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but everything is shattering, and it's my mistakes.

jungkook sighs as he sees no reply on his phone screen, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth.

jimin hadn't reply his messages since two days ago, suddenly disappearing from school, along with taehyung. the last message he had gotten from the elder was 'i left him'. jungkook didn't know it would hurt the other a lot to break up with the blonde but seeing him ignoring and skipping classes made him think he was wrong.

he goes to the only place he hopes jimin is in, pressing the bell of the apartment and rocks on his heels softly as he hears the shuffle of movements from inside. the door swings open and jimin stays silent, jungkook's face immediately morphing into concern as he cups the elder's pale face, lips chapped, "are you sick?" his brows furrows, staring at jimin anxiously while the older just silently brings him in.

he lays the older down, asks him to rest as he saunters off to the kitchen and starts cooking up porridge for the male.

once he returns back, tray in hand, he sees jimin sleeping, an arm covering his eyes. "hyung. . .let's eat some porridge okay? then you can take your medicine and i'll let you sleep. hyung, please, you can't starve yourself" he hears jimin sigh softly before sitting up, jungkook already holding the spoon for him. the younger was about to feed him but jimin takes the spoon from his hand, feeding himself. jungkook leans back, plays with his fingers as he gnaws on his bottom lip.

"was it that hard for you? until you're sick like this? i just feel bad knowing that-" jimin looks at him and jungkook shakes his head, "forget it, eat more hyung" the older places his spoon down, making jungkook pout, "i'm sorry, i won't talk anymore, please eat hyung" his eyes widen and his body jerks forward when jimin grabs his wrist, pulling him down next to the older, jimin resting his head on the younger's lap.

jungkook blushes softly, jimin's eyes close as his breathing evens out, jungkook slowly carding a hand through his hair when he manages to calm his nerves down, his heart beating in alarm before he tells himself to relax, sinking into his seat.

"what are we now?" jimin suddenly asks, not bothering to open his eyes and see jungkook's surprised reaction.


"i broke up with him, so you tell me what are we now"

jungkook stops his moving hand, taking a deep breath, cheeks turning redder by the second, "w-well you didn't ask me out or anything so how can i have a say to that?"

"are you serious right now? jesus, i'm going to my room"

"w-wait! jimin hyung!" jungkook groans, burying his face into the older's back, arms wrapping tightly onto his waist.

"i love you, and. . .and i want to be yours so will you please-" jimin turns around in his hold, looking at jungkook with a stoic gaze before caressing his apple cheeks and planting a sweet kiss on his lips which makes jungkook's heart do flips he thinks he's having heart palpitations, cheeks blooming like crimson red roses.

"you're really cute and all but i would rather we cuddle in bed because my head is dizzy and i think i might faint any moment now" jimin says softly and jungkook nods, wrapping an arm around the older's waist and settling in the bed, jungkook cuddled up in jimin's arms as he has his ear on jimin's soft beating heart, the older kissing his soft locks before resting again and jungkook thinks that all this is a dream which had come true, shaking his head at the silly thought before dozing off as well.

both jimin and taehyung are managing, swapping seats in class and with jimin always with jungkook, there wasn't a reason for them to be near each other. it's been well, yes, but when jimin gets a call from hoseok telling him that taehyung's admitted to the hospital again, his heart drops and he leaves his class, thankfully not with jungkook and dashes to the hospital.

he sees the doctor taehyung's attended to, telling the male that taehyung hasn't had anything in his stomach except for milk for the past two days which made him throw up as it affects his diet and intake of medication. jimin enters the room, taehyung resting and his lips looks so pale, his face even paler and jimin wonders how cruel of a person is he to make the other suffer like this. he sits down in the chair, holding taehyung's hand in his own, looking at the sick boy on the bed.

when jimin blinks awake, taehyung's already up, running a hand through the older's hair, staring at him sullenly. "you're awake, do you feel better?" taehyung ignores his question, instead asking him why he's here.

"would you have come to see me if i was like this?" taehyung just smiles faintly, turning away.

"sorry" the younger says as he looks back at jimin, "i thought three years meant nothing to us, that we will still find each other. i said that time was medicine, but it became an illness in front of us" the blonde abruptly gets up, only to get pushed back down softly by the older, "no, you're still weak, rest a bit more"

he shakes his head and sits up, "no, i want to go home"

"do you know how much weight you have lost?" jimin's voice raises a little, stopping the male's actions, "it will get serious if you continue being like this"

"it won't do me any good staying here either, i want to go" he makes a move to get up but falls to the side, head spinning and jimin catches him, taehyung feeling useless.

"then stay in my house"

as jimin drives them, taehyung can't help but sigh, "jimin ah, there's nothing between us anymore, i don't want your pity just because i'm sick"

"just rest at my apartment today, i'll send you home tomorrow"

"if jungkook knows, he wouldn't be happy"

"he'll understand" taehyung turns to look at him, not believing his words when he was the one who wanted to go jungkook in the first place and made him like this.


"i. . .i will never forget you, like a stone buried deep in my heart and i'll always care for you, because i had loved you once, with all my heart" the younger's lips quivered, tears prickling but he remains silent for the rest of the journey.

jungkook presses the bell for the third time, sighing in annoyance when he decides that jimin probably isn't at home. the male had ignored his calls and messages, left class early as told by namjoon when jungkook asked where his boyfriend is and didn't say a word about it. jungkook runs a hand through his hair before walking back to the elevator dejectedly, bottom lip pushed out as he waits in front of the closed door. he hangs his head down, both worried and angry at jimin at the same time and when the elevator door slides open, he looks back up and enters, only for his body to go rigid and freeze in his steps when he finds who's inside.

jimin and taehyung.

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