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mixed prescriptions, bad decisions.

"jungkook ah, jungkook, please listen to me" he stops him by the wrist, effectively stopping the younger and turning him around. jungkook doesn't look at him but he knows, sees the lone tear slipping from his eye.

"baby" he says with the softest voice he can mutter, bringing his thumb to his chin and tipping his head up so that jungkook looks at him.

"he's sick, jungkook. i'm just letting him sleep here for the night and i'll send him back home in the morning, i promise you there's nothing going on between us anymore, please understand me" jungkook scoffs, shies away from his touch and steps away, "what about me? can't you understand me? i'm sick too, my heart's sick. it's sick and tired and hurt, can you understand that?"

"he's really sick, jungkook ah" jimin wraps his arms around the younger, slowly feels jungkook wrapping his arms back, "i'm sorry, but it's only for tonight, i just need to make sure he's alright. i know you can understand that right?" he pulls back to see jungkook glaring at him with a pout on his lips which jimin meshes with his, runs his hands softly through jungkook's hair, feels the flutter of his lashes on his cheeks as jungkook clings onto him more, desperate for attention from the older.

"thank you, for understanding me"

"i'm still mad, but we'll talk tomorrow, i should go home" jimin hums, kisses the crown of his head before letting go. "let me send you home"

jungkook shakes his head, pecks jimin cheeks before smiling, "it's alright, taehyung probably needs you more than me now, i'll see you tomorrow hyung, goodnight" jungkook waves cutely, turns and starts walking to the elevator when he hears jimin calling his name, turning around just to collide into a strong chest and fingers lacing with his tightly, "i love you" jimin breathes out, kisses his forehead and finally lets jungkook leaves, making the younger feel giddy all the way back to his house.

"i should go home jimin, i feel uncomfortable here, and i know jungkook does too"

"it's fine, just sleep. you can take the bed, i'll sleep at the couch" jimin gies the fridge and takes a soda can before walking to the living room and switching on the televison, taehyung closing his eyes and sighing through his nose before slowly getting onto the bed and tries to get some sleep.

the next morning, jungkook was going down the stairs, hastily trying to put on his jacket when his mother tells him jimin is waiting outside for him. he gives her a 'huh' before she sees his eyes turning wide and smile lofting on his lips when jimin honks, running down excited that he almost trips, "careful jungkook, he's not leaving" he waves his parents goodbye, not even eating his breakfast and stops righht at door, previously almost banging into it and takes a deep breath, opening the glass door calmly as if his heart didn't beat at 850 miles per hour earlier on.

jungkook doesn't know which sight to marvel at, the fact that jimin drove jungkook's favourite car from the elder's collection, sleek back and stunning or the fact that jimin is sitting on the hood of his jaguar, waiting for him with his arms crossed. his looks screams boyfriend and jungkook swallows, nails sinking into his palm.

"hey" jungkook finally breathes out, slipping in between his legs, jimin's hands automatically flying to his waist. "good morning" jimin smiles, tucking a loose strand of hair behind his ear and if this isn't the best way to start the day, jungkook doesn't want to wake up.

"why didn't you call?"

"i did, but you didn't answer me, cutie" jungkook sucks in his bottom lip, pressing his phone botton and grins, flustered when he sees the missed calls.

"sorry, it was on silent mode"

"it's alright, lets go" halfway to school, jungkook pipes up about taehyung, feels jimin tense before relaxing. "you sent him home?"

"no, he left. when i woke up he was gone, he texted me, told me he had to leave"

they stayed silent after that, jungkook singing along to the songs and laughing at his own voice imitations to try lighten up the mood again and smiles when jimin laughs, shaking his head at the other.

jimin parks his car when they reached, entering the school compound with their fingers laced together, hears gasps and gossips already blossoming the moment they passed the hallway.

"don't worry about them alright? they don't know anything" jimin says when they settled down in their seats, spotting jungkook's anxious features.

unsurprisingly, taehyung doesn't come to school, jimin already expecting it, but what he didn't expect was for the blonde to text him after school when he and jungkook were having lunch at a nearby cafe.

taehyung: hey jimin

taehyung: can you come meet me for awhile?

taehyung: i need to talk to you, if you don't mind.

jungkook, who sees the messages beside him, turns away when he sees jimin replying the other with an 'okay'

when he drops the younger at his house, jungkook kisses his cheek and thanks him, earning a smile and his own kiss to the younger.

"go in and rest alright? i'll text you at night"

"okay, i love you hyung"

"i love you too, baby"

jimin drives off slowly, making his way to taehyung's apartment and when he reaches there, the blonde is already waiting for him at the carpark, leaning against the walls. when he sees the other, he enters the car, turning around to smile softly.


"hey, what is it you wanted to talk about?"

he sees taehyung biting his lip nervously before looking at him, "i want to go back to the U.S" jimin's eyes go wide, mouth going shut.

"i want to be with my parents. there is no reason for me to stay here anymore"

when the male keeps staying silent, the blonde continues, "so that's why i have a request. . ." jimin turn to look at him, gesturing his head, "what is it"

"can you take me there?" when their eyes meet, the words just falls off his mouth, "take me to back to U.S" the older just kept his eyes locked on his, letting him continue. "i would feel tired if i go back on my own, please take me back" his voice shakes at the end of his words, looking away to fight his tears and the other's longing gaze.

"do you need to think about it?"

"no, i'll take you back. when are you leaving?"

"whenever you're free, we'll leave"


the silent stretches and jimin is about to say something when taehyung cuts him, "this is going to be the last time"

"i know" taehyung smiles wistfully, saying his goodbye before stepping out of the car.

jimin sighs, head falling to the steering wheel, fingers held tightly around it. amidst his heart beating out of his chest at the moment, he fails to see the screen of his phone lighting up several times.

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