Maybe We Can Make It Work (Cutiepirate fluff)

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Waking with a jolt, Cutiespace found himself bound to a chair with rope. He looked around in a panic, feeling bile rise in his throat as his body reacted to the sway of waves. Swallowing his sickness down, he noticed a few men lounging around. The second he gets out of these ropes, he's going to turn them into Blackrock's newest experiments!

Attempting to yell out, Cutiespace realizes his mouth is taped shut. Growling, he yells muffled nonsense, struggling against the rope. His plan of getting the attention of the guys around worked, as he is soon surrounded by what seemed to be pirates.

"Oi, y'er finally up, lass?" One of them sneers, causing Cutiespace to roll his eye. The supposed pirate approaches, running a cold hook across his cheek, licking his lips. Cutiespace glares at him in disgust.

Another reaches out, pulling the tape off of Cutie's mouth. "Ick! Your breath smells horrendous!" Cutie gags, growling. "Please, learn what toothpaste is. And how DARE you tie me up like this?!" He yells in anger, thrashing against the ropes. His actions cause a few of the surrounding pirates to growl in annoyance.

"Eh? Quiet down now, lass." The first pirate that spoke to him is now bending down to his level, his face only inches away. Cutiespace is unable to hold back another gag as he coughs against the smell. "Y'er at our mercy."

"Release me this INSTANT!" Cutie shrieks in anger. "I am Blackrock's GREATEST scientist, and I DEMAND you to LISTEN TO ME!" His horns glow in anger, the crystal between them starting to spin.

"Aye, what's with all this racket?" A new voice is heard as footsteps approach.

"Capt'n!" The pirate turns around quickly. "Aye, we just found a new... crew memb'r." There's an obvious nervous shake in his voice.

"CREW MEMBER?!" Cutiespace's horns beam in anger. "I am not a CREW MEMBER!" He yells. "I am a HOSTAGE, and I DEMAND you to RELEASE ME!"

"Hostage?" The supposed captain eyes his crew. "Y'er tied up this pretty lass as a hostage?" There's a growl in his voice.

"A-Aye, we thought she'd be a good part of the crew!" Another pirate chimes in.

The captian doesnt reply, but Cutiespace notices his horns glow in displeasure. Stepping over to the feminine demon, he hastily unties him. "Aye, sorry about th's, lassy." He mumbles.

"Finally, someone with manners!" Cutiespace huffs, standing up. "And I'm not a girl!" He brushes his clothes off, crossing his arms.

"Ah, y'er not?" The captain cocks his head. "Y've fooled me."

"No, I'm not! I don't even know how I got here!" He growls. "I'm supposed to be at work right now!" Huffing, he lightly stomps his foot. "One things for sure, you all need HYGIENE!"

"Ah, well, m' names Piratekit, capt'n of this ol' ship." Piratekit introduces himself. "Y'er stuck on m' ship 'till we dock, 'bout t'ree days fr'm now, aye."

"THREE DAYS?!" Cutiespace shouts in disbelief. "My boss is going to KILL me!" He whines, taking a crystal out of his pocket. It glows threateningly. "Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't SINK your STUPID ship!"

"Ahh, calm down, aye!" Piratekit's breath hitches. "If y'e do t'at now, y'er goin' down too!" He quickly grabs Cutiespace's hand with both of his, keeping the scientist's hand clutched around the crystal. The crew standing around quickly runs for cover.

"UGH!" Pulling away, Cutiespace stuffs the crsytal back into his stash, angrily stomping off. He didn't know where he was going, but he angrily went up some stairs, finding himself at the top of the ship, overlooking the sea. Piratekit follows him.

"Aye, at l'ast let me show y'e where y'er can stay." Piratekit stands behind the pink demon who's currently holding onto the edge of the ship, hunched over in seasickness.

"I don't want to STAY here!" Cutiespace turns around, growling. His face is distorted with discomfort as he bites back the bile in his throat. "Why was I taken here?!"

"M' crew always fancies a nice lass aboard." Piratekit reaches to grab Cutiespace's hand, leading him back down the stairs. "Y've never told me y'er name."

"I'm not telling you my name." Cutiespace growls.

