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i have a lot of tears, but i don't wanna cry.

"jiminie?" the said male snaps out of his trance, turning to look at jungkook who is gazing at him worriedly. the younger twists in the older's lap, the movie they were watching forgotten as jungkook held jimin's cheeks in his hand.

"is there something you want to tell me? you've been really quiet the whole day" jungkook pouts, kissing the corners of his lips and looks back, only for his hands to be pulled down and entwined with the other's.

"i. . .i'm going to america for a week" he can feel the younger tensing at his words, features twisting into a frown. "america? what for?"

"to send taehyung back home" jimin bites his lip when jungkook removes his hand from his hold, sliding off from his lap. "why do you have to send him back?"

"he's my friend, jungkook"

"friends? since when were you guys friends?" he can tell the boy is mad, but he's controlling himself as well, doesn't want to act irrationally.

"i'm not letting you go. please, don't go" jungkook sighs deeply, raking a hand through his hair as he hangs his head, face in his hands.

"jungkook ah"

"what is his reason for doing this? so that he can get you back in the U.S?"

"i want to do this, jungkook please-" the younger slaps his hand away, eyes already teary when he looks jimin, eyes crestfallen, "why? because he's your first love? you can't forget him can't you"

"if you really want to go, break up with me first"

"i thought you would understand me"

"how much do i have to understand you, hyung? tell me, how much pain do i have to bear?" jungkook stands up, gets his stuff and bag and makes his way to the door, heart breaking with every step.

"i'm sending you home" he doesn't put up a fight, knows jimin is stubborn as well that he won't let jungkook go easily. they were silent the whole way back to jungkook's home, the only sound emitting in the car was from the music player.

when he stops his car, the younger steps out and jimin sighs, removing his seat belt and chases after the other, stopping him with an arm around his wrist.

"alright, i won't go" jungkook looks at him, jaw clenching. "if you hate it so much i won't go. please forgive me" jimin hesitantly takes the younger's hand, testing the waters and when the other doesn't recoil, he pulls jungkook into his chest, the other wrapping his arms back around him instantly.

"i love you, go in and have a good rest alright?" he feels the younger nodding, a soft kiss placed on his neck and jimin smiles, kissing his hair.

"i love you, hyung. thank you" jimin steps back into his car, drives back home with his mind full of worries.

"jungkook?" the said boy nods, taehyung silently stepping to the side to let him in his apartment, now cleaned and stacked with boxes.

"i see you've packed"

"why are you here?"

"why did you ask jimin to send you back?" taehyung releases a breath, leaning agaisnt the wall as he crosses his arms.

"look, it's a separation trip" the other scoffs, looking at him disbelievingly, "separation trip?"

"if jimin doesn't want to go, i'm not forcing him. yes, you were right. memories are just memories but it will be there. memories can't be wiped away. i don't have the intention of taking jimin away from you, i just want to have a closure with him, to bury the memories we had together"

"i can't let him go, i just can't, i'm sorry" with that, the male leaves, leaving taehyung alone in his thoughts.

"why haven't you answered my calls all day?" jungkook jumps at the voice, heart almost jumping out of his chest.

"jesus, don't scare people like that" jungkook continues walking towards the older, sertling between his legs in front of his car and gives a small smile.

"where have you been baby? i was worried" jimin brings a hand up to caress his cheeks, suddenly noticing the faint circles under his eyes, eyebrows drawing together. "you didn't get enough sleep? i told you to get-"

"is one week enough?" the youngers starts softly, not looking at jimin in the eye, still making his decision. the older stops rubbing smooth circles on his face, looking at jungkook's closed eyes and clenched fist resting on top of his thighs.


"tell me, before i change my mind" jimin tilts his face up with his thumb, gaze falling on jungkook's pouty lips. "i told you i won't go, i know you don't like it"

"but you want to, don't you?" he sighs, gazing up at the night sky. "yes, i want to do it, for him"

"then go" jimin snaps his head back to face the younger, shock on his face and jungkook just wraps his arms around his neck tightly, sniffing softly as he tries to harshly wipe at his tears.

"thank you, jungkook" the older kisses the crown of his head, softly cradling his form and they stay like that for a while, under the silent night of seoul, the moon reflecting it's light and the peaceful atmosphere surrounding them.

jungkook pulls away reluctantly, blinks his eyes furiously but jimin just crashes their lips together, holding him by the back of his hand, the other wrapped around his waist. he bites the younger's lip softly, jungkook pliantly opening his mouth to join their tongues together. when the older reaches a hand up to tug at his hair, choosing to suck at his bottom lip, jungkook moans softly, hands moving up to rest on the older's chest, gripping his shirt tightly as they continued making out passionately, finally breaking he kiss when oxygen lacked in their lungs.

jungkook stares at him with half lidded eyes but he can see the love oozing out from him, softly pecking his lips three times, moving to his nose, cheeks and forehead making jungkook giggle softly.

"promise me you'll only be gone for a week"

"pinky promise"

hopefully there's only one chapter left.

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