Chapter 40: Checked Box

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"She's been coming to my house a lot," Ash tells me, over the phone, as I look at some pictures online for what an ideal wedding would look like. I'm trying to look at ideas to see what I can customize for Dom and Lara's wedding. Above all, I just want everything to be perfect for them since it's been so long since Dom proposed to her. May as well make everything the best that I possibly can.

But, at the same time, I'm worried for Ash. If Tina is consistently showing up at his house, unwanted, then who knows what she's planning to do to Ash and Emily. "Ash, I'm scared. What's she going to do if she doesn't see that you don't want her there?"

"I don't know, but she's not going to touch Emily or you. I'm going to make sure of it. Neither of you guys have to worry. But, either ways, enough about her. She's not important or relevant enough to be talked about. How about you? Excited for Dom and Lara's wedding?"

I smile, remembering the date. Two more weeks, and I get to have fun and party at Dom and Lara's wedding. I can't wait for the day, and I know that it's going to be a blast. "I'm excited. We're walking down the aisle together, right?"

I can feel Ash almost evilly smile over the phone, and say, "Yeah, Dom mentioned something about that. But, Nicole, think about it. Just imagine if many years later, we're walking down the aisle again? This time, we're doing it to say 'I do,' to each other?"

I smile, because I can't help but think Ash is just way too cute. I smile, and say, "Already thinking about our future, hm? I don't blame you, Ash. I really want Emily and Isa as my sisters in law again."

We both laugh over the phone, as I just imagine. Me, walking down elegantly in my gown, with Ash standing there, smiling in his tuxedo, as Elena, Dom, Lara, and Roy all smile at me. The 'I do's.' It all just seems so magical. It would be amazing if it actually were to happen.


"Nicole, you're improving! Granted, you're still going to have some flashbacks, of course. The fact that Ash loves you doesn't cure your PTSD, although if it did, that would be majestic. I'm proud, and glad that our talks helped," Dr. Musin says, as I sit in the big, comfy chair.

I give her a reassuring smile, and say, "Well, I do have some awesome people around me. It's really good to have them for support and to not go through it alone."

She gives me a smile, and says, "That's good. Is there anything that's fueling your excitement and happiness right now?"

"Yes, actually. My brother and his fiance are getting married, and they're expecting right now. I'm going to be an aunt for the first time, so that's really exciting. The wedding is in 2 weeks."

Dr. Musin gives me a gleaming smile. "Oh, that's wonderful! Congrats to your brother. Keep happy thoughts. Try not to flood too much with negativity. I think you will be fine."

I'm starting to think so too.


"My first baby is getting married, and my second baby is going to get there one day. I'm going to have a grandbaby in a few months. I'm way too old for this, aren't I?" my dad tells me, as he wheels over to check on Dom.

I snicker. "Dad, you're 58."

"Still too old."

Dom rolls his eyes, as Elena gets a lint roller in her hand. "Getting lint on your shirt is a no no, Dom. I swear, you're causing all of us way too much stress." I look through my little list of tasks to make sure that I haven't forgotten anything. Anything that I could've forgotten is something that could possibly ruin the entire ceremony. I check off everything mentally, and then go to tend to Dom, who is probably going through 3x as much stress as he should be.

"Dom, baby's kicking!" Lara shrieks, as she waddles in. Dom pretty much drops his suit, and then runs over to Lara's side just so that he can feel the baby kick.

His hands feel her stomach, and then his eyes lighten up with joy when he feels the kicks. "She's going to be a soccer player one day. I bet you."

Lara gives him a slight chuckle, as she sits down on the couch. "Is it normal to feel pain when you sit?" Lara asks, and my dad shakes his head.

"It's totally normal. Believe me, growing up with two sisters has made me realize that. I can give you advice, if you want. I saw three kids develop." I shudder, thinking about the nasty memory of the evil witch and her broom. The thought of her makes me want to crawl into a hole and lay in a fetal position, trying to shake her influence off of me.

Despite that, I just go and sit by Lara to see how she's holding up. "Do you need anything? At all?" Lara shakes her head, while giving me a reassuring smile.

"No, no, I'm okay. I'm just tired. Hey, isn't it funny that I look at fetuses for a living, and I have one in me right now?"

I chuckle a little bit, and just think about the irony. Lara definitely has a point, but I never thought about it until this day. "I guess you're right. Maybe you should ask one of your colleagues to check up on how the baby is doing, huh?"

"Watch me. I've got lots of connections."

Dom comes over, sits down on the couch across from us, and says, "Babe, you told your parents, right?"

Lara gives him the slightly annoyed look. "I told them before I told you. They know. Dom. They're happy! My mom's going to drop by soon."

I raise an eyebrow. "I mean, doesn't she have to drop by for the wedding as well? It's her daughter's wedding, anyways. And her only child as well."

Dom snickers a little bit, while Lara gives me a nod. "You know, that was kind of stupid to say, huh? But yeah. She's coming in a few days. My real question is, how did you forget, Dom?"

Dom shakes his head. "I didn't. I wanted to make sure you remembered."

"Classic excuse, hm?" I mutter under my breath.

Lara laughs a little bit, and then says, "I'm hungry." She gets up and goes back into the kitchen, probably to get herself another can of condensed milk.

"Shit. I think I forgot to buy condensed milk." Dom whispers under his breath.

Lara, however, has razor sharp hearing abilities, so I know she's going to hear what he said. "You did not, Dom."