Piratekit replies with a sigh, stopping in front of a door and opening it. "Y'e can stay here." He releases Cutie's hand as the pink demon walks in and simply lays down.

"I'm going to sleep. Don't bother me." He growls, getting comfy.

"Aye." The pirate replies simply, closing the door to give Cutie privacy against his crew.

Cutiespace sighs, his tail lashing. When did he even get taken? And why?! Sick freaks must of wanted to take advantage of him.

Rolling onto his back, Cutie checks his pockets, surprised to find his phone still in it. Quickly taking it out, he quickly realized he had no service. Obviously, I'm in the middle of the damn sea. He growls to himself, turning it off and laying it beside him. These three days were going to be long


Cutiespace stayed in his assigned room for the entirety of a day, ignoring anyone that knocked to check on him or offer him food. Feeling hunger gnaw at his stomach, Cutie sighed. He hasn't eaten in days due to being too busy with his Biografts to have time for a meal. He silently regrets his actions. At least with nothing in his stomach, he couldn't vomit from the overwhelming seasickness he had.

Heaving himself out of the uncomfortable bed, Cutiespace pulled his door open just to be met with the face of Piratekit who seemed to be about to knock. "Can I help you?" The pink demon growled.

"Aye, y've been in there for a whole sun rotate, lad. Would y'e fancy a meal?" Piratekit offers a smile. Cutiespace frowns.

"Yes, I'm hungry." He admits. "Your food better be good, or I'm sinking this shit with both of us in it." Cutie growls, crossing his arms.

Piratekit's smile dropped, turning into a small scowl. "Y'e won't be sinking m' ship now." He growls.

"Who says I won't?" Cutiespace challenges with a smirk.

Piratekit scoffs. "Come get y'er food." He growls, turning around and walking off. Cutiespace reluctantly follows him, 'accidentally' knocking a few items such as empty barrels over with his tail. Piratekit ignored his actions.

Reaching the deck of the ship, Cutiespace's stomach clentched at the sight of waves. Piratekit led him over to a few platters of food. "Take what y'e want, lad." Piratekit invites Cutie to eat. Cutie examines the platters of various fish, a few fruits, and bread. He takes a peach. Piratekit was looking at him expectantly.

"What?" Cutie asked before biting into his peach, forcing himself to swallow it as the waves grew rougher. He couldn't hide the sickness on his face.

"That all y'er takin'?" Piratekit asks, "if y'e want, y'e can go down deck." He offers before rolling his eyes, "land-dwell'rs can never take her beauty." The pirate glances over the ocean in admiration.

Cutiespace scoffs, taking another bite of his peach. "Yes, this is all I'm taking. I don't eat a lot." He glanced at the sky, noticing the dark storm clouds rolling in. "Looks like rain." He comments.

Piratekit glances up as well before sighing heavily. He quickly stored the bread and fish in some bags before putting all of the food in seperate barrels. "Storm'll break soon." He nods. "Rough winds been comin' in all sun." Waving over one of his crew members and motioning towards the barrels, the pirate quickly starts to bring them to the lower deck.

"You think it'll be a bad storm?" Cutie asks, a bit worried. He wasn't the fondeset of storms, especially not on a ship which he was abducted by.

"Aye, bad indeed." Piratekit nods. "Dark clouds, rough winds, reckon she'll blow m' barrels off." The green pirate sighs. "Y'e scared of thund'r?"

"Ehh..." Cutiespace's voice trails off awkwardly. He wasn't going to admit his fears. "Can we go back down now? I can't stand these stupid waves and wind." He growls.

"Aye." Piratekit leads the pink demon back down, both of them now sitting at a table that's been bolted down. "How bad's y'er fear?" He asks.

Cutiespace doesn't answer and instead finishes his peach, tossing it in a nearby trash barrel. "Doesn't matter."

A fait rumble of thunder was heard in the distance. Cutiespace noticablly stiffens at this, his tail instinctively wrapping around his leg. He shuts his eyes, not wanting to see the look of amusement on Piratekit's face.

Stiffling a chuckle, Piratekit stood up, reaching and grabbing Cutiespace's hand. The scientist's grip was strong as more thunder was heard in the distance. "Aye, let's get y'e to a better place." Pulling Cutie up, he lead the shaking demon into a room.

