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tell me pretty lies, look me in the face, tell me that you love me, even if it's fake.

jungkook is ignoring him, jimin knows, and he feels hallow. he hasn't be able to laugh or smile as much and when taehyung asks him, he just shrugs it off.

that day after jungkook visited, he never saw the black haired ever again, he noticed how he would swap classes or even skip school. he didn't know jungkook cried his heart out that day.

jungkook had told himself that it's okay, he'll cry all he wants and start to not care after that. maybe try to erase jimin from his life and close his walls back.

he knows he can't.

jimin gets up from the sofa and walks over to the kitchen, taking out a can of soda from the fridge and closes it back just to see the notes jungkook had pasted there. it was reminders for jimin, to make sure he eats, does his homework, has enough rest and sleeps on time.

jimin smiles bitterly, checking his phone just to be left on read.

jimin: please just reply me?

jimin: i know you're not fine but atleast i know you're safe.

jimin: im sorry.

jimin was the one who saw him, exiting a convenience store, and is that a box of cigarette he has in his hands?

jungkook enter a dark pathwayand he was just about to light a stick up when a hand snatched it away. he turns, eyes wide.

"what the fuck are you doing?" jimin spats out and throws the stick to the floor. jungkook scoffs, goes to take another when jimin grabs the box and crushes it, throwing it to the ground.


"smoking causes harm to you, you can die. it contains over 4,000 chemicals, and toxins it has nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide, ammonia-"

"are you giving me a smoking ad" jungkook rolls his eyes and jimin sighs but keeps his gaze steady on the male.

"i hate people who smokes"

"i hate you" jungkook makes a move to leave but jimin follows him, calls his name multiple times before the younger gives up and turns to face him with a glare.

"what do you fucking want jimin"

"apologize. i'm sorry, for hurting you" jungkook inhales a deep breath, hands rubbing his face before he finally, finally looks at jimin.

broken, hurt, heartbroken.

"just tell me, all these time we spent together, never have you had feelings for me? for even a split second, you didn't even thought of me being more than your friend? was i the only one who thought you actually loved me?" when jimin doesn't answer, he cracks a smile but a tear fell down his face.

"guess that's my answer. i forgive you, because i was the one who fucked myself up and gave too much hope. have a good life with taehyung, i'll be here anytime you need me, we're friends after all" just like that he leaves and jimin doesn't know what to do, doesn't know what to feel but his throat constricts and he feels sick. he punches the wall beside him, penting out his anger and frustrations, knuckles coloured in blood and walks home like that, glaring at everyone who looks at him.

his friends in school asked him what happened, why he has a bandage around both of his hand but his reply got cut off when he sees the black haired entering the room. their eyes met, and jungkook's shifts down to his wounded hand before settling down in his seat.

"nothing" he says but taehyung sees the way his eyes trails to jungkook and clenches his jaw.

junkook closes his locker when a face pops up beside him.

"jesus, you scared me" it was wonho, jungkook's ex boyfriend. somewhere in the middle of jimin being too preoccupied with taehyung, they had gotten together for a couple of weeks when jungkook found out wonho had cheated on him with a girl, a popular one in school. wonho had left him, told jungkook he had put too much boundaries and jungkook just shrugged it off, he didn't cry since wonho didn't know about his phobia but now as he thinks of it, why did he cry when jimin broke his heart, even when they were just friends?

oh, he forgets he loves him.


"have a drink with me at the cafe near our school?" needless to say, the past few days, wonho had been pestering him, starts to flirts at him which didn't give him butterflies like how jimin's did.

"go away"

"just this once, after this, i'll stop bugging you"

"fine, but if you do anything funny, you'll regret it"

jimin parks his car and enters the avant garde cafe, his friends already waiting for him but who sees at the elevator has him stopping.

"oh park jimin, nice to meet you. it's coincidental we met, jungkook and i are getting a drink, want to join us?" jimin wants to wipes off the smirk in his face but the elevator's door opens and he enters, the other two following after.

jungkook remains silent, heartbeart increasing rapidly.

"have you been doing fine these few days without jungkook? i see that you guys aren't hanging out anymore? had a fight? must be hard huh, jungkook was always a mood booster" jimin's fingers clenches, doesn't look at him when he answers, "i hate liars. he confesses to a guy he likes him but goes out with his ex" the door dings open just in time and he walks off, doesn't see jungkook looking at him with crestfallen eyes.

jimin doesn't see his friends, he texts namjoon to tell him he isn't feeling well and goes back to his car to drive off, mind reeling, his grip on the steering wheel so strong that it could break.

just tell me, all these time we spent together, never have you had feelings for me? for even a split second, you didn't even thought of me being more than your friend? was i the only one who thought you actually loved me?

he abruptly turned his car, driving back to the cafe.

"let's get back together"

"excuse me?"

"you heard me"

"no, wonho. i clearly don't have anymore feelings for you, so stop" jungkook gets up to leave but wonho grabs his arm forcefully, making him grunt in pain but the hold suddenly disappears and all he heard were glasses clanking and falling, followed with the sound of the stool hitting the ground.

"don't ever touch him again" jimin pulls him out of the booth and drags him out, jungkook whining and pulling on his hand all he way to his car.

"what are you doing? let go!" jimin harshly removes his hand which made jungkook look at him in shock, hands going onto jimin's chest on reflex before jimin crashes their lips together, hands cradling his cheek and neck.

i'm gonna be donE with this story in a few more chapters i guess.
pls dont be dead guys ):

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