I sit beside him and call his name slowly..trying to wake him up.

He open his eyes and look at me. Then he smiled.

"Beam..look...Wayo come again today..Didn't I told you he will come." He Smiled and touch my face. "Beam...I can touch him today..." he laugh and cry. "I miss you Wayo.." he said then burried his face on my shoulder.

"I miss you too P.." I said then cry with him. P'Beam also cry with P'Kit..

" really here???" P'Pha look confused he touch my face a few time and look at me closely...

"Yes..P..I'm here...I won't go again." I said. He hug me tight and crying.."I'm sorry Wayo..I'm sorry...I really miss you...I miss you so much.." He said .

"But P.. I want my Phana back naa...The handsome and stylish Phana...Cooper will get scared if you look like this.. " I caress his face with my thumb.

"Now..let go to the bathroom..And bring my Phana back.." I pulled him to stand up.. He just followed me and not saying anything.. The other just smile look at us.

A/N : Well they really look the same .... if u wonder this boy is a model.  ( ig : @laurencooper0813 )

What do you think about this chapter..I really have to squeeze my mind to write..😂😂😂 and I don't know if you all gonna like it or not..😶

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And I love you always💋❤💗

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