The room was spacious, obviously a bedroom for someone of importance. "This's m' room, reckon y'e like it more. Y'e can stay in here, less friction from her waves." The pirate gives a brief explination on why he's brought Cutie into his room.

Cutiespace gave a stiff nod, standing there with his arms wrapped around himself. He hated storms. That's another reason why he thought Blackrock was the best faction, they'd rarely get any storms aside from blizzards! He missed his home.

Piratekit blinked at Cutie's changed demeanor before placing a hand on his back, guiding Cutiespace to the bed. "Lay down, lad." He suggests, basically pushing Cutie down. Cutie silently listens, laying on the bed. He jumps as a loud crack of thunder explodes through the atmosphere. The ship had begun to sway more violently.

Kicking his shoes off, Piratekit walked to the other side of bed, laying down with the frightened demon. Facing Cutie's back, he hesitantly wrapped his arms around the demon's waist, pulling him close so the latter rested his back against his chest.

Cutie said nothing but grabbed one of Piratekit's hands, gripping it between his own. His grip was tight, his claws slightly digging into the pirate's hard skin, pressing himself closer to the demon behind him. "Y'e really hate storms, don't 'cha?" Piratekit comments, earning a nod from Cutiespace. "Y'll be fine, lad. M' beauty don't fall 'part that easily."


"Hm?" Piratekit leans over to look at Cutiespace's face.

"My name is Cutiespace." Cutie finally tells the pirate his name, tears pricking his eyes.

"Fitting, y'e are a cutie." Piratekit lays his head back down, using his free hand to reach up and twirl Cutie's hair with his fingers.

Cutie jumps at the sound of more thunder, quickly rolling over to bury his face into Piratekit's chest, shaking as he does so. Soft whimpers arise in his throat.

Piratekit holds the demon close, pressing his mouth against his forehead. Pulling the blankets over Cutie's shoulders, the pink demon grips the pirate's shirt as if his life depended on it.

As the weather grew worse, Cutiespace had begun to sniffle and softly cry into the pirate's shirt. Piratekit didn't seem to mind as he softly hummed, petting the scientist's head in comfort. With the ship rocking violently, Cutie's shaking grew worse. "Oi, Cutiespace." Piratekit nudges the frightened demon.

Cutie looks up, tears staining his cheeks as he presses himself closer to the body beside him.

"Let's talk 'bout somethin', aye?" Piratekit's goal was to distract Cutiespace from the storm with a simple conversation. "Where y'e from?"

Cutiespace is silent for several moments before sniffling. "Blackrock."


"Yes, Blackrock." His voice is hardly more than a whisper. "Blackrock is the most feared faction in Crossroads, it snows all year round."

"Ehh, snow? Never been a fan of snow. The sea's beauty's captured me whole." Piratekit strokes the scientist's head. "What's it like there?"

"Cruel. Demons from the other factions like to say the cold weather has frozen our hearts. They're not wrong, Blackrock doesn't really care for it's people, but I'm the head scientist there, I'm feared and respecpected. I've created some of Blackrock's greatest inventions, specifically my Cocoagrafts."

"Cocoagrafts?" The conversation has sparked Piratekit's interest.

"Yes, Cocoagrafts." Cutiespace nods. Piratekit's plan of making him talk to calm him down seems to have worked. "My Cocoagrafts are one of my greatest creations, they're killing machines and also fairly helpful with personal tasks."

"..Killing machines?"

"Yes! Blackrock is feared for a reason. We are the most powerful faction, and it will stay that way. If we decided to, we could control all of Crossroads. We're the most advanced faction in every aspect asides from healing."

"Ah." Piratekit seems to be at a loss for words.

"I miss home." Cutiespace sighs. "I miss bossing around Yulaser, phights, my Cocoagrafts..." His voice trails off.

"Who is Yulaser?" Piratekit quickly keeps the conversation going. Cutiespace had recently stopped shaking after all.

"He's a mercernary at Blackrock, he works under me."


"A solider that kills people for money. I can give him any person in Crossroads to kill and he'll shoot 'em down!" Cutiespace chimes. "No one dares to mess with me, they know the power I have over their lives."

