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i got fake people showing fake love to me.

jimin, jungkook notes, is really confusing.

this past few weeks, he's been nothing but thoughtful and caring towards the younger, buying him treats and sending him home, or just staying together in the elder's apartment. he's also been bringing up the idea of going to namsam tower, making jungkook's heart beat accelerate fast.

doesn't he knows the effects he does to the younger?

jungkook doesn't know what to feel. does jimin like him back? if he does, what about taehyung? will he forget about taehyung?

"-kook?" jimin snapped his fingers in front of his face, bringing him back from his daze.

"you alright?" he asks, worry evident on his features.

"cold" is the only reply he gets, and it's reasonable, the air conditioner in the living room makes him freeze and shiver, wrapping his hands around himself tighter. jungkook jumps when jimin places his hoodie on him, asking him to wear it. jungkook blushes at their proximity and moves away, his heart beating erratically.

"better?" jungkook nods, eyes widening when jimin softly brings his head to his lap, carding jungkook's hair softly, "sleep, you look tired" jungkook doesn't reply, just moves closer to the warmth radiating from the older as the hands moving in his hair slowly lulls him into a slumber.

the morning light reflects on the two on the bed theough the blinds, jungkook shifting and fluttering his eyes open, gasping softly when he's met with jimin's sleeping face.

"fuck you're so beautiful hyung" he takes the opportunity to trace the featues of jimin's face, every line and slope, the scars and moles, his cute nose, plump lips and beautiful eyes which will make him entranced once those daek orbs flutter open.

it's then that jungkook realises hands were wrapped around his waist.

"jimin hyung"

"minie. . ." he shakes him softly, the arms around him only winding in tighter, jungkook placing his hands on his chest once his brain registers the movement and starts to panic but the whisper he heard relieves some of the anxiousness in his body, "don't go. . .stay here, jungkook, with me" it was unconsciously said but jungkook's heart can't take all this, too much for his weak heart.

he sighs, gives up and stares at the ceiling. "tell me, am i supposed to have hopes now that you'll have the same feelings i have for you?" he mumbles to the silence of the room, lets out a frustrated breath.

the next day in class, jimin doesn't see taehyung and furrows his brows in confusion. he texts him, getting no answer and worry started to fill his veins.

"hello?" the line connects and jimin heaves a breath of relief.

"hi auntie, it's jimin, is taehyung with you by any chance?"

"he's in seoul national dear, he fainted but he's awake now, he didn't tell you anything?" his ears went deaf when he heard his boyfriend fainted, rushing out of class and ignoring the teacher's calls for him.

"jimin?" jungkook sighs, shoulders sagging as the figure leaves the room.

"taehyung?" the latter snaps his eyes open. the familiarity of the voice makes his fingers clench in the sheets.

"baby, why?" he hears jimin sigh before he's right beside him, tries to hold his hand but taehyung turns to his side, the brim of tears stinging his eyes.

"why are you here?" his voice is hoarse, weak from all the medication given. jimin walks over to the other side and holds his face in his hands.

"of course i would be here, i should have been here. why didn't you tell me anything?"

"you. . .you don't care" jimin's heart breaks at the words and he shakes his head.

"what do you mean? i do care, i care about you a lot baby"

"you're always with jungkook now, it's obvious you care about him more. i don't know jimin, but it seems as if you prefer him more than me" taehyung rubs at the tears falling down his face furiously, whimpers softly when lips are placed on his forehead, soft fingers stroking his cheeks.

"let's go home alright, i'll take care of you" taehyung's discharged after a few more checks, jimin bringing him back to his apartment, taking full care of the younger, making taehyung's heart squeeze with affection.

their bodies tangled together once they fall asleep and only when the morning light flitters across the room does jimin wakes up.

"taehyung, baby wake up" taehyung rolls in his sleep, stretches himself and yawns before sitting up and opening his eyes.


"come on, let's have breakfast" it's been two days since coming back from the hospital and both male had been skipping classes, jimin doesn't mind, if it means that taehyung will get healthier and better.

and he is, he's been getting back on his feet again and looks brighter, laughing and smiling everytime.

"should we make pancakes? i'll cook and you can set up the table and-" the doorbell rings and jimin goes to see who it is, eyes widening when he sees jungkook at the front. he looks tired, eyebags under his eyes and lips dry. he's been ignoring the younger's call and messages, focusing his attention on taehyung, he neglects the younger.

"oh, hey kook" jungkook smiles, tired but soft as he hands a bundle he had been carrying to jimin who has a confused look on his face.

"you haven't been coming to school so i figured that you would have been sick. i cooked porridge and bought some cakes for you. i hope-"

"who is it?" jungkook freezes, mouth falling shut as he sees the male behind the older, messy hair and wearing jimin's clothes. bile rises up into his throat, his heart sinking as he steps back.

"feel better, jimin hyung" jimin takes his wrist when the black haired turns, stopping his movements.

"thank you, for the food" jungkook doesn't look at him but jimin realises how bad seeing taehyung with him has the effect on him.

he lets go and jungkook walks off, jimin putting the food down onto the table, his heart heavy as he mumbles something to taehyung before running out to the lift lobby.

he curses and stops the doors from closing, sees jungkook inside and the male's eyes are red, looking at jimin with hurt, perhaps a little bit of anger.

jimin steps in, pressing the button to the first floor and it's silence that engulfs them for awhile before jimin speaks up.

"i'm sorry, for ignoring you this whole week and for making you worried" he turns to look at jungkook, the male already staring at him. he looks like he could burst anytime soon, as if he's given up and is tired. "i. . .i've been taking care of taehyu-"

jimin's jaw clenches as the sound of the slap echoed through the lift, his cheek stinging as he looks at jungkook.

"is it fun, playing with my heart? do you like seeing how i open up to you from my fear and then crush it back? if you don't like me, then why have you been caring for me and telling me not to look at others? maybe it was at that point of time, maybe i've let my hopes up too high but why did you say you wanted to bring me to namsan tower?" jimin doesn't utter a single word. the male in front of him looks so broken, raw emotions and words spilling out of his mouth, "you might not know. . .but saying that, it's as if you're telling the person you like them. it's not easy for me to fall in love and now that i did, you played me. why? do you think i'm a toy? an entertainment for you? why? why, jimin" he screaming now, punching the older's chest, tears streaming down his face but he stops, removes himsef from jimin and wipes his tears once he gets no reply.

the lift's door open and he stares at jimin one last time before walking out.

"jungkook. jungkook!" he stops the latter, turning him around with his hands on his waist, not letting him move.

"i wasn't joking, when i said i wanted to bring you to namsan. and i do care about-" fingers on his lips stopped his words.

"don't. i can't take it anymore hyung. you've hurt me so much. your actions shows that you like me, but then again, you're with taehyung, stop hurting me please" he hangs his head down, wills his tears to go away and removes the hand on his waist.

"if you want to go to namsan tower, go with kim taehyung"

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