Her voice is extra steely and dangerous, like she's going to kill her own fiance over it. I gulp, because I'm actually kind of scared as to what Lara is going to do if Dom doesn't get the condensed milk somehow. "I'll get some. Be back in 10 minutes."

That may be the first time in a while I may have heard actual fear in Dom's voice.


Sometimes, I forget how delicious certain cuisines are. I forget how the spices majestically blend together to create the most amazing bite of food that you've taken in a whlie. Well, that's how I'm feeling as I'm eating Roy's Kashmiri food. Dum aloo and modur pulav are two things that I never realized that I missed when I was married to Colin.

It also reminds me that Elena isn't going to be cooking this kind of amazing food in a while. Or ever, if we're being realistic. "How's the food, guys? It's from my dad's book of recipes."

I smile, as I spoon another mouthful of rice. "Delicious. It's the food that Elena will, like, never cook."

Elena gives me a nod. "I don't disagree with that."

I snicker, as Roy puts his dish into the sink. "I'm too lazy to do the dishes, and I think Elena's taking care of them. We have our little pact. But anyways, how's everything going? How's work, Nicole? And your book?"

I push my plate a little bit forward, and sit back to digest everything that's been erupting in my stomach for the past couple of minutes. "Everything's okay. I'm still waiting on a response for my book. And I mean waiting. What about you guys? When is YOUR wedding going to happen?"

Elena looks at Roy, with a raised eyebrow, which Roy shoots back. I snicker a little bit, and realize how they're made for each other. Elena looks back at me. "We're still deciding it. I've been engaged only for about a year. Wedding planning is going slow."

I nod. I mean, weddings are super expensive, so I can't really blame them at all. "Say, Roy, out of curiosity, how are you guys going to tackle the religious part? I know you were raised Muslim, and we're Christian - or Elena's agnostic. I didn't pay attention to that- so I don't know. Are you guys going to do a religious neutral wedding?"

Roy nods a little bit, while seriously considering the idea. "I mean, my parents are really chill, so I don't think they'd care if I didn't have a Kashmiri-Persian wedding with Elena. I think they're probably going to want me to incorporate a few traditions here and there, which I have nothing against, and Elena doesn't either, but we'll see. I feel like the wedding is going to be neutral, or we'l do a combination of both to keep both parties happy. because it all boils down to cost if my parents don't spend their retirement on my wedding."

I shrug. That is a natural reaction. I mean, money is important, especially when it comes to being smart about it. But weddings are always fun. And I can't wait to see my own sister as the bride.


"Nicole, can you do me a favor and check the mail for me?" Lara calls, as I open the door to the house.

I shrug, and call, "Sure!"

Since the mailbox is right next to the house, I may as well check the mail. I open the box, and pull out all the envelopes to see what's in there. I close the door behind me, because it's kind of a chilly night, and the last thing I want is to lay in bed, freezing.

I walk over to the couch, and sit down so that I can check if there's anything important for any of us. Lara comes out from the kitchen, drinking a glass of water, as I sort through everything. As I'm flipping through envelopes, I see a special envelope marked. It says, "To Nicole Wilson."

My eyes widen, and then I immediately start to rip the flap open to see the contents. "Oh my goodness, is this another response?" I nod, as i pull out the letter almost ripping it in half.

I open it up, and start to read. "Dear Ms. Nicole Wilson. I have read through your query, and have made my decision. I would absolutely love to work with you in getting your work published! Based on your synopsis, your book proves to be very promising, and I loved your manuscript so far! Please contact me if you accept the offer."

I put the letter down as I process everything that's happening. An offer has come up. A decent offer. An offer has finally come up. I'm going to get published. This is my opportunity to finally get published. It's happening. My dreams are starting to come true. I'm going to publish my work. I'm going to let others hear my story, and finally, I can have my work published.

Everything seems just so surreal for me. Lara looks at me, and says, "Nicole, it happened. You're getting published!"

Immediately, I start to squeal, and I jump into Lara's arms in a huge hug. She hugs me back, as we jump around and squeal like we got our hands on the newest makeup palette. I actually can't believe that this is happening right now. I'm so excited that we can finally get my dreams come to life. I can't wait for my work to be published and I'm waiting for the day that I can hold my shiny book in my hands and show the world what I've become.

Dom comes through one of the rooms, and says, "Okay, who won, who got married?"

Lara lets go of me, and says, "Dom, Nicole's getting published! someone wants to publish her work!"

Dom's eyes widen, and he looks at me with the signature look of Dominic disbelief. "You're kidding me."

I shake my head, with a big fat smile on my face, and say, "No, Dom-bear, I'm dead serious." Dom smiles at me, and then runs towards me to engulf me into yet another huge hug. He lifts me up in the air, and screams, "MY BABY SISTER IS GETTING PUBLISHED LET'S GOOOO!"

I giggle, and just let this moment sink in. I've finally achieved one of my number one dreams. Getting published. Now, it's actually happening. Nothing can get even better than this.


Yay, finally! I think we're all glad that Nicole is about to be published as an author. Anyone excited? Let me know.

Hey everyone! How's it going? Can you believe that we're only two chapters (minus the epilogue) away from the end? Ah, it's been such a long ride. A rather bumpy one, but awesome. I think you guys will love the next couple of chapters.

Oh yeah, to everyone out there, I'm aware of how the coronavirus is spreading. Stay safe, stay hygienic, and you got this.

Well, that's all I have to say. Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Please vote/comment/share/follow/message if you like my work! See you all next Saturday with a new chapter of Phoenix! Have a great week!

Love you guys,


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