Piratekit began to have second thoughts about letting an obvious psychopath into his bed. "Oh."

"I don't target anyone unless they deserve it, I'd rather save my time doing something more valuable." Cutiespace sighs heavily, "I was in the middle of upgrading Cocoagraft's saws! Gods, you all screwed me over." He huffs. "Do you want to see my Cocoagrafts?"

"Y'e got a picture?" Piratekit sits up, Cutiespace following the action.

"Duh!" Cutiespace quickly takes his phone out of his pocket, turning it on and pulling up a picture of him and one of his Cocoagrafts, showing Piratekit.

Piratekit looks more confused than anything. "How?" He looks at the phone, tapping it.

"It's a phone, dummy." Cutiespace giggles. "Maybe you should come back to Blackrock with me so I can teach you basic things!"

"Y'e said there was snow." Piratekit's eyes narrow. "Snow is no good, means frozen water 'n icebergs."

"Oh please! The water around Crossroads doesn't freeze. The water temperature is different than the environment. And snow is BEAUTIFUL, if you don't like it, you're wrong!" Cutie scrolls through some of his pictures. "Look, here's Yulaser!" He shows Piratekit a selfie Cutie took with Yulaser. The mercernary was obviously forced into it.

"..Creepy." Piratekit comments. "Maybe 'll stop by." He nods slowly. "Reckon it won't do no harm."

"Great!" Cutiespace chimes happily, his tail thumping against the bed. "Your little crew can suck my dick and stay on this ass wreck ship, they're not getting into Blackrock." He scoffs.

Piratekit sighs with a smile. "Aye, they've got some shapin' to do." Running his fingers through the scientist's hair, he presses his forehead against the pink demon's. "Y're good company."

"I know, I'm amazing!" Cutiespace chirps, feeling a slight warmth to his cheeks. "I guess you've been alright."

By now, the storm had eased up, yet neither of them noticed. Continuing to talk in the warmth of the other's embrace, the two eased into a blooming friendship. Hopefully this won't hurt them in the near future.


Docking at one of Thieve's Den's many ports, Piratekit steadied the bridge onto the dock, holding his hand out to help Cutiespace cross. Taking his hand with a smile, Cutiespace stepped onto the dock beside him. The pirate had already given orders to his crew, he was free to follow Cutie.

"Finally, home!" Cutiespace chimes. "Well, not yet. This is Thieve's Den, a different faction. We won't run into any problems here even though I'm probably one of the most hated demons in all of Crossroads!" He smiles, grabbing Piratekit's hand and leading him down the docks.

"Ehh, are y'er sure it's a good idea if y're hated?" The pirate sounds nervous.

"Of course it's a good idea! No one would dare lay a claw on me! I'm high status and strong. Any one that even attempts such a thing would be publicly experimented on in Blackrock!" Cutiespace's confidence rose with every step, a brisk pace being set. "Crossroads is a few miles walk, Blackrock even further. Would you rather take the bus?" He asks, looking back at his green companion.

"Bus?" Piratekit cocks his head. "Whatever that 'bus' thing is, I don't want to walk for miles!"

Cutiespage giggles, leading him to a nearby bus stop and sitting down. He has to pull the nervous Piratekit down beside him to sit. "I'm not sure when the next bus is, so we get to wait an unknown amount of time!" Cutiespace kicks his feet, waiting happily. He couldn't wait to go home.

"Aye." Piratekit sighs.

Something catches Cutiespace's eye. "Yulaser!" He shouts, quickly getting up and running to a figure in blue to tackle him into a hug.

"Cutiespace?" Yulaser sounds confused as he stares at the pink demon in front of him. "Where have you been? Blackrock has gone crazy looking for you!" He growls.

"I may or may not have been kidnapped by pirates." He grins.

Yulaser stares at him for several moments. "Uh huh. Right." He obviously doesn't believe the scientist.

"No, really! Come look, I made friends with one!" Grabbing the mercernary's wrist, he pulls Yulaser to the bus stop. "This is Piratekit, he was like, the only nice guy on that damned ship. Can you believe they thought I was a girl?!" Cutiespace sits back down beside the green pirate.

