Chapter 41: Ring, Ring

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It amazes me how beautiful some people look even when they don't think that themselves. Lara has been saying for a while that she's been looking fat because of her baby, and yet, she just looks stunning. Especially in her wedding day makeup and hair. Because today, she's going to look more beautiful now that she's officially a part of my family.

Through all the moving around, with the fluffing of the makeup brushes, the swiping of the eyeliner, and the massaging of the lipstick, I awe at how Lara's curled hair framed her face beautifully.

I admire how she looks like a goddess even though she may think otherwise at this time of her life. I admire how she just looks perfect on this day, when she's about to marry the man that she loves so dearly. It's been a good month so far. This day is definitely the day in which everyone's month has been made just by thinking about it.

I also admire how different I look in the mirror right now. I look like all of my features were enhanced, and in the best way possible. The most natural cat eye is complimenting my green eyes beautifully, and the lipstick color is just tying this entire look like the ribbon on the present. I'm so happy with everything that's going on right now. I'm even happier with the fact that Lara looks like she's going to fall in love again when she's done.

"Guys, I just want to say thanks for putting up with my pregnancy hormones and my stress throughout this time. You guys are all awesome." Lara looks at all of us with a large smile.

I smile at her, as I tug a little bit at a loose hair in my updo. "You're good. Thanks for putting up with me during my fuss throughout the writing process."

Lara smiles. "Still can't believe you're getting published. I'm just so proud of you, Nicole." I chuckle. I can't believe it either. But I can't believe that I'm actually here to see my brother get married. I can't believe that I get to see him marry the love of his life, when he's in the most enchanted that he's been in a while. I thought that I would never get to see the day that my brother would get to marry someone like Lara. Now, we're here, and I'm actually fairly happy.

"I can't believe it either. That agent made an amazing offer. But I can't believe how good the makeup is. The concealer covered up all my dark circles."

Lara raises an eyebrow at my admiration. "Nicole, are you okay? Did you have nightmares?" I gulp, and nod. I hate lying to people, and I'm not about to lie to Lara on her wedding day. Or any day for that matter.

"A few. They haven't gone away, of course. I'm still not able to sleep some nights. I'm still scared that he's out there."

Lara gives me a slightly guilty look, as the hairstylist finishes up her hair. "Okay, Madam, you're done." I lean over to the mirror to see how her makeup and hair is looking. Surely enough, Lara is looking fabulous. She looks absolutely gorgeous with the naturally, slightly smokey, eye that's applied, along with the blush and highlight that's accentuating her full cheeks. The half up half down hairstyle is looking absolutely gorgeous on her, and suits her.

Lara's mom comes over, with her own hair done, and just gawks at how gorgeous her daughter looks. "Lara, that's so beautiful. You look beautiful." Her mom kisses the top of her head, as Lara gives her a big bright smile. Elena comes over, with her own hair looking like she actually decided to comb it for once, and smiles.

"I have considered you family for a while, but now today I can actually call you family. Officially. This is an awesome day."

Lara smiles, and we all just smile as the photographer just continues to take pictures. "Okay, lets get the gown on." She gets up, steadying herself on the vanity so that she doesn't fall over and ruin her look, and she goes over to the hanger so that she can try to put on her dress. Surely enough, it doesn't take long, and before you know it, she's got her flowing dress on.

With all the makeup and hair put together, she looks like someone just walked straight out of a Disney movie. The hairstylist takes her veil and secures it on her hair so that it rests gently without ruining the entire look. We all smile, as we just admire how amazing Lara looks right now. I just hope that one day, it will be me in the gown.

Lara looks gorgeous, and I'm happy, but one day, I hoe that I will wear a flowing white gown and I'll marry the guy of my dreams. "Lara, honey, your dad is here. He's going to see you," one of the other bridesmaids says.

We all give Lara a big smile, and then file out of the room so that we can wait downstairs to take some pictures. And by pictures, then surprise Dom with the first reveal. As we get downstairs, I see guests that are starting to file in for the wedding. I can see them coming, taking a seat, saying hello to everyone, ad just having a good time.

I can hear some people talking in other languages, and it's kind of fascinating, because I always love learning and hearing other languages. "You know, I never thought that Dom would actually get married. yet here we are. It's kinda weird, huh?"

I shrug. "I mean, considering how madly in love he is with Lara, I'm really not surprised. I just knew that one day, he'd fine someone that he loved madly." I just didn't know that I actually would be seeing my brother get married.


"Looking good, Nicole," Ash tells me, as we wait for our cue to walk down the aisle together. I smile, and just drink in the sight of Ash's groomsman look. His brown, usually attractively messy hair, is styled into a semi neat style, like he actually decided to try today. He's wearing a black suit, with a black tie and a white dress shirt. His facial hair is slightly grown out, with his stubble lightly dotting his jawline.

"Why thank you, Asher. You don't look half bad yourself!" He snickers, and just gives me a slight smile as a thank you. I grasp my bouquet a little bit tighter, and look around to see if everyone's ready to walk down the aisle to see Dom and Lara getting married. I see Elena holding onto Roy's arm, while he's sweet talking her and just admiring how beautiful she looks in her bridesmaid's dress and makeup.

