Chapter 23: Familiar Enough

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It's heartbreaking to see your siblings heartbroken. Bonus points if your sibling is one that has supported you since they held you for the first time. Most of us, as adults, have a certain bond to our siblings that makes us feel closer to them than we ever admit. It's like an invisible rope that ties us to our siblings, whether it be mentally, physically, emotionally, or all three of the above.

No matter what, there's always still going to be some connection. Especially when it comes to emotions. When you see your sibling sad, you sometimes feel sad too. Elena, whom I've rarely ever seen cry, broke down in my arms, which caused me to break down as well.  

The rope that ties our hearts together also acts like a tube to send our emotions to each other. Her heartbreak caused my own. Those ropes that tie us together like that are something that I always am amazed at. I'm always amazed that I can feel whatever they're feeling, just 10 times more strong. The bonds between us are mesmerizing like that.

Throughout the drive home, I'm dreading the reaction from my dad, Dom, and possibly everyone around me. If Elena broke down sobbing in my arms, then Dom's reaction is going to be 100 times worse.  I don't even know about my dad, because he's never really been one to react strongly to things.

Elena still has tears smeared across her face. Her eyes are still a bright crimson color, and puffy because of her crying. The occasional sniffle here and there indicates that her heart is still freshly broken.

A few tears are still filling my eyes, but I blink them back and refuse to let them fall. I'm staring out the window, contemplating how I'm going to deliver the news to Dom and my dad. I'm trying out different dialogues, and seeing which one sounds the least harsh, and which one sounds the most subtle.

Eventually, we pull into our neighborhood. I'm slowly approaching my problems, and I feel somewhat ready to face them completely. However, a little piece of me deep down is nagging, telling me something will definitely go wrong when I'm telling my family. "Let's go," Elena tells me, and she gets out of the car.

Reluctantly, I get out of the car as well, and I follow her back to her house. "I'm so nervous, Nicole. I don't want to imagine Dom's reaction when he hears about this," she says, with a mortified look on her face.

"The feeling's mutual, Elena," I say, swallowing another lump that's formed in my throat. Dom's going to jump at me when he hears me walk through the door to her apartment. Even after 10 minutes of working it out in my head, I don't know how to deliver the news to Dom. I'm thinking of whether I should ease him into it, or just deliver the news to him as is. Why does this have to be so hard for me?

Slowly, I walk towards the front door of Elena's house, with the jingle of her keys tingling my ears. I hear the lock turn, and she opens the door for us to inside. She beckons for me to inside first. Before I go inside, I take another deep breath. It's time to do this. When I step inside, Dom and Lara take one look at me, and stand up immediately.

All the worry I've ever imagined be in Dom is represented by the look on his face, along with Lara as well. Like Elena, there's a thread of hope woven into his simple brown eyes. He looks into my eyes, and asks the burning question.

"How did it go, Nicole?" Lara asks. I exhale slightly, and I decide to just deliver the news as is to them. I don't want to sugarcoat things, because in this situation, it'll make everything worse.

"PTSD and panic attacks," I tell him. A gasp is expelled from Lara's mouth. Dom's mouth falls open, with a silent gasp escaping his lips. Shock condenses on both of their faces, as their worst fears have been confirmed. I do nothing except bite my lip, and look down on the floor. Seeing Dom's shocked, and somewhat heartbroken, face drives another crack into my heart.

Tears shimmer in all of our eyes. Dom, who hasn't said a word to me throughout the whole time since I revealed the news, just throws his arms around me, and collapses into my arms. For the first time in a while, Dom weeps in my arms. "I-I'm so s-s-sorry, Nicole. I d-didn't p-protect y-you. I d-didn't s-stop her from m-m-marrying you off t-to that m-monster. I f-feel so w-worthless. I f-failed you. I'm h-horrible," he wails, as I crumple in his grasp.

His bawling causes mine to be 10 times worse than his. My strong, resilient brother has been brought to his knees with the news of my impaired mental health. Dom, throughout my life, has been nothing short of durable and tough when it comes to his emotions.

Seeing him for the first time in years breaking down over the news I just delivered caused the hammer to smash my heart again. The rope that ties our hearts together is probably the strongest, and it pulls our hearts the closest to each other. I can feel his heart being ripped into small pieces that is going to be very hard to patch up.