Piratekit is silent with nerves. He offers an awkward half-wave to Yulaser.

"Damn, you really did. You better get back to Blackrock as soon as you can, higher-ups have gone psycho. I think your Cocoas miss you too." Yulaser props his gun against his shoulder.

"Where do you think I'm going?! I'm waiting on the bus!" Cutiespace scoffs. "What time is it? My phone died like yesterday."

Taking out his phone, Yulaser checked the time. "'Bout 4:45. Bus should be here in a few."

"Text one of the bosses for me, tell 'em I'm not missin', would ya?" Cutiespace grabs Piratekit's hand to hold. Yulasers eyes them.

"Yeah, I got you. I gotta go now, I have someone waiting." Taking his leave, Yulaser seems to be texting someone as he walks away.

Cutiespace turns to Piratekit, "so, how you likin' Thieve's Den so far?"

Piratekit lets out a breath he was holding. "I don't think 'm likin' it, Cutie." He admits. "All y'er... fancy weapons 'n bloodshed machines."

Cutiespace giggles. "You scared of a little blood? We're all about phighting here! Although, in phights no one actually dies!"

"Not scared of it, 'm a healer." Piratekit pulls out his own revolver, holding out his hand and shooting it. The bullet is absorbed into his skin with no damage done. "Don't hurt no one, don't like it." He shrugs.

"Oooo, cool!" Cutie beams. A few moments later, a bus pulls up. Cutie quickly stands, grabbing Piratekit's hand as they board the bus, finding a seat near the back. "The bus usually goes to Playground next, then Lost Temple, then we'll be at Blackrock." Cutiespace leans his head on Piratekit's shoulder, getting comfy.

"Aye." Piratekit nods awkwardly. He had no clue what Cutie was talking about.

After what seemed like forever, the pair arrived at Blackrock. Stepping off the bus, Piratekit shivered at the harsh cold while Cutiespace relished in it. "Come on!" Cutie urges, starting to jog ahead. Piratekit had no choice but to follow him in a jog. He hated running.

"Slow down, Cutie!" Piratekit huffed, catching up to the pink demon and grabbhing his hand to slow him.

"I don't want to! I'm almost home, I want to go home!" Cutie growled in response. Despite his protest, he reluctantly slowed, now having a quick walking pace. "I need to get to my lab and check with the higher-ups. I know I have work piled up." He sighs.

"Ehh, I'd hate that. Freedom of the sea's beauty is the only thing 'm worried 'bout." Piratekit feels a pang in his chest, already missing being on the water. Was this how Cutiespace felt about his home?

"I love my job, even though it's a lot of work, I wouldn't have my life any other way!" Cutiespaces chimes.

They soon arrive at a huge building of gray. Piratekit felt intimidated at the size. Cutiespace however bounded happily up to it, taking a badge out of his pocket and scanning at the door. The door opened, Cutie holding it. "Come on! I'll show you my lab!" He urges Piratekit inside, basically running in behind him, leading him through a maze of hallways.

Stopping at a room marked [LAB 001 - CUTIESPACE TRIPMINE], Cutie quickly unlocked it and ran inside. "Finally! How I missed my lab!" He starts to examine everything, making sure nothing had been tampered with. He stopped in front of one of his favorite creations. "Cocoagraft 7X18." His voice was loud and commanding as the Cocoagraft powered on, stepping off of its charger.

"GREETINGS, CREATOR. YOU HAVE 49 UNREAD MESSAGES." Cocoagraft's loud voicebox was like a competition to Cutiespace's.

"49?! This is going to take me all day!" He sighs before turning around to Piratekit. "How long do you plan on staying?"

Piratekit was awkwardly standing there, nervously glancing at all the equipment. "Err, t'ree days." He replies.

"Well, go ahead and get comfy! You're staying here while I work." Cutiespace walks over to grab his hand, leading him to a small couch Cutie had in his lab. He liked to take naps throughout his work at times. "Just let me know if you need anything or if you get bored, I can give you somethin' to do!" He chirps. "Cocoagraft, here." He commands. The Cocoagraft walks over, metal clanking against hthe floor.