I smile, as they continue to look like they're still madly in love, which they probably are. I look back at Ash, who just has a big smile on his face, like he's admiring me in my outfit as well. "Okay, I take that back. You look absolutely gorgeous, Nicole."

My eyes widen at his clear compliment, and I say, "Wow, thank you, Ash." He smiles, and then we hear the music that' plays from the speakers. It's our cue to start walking down the aisle. Ash holds out his arm, which I take, as the couple in front of us starts to walk towards . We walk closer to the aisle, until we can't see the couple anymore. Then, Ash and I start to walk towards the venue so that I can see my brother get married. We reach the aisle, and then start to walk down it. I take a look at all the happy faces looking at us, but they're more expectant for Lara to walk down the aisle.

I look at Dom, who just gives me one of the purest smiles that I've ever seen on my brother's face in a while. I flash him a smile that I hope is as pure, as we reach the end of the aisle. Ash and I split, and then we go to our respective sides of the aisle. After the next few couples walk down, including Elena and Roy, the officiant signals for the wedding party to stand up so that they can wait for the bride's arrival.

Surely enough, I see Lara and her dad walk down the aisle. She's like an angel, floating on her dad's arm as he walks her closer and closer to my brother so that she can live a lovely life with him. Dom just looks at her, with so much love in his eyes and he just looks like he came straight out of a fairy tale. Lara's dad stops at the end of the aisle, kisses her, and then gives her away to Dom, who gladly takes her and walks them closer to the officiant.

Everyone sits down as a result, and then the procession begins. As the officiant marries them, I just can't help but sink in what's happening right now. When I was married to Colin, I never thought that I would be alive to see my brother get married. I never thought that I would live long enough to see my brother and Lara tie the knot at a grand place in a lavish manner.

I thought that Colin's cruel hands would strip the right of life away from me, and the next time that Dom would've seen me would be when I was lying in a coffin, with the bruises and scars so visible on my body. Now, here I am, witnessing the moment that I've always wanted to see throughout my life.

Finally, I get to see my brother get married, and it's nothing short of wonderful. I just can't help but feel weirdly content on this day. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!" the officiant joyfully announces.

Without any hesitation, Dom leans in and kisses Lara passionately on her lips. I smile, and then start to clap loudly for the happy couple. I just can't help but feel like jumping up and down for Dom and Lara. I have finally got to see one of the most satisfying moments in my life.

Not only have I witnessed my brother get married, but I'm going to get my book out for the first time. Everything just seems so perfect.


"Nicole?" Ash asks me, as I stare at Dom and Lara dancing together on the dance floor to their first song.


"What if that's us one day?"

I raise an eyebrow, and then look at Ash, who just has a hopeful smile on his face. I smile at him, and say, "You want to marry me?"

Ash shrugs. "I'm not opposed to the idea."

I give him a slight smile, and then say, "I'm not either. But give it a few years. It's still really early." Once Dom and Lara stop dancing, people start to give their speeches. I just sit back and listen, because some of the speeches are actually really funny and I do love some good entertainment from time to time.

Then, after the speeches, we all start to dance on the dance floor. I, being a lover for dancing, start to dance like I'm high on meth. I may fall in my heels, and I may trip over a few things, but ultimately, I really don't care. It's times like these where I can just unravel and have a blast dancing like anything at such a special event.

After the crazy songs are over, the DJ announces the slow dance song that the couples dance to. When I hear him announce that, I go to sit down, while I contemplate getting more food or getting some water along with it. When I sit down, I grab my glass and my things to get some more food and drinks. "Nicole, can I ask something?"

I look up, and I see Ash standing there, with a huge smile on his face. Behind that smile, I can see so much nervousness in asking such a simple question. I nod, and say, "Yeah, what's up?"

He holds out his hand, gently, and asks, "May I have this dance?"

I look at it, with slightly widened eyes, and give him a smile. "You may have this dance." I take his hand, and he leads me to the dance floor. He takes one of my hands, and then rests his other hand on my waist. I rest my hand on his shoulder, and we start to dance to the rhythm of the song.

I, at first, am a little bit iffy about the thought of another man's hands on such parts that are so close to where Colin took advantage of. It makes me tense up a little bit, but then when I see Ash's kind face, I slowly start to relax to his grasp.

I gently follow his steps, and he leads me to the song, as I look into his deep brown eyes. He gives me a reassuring smile, and I return it to him fondly. I guess that's another thing to add to the list.

I have people who finally love me for who I am.


Aw, this chapter was just so cute to write. I remember telling you guys that you'd like this chapter. What do you all think? Was it cute that Nicole finally got to witness her brother getting married? I thought it was heartwarming considering she didn't even think she'd be alive to see it. 

Hey everyone! How's it going? Can you believe it? Can you believe that next week will be the last chapter of Phoenix? I seriously can't believe it. I can't believe how popular this has gotten, and just how much support I've gotten overall. It may have been a bumpy ride, but it was all worth it. 

Also, since this chapter is a wedding chapter, do you guys like weddings? I'm Indian, so our weddings are always HUGE. But they're awesome! You meet all the extended family that you never even knew existed, and there's always a lot of dressing up and just a lot of fun. Plus, the food, ahaha. 

Okay, I'll stop rambling. Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Please vote/comment/share/follow/message if you like my work! See you all next week with the LAST chapter of Phoenix and the epilogue! Have a great week!

Love you guys, 


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