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Jeans and a blue button up shirt weren't the best option for combat. But Phillip didn't have any backup clothing and going into a house with his full war armour seemed a little over the top to him.

He pulled the strings of his bulletproof vest right around his waist as his men started to swarm into the room.

He threw a glance over his shoulder.

Four, including shadow-07 who was well trained in close combat. But it was good team, at least good enough to get the job done. There was shadow-09, a sniper. Shadow-03 was great when it came to the coms. And shadow-11 was educated with gases and grenades.

It wasn't Phillip's intention to show up at your doorstep with a team that could have protected JFK from being assassinated. But there was this feeling deep down in the pit of his stomach that made him feel the need for backup.

Maybe he'd show up and everything would be fine. Or maybe not.

He just wanted to be prepared for the worst.

"Commander!", the shadows nodded as a greeting.

"It's a bit late.", 03 joked but was audibly taken aback that he had been called to a meeting this late. "I was about to head home."

Understanding, Phillip hummed.

"I know we all got better places to be right now but things are gettin' hot.", he said and grabbed the edges of his vest to balance on his heels. "We gotta free a hostage."

Surprised, the men looked at each other. But there was also confusion.

"With all due respect sir, but who?", shadow-07 asked. "All our units are out on jobs."

Phillip nodded. Impatience grew in him.

"I know. This one is a bit different. Highest security level. Secret mission. No one can know. Ever."

"Sir, who are we talking about?", 11 asked, eyebrows drawn together with doubt.

Taking a deep breath, Graves took a moment to consider how smart it would be to give away all the details. If he'd show up and everything was fine he'd be the idiot and could quit the next day.

But if things were the way he expected, and his intuition almost never failed him, then this was a thing of life and death. And obviously he didn't want his new boss to die within the first few days.

It was his duty to protect the company and everything that came with it. That was what he had promised to Herman. And if he was totally honest rescuing you was a no brainier no matter your rank inside the company hierarchy.

"We're talkin' bout our boss.", Phillip finally said, eyes dark, his face dead serious. "Mister Washington's child, (Y/N) Washington. This is no test. We are to protect our employer and the family, that's what's in our contacts. Shit's gettin' hot and it's about to hit the fan too."

All of a sudden the atmosphere in the room shifted and everyone started to get ready. Like bees in a hieve they threw on their gear to do what they were meant to do. To serve.

As they stood ready, ammo strapped to their chests and guns secured, they gathered to listen to the next instructions.

"Ready to start, commander.", they said.

Phillip let his eyes wander over them one for one, just like he always did before a mission, to make sure that they were all set and secured the way it was supposed to.

He might have been their commander and knew that some would take a hit but if it were to be avoided he preferred that scenario. So he made sure for everyone that they were safe.

Unfortunately, he had not been able to do the same for you. And it nagged him like nothing else.

The name Graves was known for the care and extra effort that was put into every decision that was to be made. It was a hit to his pride that he had been so careless.

Even worse, now that he had made the background check he felt like he had done half baked work. He should have known better.

And now it was you who had to suffer the consequences of his own incompetence.

"Alright shadows, listen up!", Phillip put his phone on one of the benches to let everyone see the blueprint of your house that he had saved. "This is the emergency plan, in case something is to happen to the family Washington. As of now we do not know the exact whereabouts of our boss but I assume it will be here."

He pointed at the office.

Everyone exchanged a glance.

"Sir, what about the security system?", 07 asked. "We can't get busted."

"Soldier, we are the security system. If there's an alert it will go straight to us, so don't worry bout it. What we should worry is how will we free the hostage with minimal damage."

"What about targets?"

For a moment, Phillip was taken aback. Technically there was no target since he knew that you wouldn't have wanted anyone to get hurt. Even if it meant that you'd be hurt.

After the background check he wasn't able to tell how big the threat was. It could have been a simple family issue, affairs that weren't his business.

But if he assessed the situation correctly, it could develop into a gun fight that would claim victims.

He would have preferred to do it the easy way. But life did not always offer simple solutions.

"There are two hostages and two enemies, there might be reinforcements, so expect anything.", Phillip pocketed his mobile phone but not without first taking one last, hopeful look at his messages. "Our first priority is to get our boss out of the house unharmed. To avoid casualties, use non-lethal ammunition."

"What about the worst case scenario?", 11 asked.

He was the youngest of the team, inexperienced but not badly qualified. He simply lacked life lessons.

Phillip could relate to his nervousness. He himself had been like that once. Until the harsh reality had hit him. Actually, he had been firmly convinced that nothing could get to him anymore.

But this was something completely different. No matter what would come, even if it meant going against your wishes, he would do everything to keep you safe.

"If necessary, shoot with live ammunition.", he ordered. "But only as a last resort. Don't harm the big boss. Absolutely off limits. If I see so much as a scratch, you'll be held accountable. Understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

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