Cutiespace sits at his favorite desk of many in his lab, beginning to bark commands at Cocoagraft while powering on his computer. Piratekit watched silently, his nerves soon dropping as he admires the pink scientist. It couldn't have been easy to make an entire robot so advanced.

Standing, Piratekit walks over to the demon, pulling up a chair to sit beside him. He silently watches at Cutie does his work. Cutie was aware of this, but chose not to comment or acknowledge him. "What's that?" Piratekit asks, pointing at a picture of a crystal on his screen.

"That's one of my Poison-S84 crystals. One of my bosses was asking some questions about it since it's fairly new." Cutiespace explains. "Poison-S84 is much like a lethal melatonin. When absorbed into the skin, the victim experiences extreme increases of tthe brain's melatonin production rate, but once they fall asleep, they die peacefully."

"Oh." Piratekit quickly pulls his hand away as if the picture could hurt him.

Cutiespace gigles, "it's just a photo, 'Kit! Can't hurt you. I can show you a real one though!"

"No! 'M good." Piratekit quickly straightens his posture.


After a few hours of working, Cutiespace decided he was done for the day. He had left Piratekit alone in his lab a few times, pleased to come back to the pirate who hadn't even moved an inch. Now they were walking to Cutie's home, only a few minutes down the road from the facility. Stretching his arms, Cutie groaned. "I can't wait to get home and lay in my bed! No offense, but yours are like sleeping on rocks!"

"I like m' bed." Piratekit crosses his arms as they walk. He stays close to the scientist, faintly aware of the stares he was getting from other demons on the street.

"To each their own." Cutiespace shrugs. A few minutes of walking and the pair are entering a house of various shades of gray. Cutie happily unlocked his door, walking in to a pink mess. Nothing made sense in the house. Couches were crooked, rugs were bumpy and in awkward spots, but decorations of cute things like bunnies and Hello Kitty lined almost everything. "I missed my house!" Cutiespace chimes, kicking off his shoes and jumping on one of the three couches he had.

"..Unique." Piratekit comments, following the scientist in and taking off his boots. He sat beside Cutie's feet.

Cutiespace quickly sat up, crawling to beside Piratekit. He then laid back down, his head resting on the pirate's lap. "Why don't you stay here forever?" He asks innocently, looking up at the green demon.

"I could never do that. I enjoy time with you, but I could never give up the sea. She's apart of me, can't live without her." Piratekit replies simply, starting to run his fingers through Cutie's hair. "M' crew needs me. I found 'em all half dead after their previous capt'n died."

"Aw, how sweet!" Cutiespace smiles. "Then how about you visit often? I could position a Cocoagraft outside the docs just for you! Then I'll always know when you arrive!"

Piratekit returns the smile. "I reckon that'll work."

Cutiespace quickly sits up, scooting so he's basically sitting ontop of Piratekit as he hugs him. "Thank you!" He giggles. Despite the two meeting in undesirable conditions and barely knowing each other, neither of them could deny the bond that formed during the storm, nor did they want to break that bond either.

Cutie then moves onto Piratekit's lap, facing him, pressing his forehead against the Pirate's. "Promise you'll visit me?"

Piratekit chuckles as he closes his eyes. "Promise."


Despite only meeting each other for a short period of time, Cutiespace found himself recieveing odd letters at his door. He never seen them be left there, yet every few days, another letter sealed with a wax stamp was on his doorstep.

Every single letter was signed with a cursive P.K and a rough drawing of a bone beside it.

Cutiespace kept every letter. He read them every night.

Now finding another at his door, the scientist quickly grabbed it before unlocking his door, running inside and jumping on the couch to happily open it.

"Dear Cutiespace,

I hope this letter finds you well, as have my previous. My crew's gotten more better behaved. Might be coming back your way by next moon cycle.

Hope to see you soon,

Cutiespace smiled as he read the letter, feeling his heart flutter with joy. Quickly getting up and running to his room, the pink demon carefully closed the letter, placing it in a box stored with his other ones. He had no idea how Piratekit was getting letters to his house, but he was happy either way. He'll dream of seeing that green Pirate tonight.


The author is losing motivation, try helping them

Might be ooc for this part

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