In an effort to at least start to repairing process, I hug him closely, and try to calm him and reassure him. "You didn't fail me, Dom. You tried everything you could. Don't blame yourself. You're the best brother ever," I sob, as Lara joins in on the hug.

Dom pulls Lara close as well, as Lara wraps her arms around us. I hear my dad sniffling in the background, and I feel Elena's arms wrap around us three to join in on the hug. Dom pulls me closer on the hug, as he wipes his eyes with his hand. He sniffles loudly, and he brings me out of the hug. Tears make his face look like he just washed his face with soap and water. His eyes look like he just had a bad allergic reaction, as they are extremely swollen and puffy.

Lara, who had a few tears streaming down her face, is now wiping them with the sleeve of her shirt. Her eyes are just a pale pink, and they look rather emotionless compared to Dom's eyes.

"Nicole, I'm going to be here every step of the way. I may have not been there to help you throughout your marriage, but I'm not making that same mistake now that you're back. I will be here, along with Lara, to support you, and help you when you need it. We're all here for you, Nicole, and we always will be," Dom tells me. In his eyes, the sadness and distraught is replaced with a new emotion.

Fierce protection.

He realizes that the events that occurred throughout my marriage were traumatizing to me as a person. In his mind, the thought of never letting that happen again to me overcomes him. He feels the sudden need to protect me from any more damage to me as a whole. Someone will have to touch me over his dead body. The emotion tells me that he will die protecting me, and he will never regret doing so.

"Thank you, Dom. That means a lot," I tell him, and Lara cups my face with her hand. 

"Nicole, I'm really sorry. Dom's right. We should've protected you, and we didn't. You're like another sister to me, and I didn't protect you from your husband. I'm really sorry," she says, and I shake my head. Having one sister is amazing, but having your future sister in law is even more amazing. 

Even though you haven't been in each other's lives that long, it's still touching how close sisters in law can be, even though they aren't even related by blood. "It's not your fault, Lara. There really wasn't much you guys could do. Don't beat yourselves up over this," I say, and the guilty looks don't bother to abandon their faces. 

I hear my dad wheel over to all of us. I look down at him, and he has most amount of tears smeared across his face. I kneel down, and I wrap my arms around my dad to comfort him. His breath hitches repeatedly, as he shakingly hugs me and rubs his hands down my back. "I-I'm here for you, Nicole," is all he can manage to croak out behind his tears. 

I do nothing more than hug my dad even tighter. He's been my hero, my role model, and my protector since he brought me home from the hospital. He won't ever give up those roles, as long as he's alive. 

After a few minutes of just hugging my dad, I stand up and wipe the remaining tears from my eyes. "There's nothing I can do about it now, other than stand up and fight this battle. I'm fully ready to take this on. Nothing is going to stop me," I say, with confidence igniting me from the inside. 

Lara shoots me a proud smile. "That's the spirit, Nicole. And also, is it kind of bad that I knew you had PTSD and panic attacks?" 

I raise an eyebrow at her in surprise, and shake my head. "Not really. But how did you know?"

Lara bites her lip a little bit. "Well, my mom has PTSD, and a lot of the symptoms you were having were the exact same that she told me she had before she was diagnosed. Dom told me about the nightmares, and I saw what happened this afternoon. Plus, I have a cousin who suffers from panic attacks. Again, symptoms. That's why I told Dom not to follow you. I knew what to do and what not to do when it came to panic attacks and PTSD. I told Elena that you needed to go to a psychologist ASAP. And you did. I'm glad we know what's happening, but the feeling isn't the same about the scenario. But, we're still going to be here to help you. We're not leaving you again," she confirms, with another warm smile on her face. 

I smile back at her, and fix my hair, as it was ruffled throughout the condoling hugs I got from everyone. "You're really smart, Lara. But honestly, I think I need to take my mind off of things. I want to go out and do something, whether it be fun or work related. I think I've been stressing about things too much," I say, and I flop on the couch like a dead fish. 

Dom follows after, and sits down beside me, with my dad wheeling after him. "I have an idea. Why don't you come to my office on Tuesday? Everyone pretty much knows who you are, as I talk about you more than I should be talking about the business itself. They're going to be thrilled to meet you. Plus, there's some financial work needed to be done, which no one really wants to do. We both know about your experience with finance, and your love for it. You could help me finish that off. And there's going to be free coffee and snacks. What do you say?" Dom asks, while resting his hand on my knee.

 "Free coffee and snacks? Damn you, Dom. Knowing how to bribe me," I think to myself, as I'm slightly intrigued by his offer. Dom did promise me that one day, I would go to his office, and I would get to meet his coworkers that are so fond of each other. Considering the stories I've heard from Dom, it doesn't sound like a bad idea. 

"I'm down. Plus, doing some work isn't that bad. I need to start finding a job around here, because I need to start paying the bills. Let's do it," I say, and Dom smiles. 

"Perfect! Be ready by 8:30, and we can go," he informs me, as I nod. It is nice to have another thing to look forward to. I've had more things to look forward to these past couple of weeks than I have had in a year with Colin.


The next few days pass by like the current in a river. The boat leads me to the port of Tuesday, in which I can finally go out and do something exciting. "Excited, Nicole?" Dom asks, as he drives to work. I nod, while fiddling with the bottom of my emerald green top. 

I'm excited about this, but I'm not excited about the traffic that's going to be heavier than an Olympic weight. "I am, but I'm a little bit nervous as well. Do you think your colleagues are going to like me?" I ask, while rubbing the back of my neck with my hand. Dom scoffs a little bit, as he makes a right turn. 

"They're going to love you. You're pretty freaking amazing, Nicole. How could they not like you? And anything else you're nervous about?" he asks. 

I smile at him, and then take a look at the severity of the traffic. "I'm also worried that you're driving. Bonus point since it's Southern California traffic." My snide remark earns me another scoff from Dom.

 "Come on. I'm not that bad. It's not like I'm going to crash into a ditch that will drag us straight to Hell." he merges onto the freeway. 

I gulp a little bit, and hold onto the side of the door. "Dom, you've ran more red lights than you have home runs in softball. Oh, and there's a ditch that leads to Hell? Great, now we can go and greet Satan there. You told me he's great company." 

Dom chuckles a little bit. "Yeah, he's great company. Only problem is, he doesn't speak English very well. I speak Satanese though, so we both should be fine. We won't burn down there, don't worry." 

We merge into heavy traffic. As I laugh, Dom lets out a huge sigh. "Well, sit tight. This is going to take us another 40 minutes," he tells me, as I put my feet up on the dashboard.


"That took us long enough," Dom laments to me, as the elevator carries us to the 12th floor. He jingles his I.D. badge that's attached to his car keys. 

"Well, that's LA traffic. I'm surprised we weren't there for longer. It's like trying to get out of a store on Black Friday in time for your dinner reservation." The elevator doors pull open. Immediately, I'm greeted by the sight of a large room, with a door and a doorknob that looks like one that you find in hotels. 

"Well, that is possible, if you get there early enough." He scans his ID at the door. People are already inside, associating amongst themselves. Some are talking like it's their high school reunion, some are setting their belongings down at their work spaces, while others are running around, with files in their hands that are the thickness of a high school world history book.

 Dom opens the large door, and holds it open. "Ladies first," he tells me, while beckoning for me to go inside. 

I smile. "Why, thank you, Dom-bear. I'm flattered," I tell him, and I walk inside the large cubicle. He follows right after me, and almost instantly, a guy comes walking up to him. 

"Dom! Good morning!" he greets, with a noticeable accent, and Dom takes his hand and shakes it firmly. 

"You too, Nasir! How was your weekend?" Dom asks, and the man shrugs. 

"Oh, it was fine. I didn't do anything too exciting. Do you mind introducing me to the lady you brought today?" he asks, with his gaze shifting towards me. 

Dom smiles. "Oh, this is my youngest sister. Nicole, this is Nasir. He's one of the people I've known the longest around here," he introduces. 

I hold out my hand. "Nice to meet you, Nasir. Also, I like your accent. Where are you from?" I ask, as he takes my hand. 

"The feeling's mutual, Nicole. Dom has told me a lot about you. He can't stop gushing about you. And I'm from Qatar." 

My eyes widen in pleasant surprise. "That's very sweet. And Qatar! That's really cool! Have you been to Doha?" I ask, as he lets go of my hand. 

He nods. "My father is from Doha. My mother is from Al Wakrah. But yes, I was born and grew up and Doha," he says, while I smile. Nasir turns to Dom, and he hands him a small file that he was holding in his arms. "This is for you, Dom. Hank wanted to give you these, because there's a lot of financial things that need to be sorted out," he tells Dom, while Dom groans.

 "Gosh, Hank knows that I'm not the greatest at finance. Nicole, can you help-" he starts to ask, as he turns to me. I hold up my hand, and stop him from uttering another word. 

"I got it. Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it," I say, while Dom smiles. 

"You're the best. Well, I have to get working if I want anything done. I'll talk to you soon, Nasir," he assures. 

Nasir waves. "Of course. And it was a pleasure meeting you, Nicole," he says. 

I throw another smile at him. "You too, Nasir. I'll see you around," I say, and Dom starts walking to his work space. I hurry after him, and put my hand on his shoulder. 

"Dom-bear, you said they had coffee. I'm already feeling a little bit woozy. Can I get some coffee?" I ask. 

He looks at me with an amused look on his face. "You don't have to ask me. It's all the way in the front, next to the large crate of snacks and candy. Go help yourself. I'll be in my work space. I'm the second one on the right, if you get lost," he instructs, and without another warning, I bolt for the coffee machine.

 I need my fix of something that has caffeine in it. Like Elena, if I don't get at least a little bit of coffee, I will crash, and will not function properly. Sure, I can live without it, but everything is a bit better with some caffeine. 

When I get to the coffee machine, the first thing I spot is a chocolate chip muffin. My hand snatches it from the tray, and I head over to the large coffee machine. I stare at the screen, which displays a variety of options in terms of which drink you are in the mood for that day. 

I choose the "mocha" version, which displays another plethora of options for what kind of mocha you want. My eye catches the option of white chocolate mocha, and my finger presses it instantly. I grab a little paper cup, and put it under the dispenser to catch the delicious drink that the coffee machine has the skills to produce. 

I grab another paper plate to put my muffin in, and I put a bagel with a tiny packet of cream cheese on it as well. After a minute, the cup stops filling with coffee, and I grab a lid to top the whole thing off so I don't spill it on myself as I run back to Dom's work place. I snap the lid, and grab it, along with my food. 

Right before I turn around, I hear a voice say, "Nicole?" My gaze directs to the source of the voice, and what I see nearly causes me to drop my hot coffee on the floor. 

A man is standing right in front of me, with his hands buried deep inside his pockets. His rich, somewhat messy brown hair accentuates his genuine brown eyes, which are a beautifully confusing mixture of surprise, hesitation, and even a pinch of guilt thrown in there as well. 

His face is yet another confusing mixture of memory, reluctance, and a few drops of happiness in there as well. His sharp jawline strengthens his face, which makes him look more tough than he probably is. His mouth is closed, with his lips pursed, while my mouth is hanging open at the sight of him.

 "A-Ash?" I croak out, while my eyes are blinking profusely to make sure I'm not hallucinating. Standing right in front of me is Colin's brother. Someone who I never expected to see anytime soon. 

This could either be a very joyous reunion, or he has a rag with chloroform on it, and he's going to kidnap me and drag me back to Colin's place. 

I guess I'll have to see what happens, but I'm desperately hoping for the former.


HELL YEAH. ASH IS BACK. MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IS BACK! WHOOP WHOOP! *takes deep breath* Ah, I was so excited to release this chapter! You guys know how much I love Ash. How do you think Nicole's encounter with Ash is gonna go? Let me know in the comments.

Hey everyone! How are you all doing? I don't know, I feel like I made you guys expect something huge, and I gave you guys Ash. I don't know, is that a disappointment? I really hope it isn't. 

Otherwise, that's pretty much it. Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Please vote/comment/share/follow/message if you like my work! See you all next Saturday with a new chapter of Phoenix! Have a great week!

Love you guys, 


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