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September 4, 8 A.M

Jin didn't get up until the morning rays of sunshine fell on his closed eyes seeping through the window. Both of them reached their limit in exhaustion after yesterday's hustle and bustle.

So they just got on the plane and leaned back in their seats and were out cold in no time. Not only them, but all the passengers were also asleep.

Now the long night was over. Most of the time on the long journey- they were asleep so that they didn't have to talk or make friends with anyone else. 

Jin or Arya, none of them had any time to get used to the characters they were playing. Two fake identities were arranged very quickly to let them on board the plane at the last moment.
The rest of yesterday after fleeing the CIA's Los Angeles Bureau, time passed quite smoothly.

Arya's guess was correct - the CIA couldn't change its security protocol that fast. After sitting in a cybercafe, she quickly created a virus and planted it in the CIA mainframe. As a result, the CIA's database won't work when they'd try to find Dr. Donnen and that can give them a head start of at least twenty-four hours.
Hopefully, it won't be possible for the CIA to bring out any information on Dr. Donnen from any database they'd try to use unless they too have a source like Jong-il who has seen Dr. Donnen in person.

They lay low till night, They kept in touch with Jong-il through pay-phone. At last at eight o'clock at night, The branch head met them in the parking lot and provided them with fake identity cards, various documents, Brighton Technologie's appointments, as well as camouflage for Arya who is supposed to be a male worker as per her identification forms.

He handed over the equipment. They both disguised as Chinese workers
And appeared at Brighton's regional supply unit right on the clock with the papers. At the airstrip, there was a DC-3 cargo aircraft waiting for re-supplies.

Their paperwork and disguise were perfect, no one suspected that the real workers were paid and sent away earlier.

This was the first time they'd come to work for Brighton.
There was no pre-acquaintance of the original Chinese workers at Brighton Airstrip. 
Jin and Arya, along with other workers, worked as loading crews.
After loading, they boarded the plane.

After unloading all the supplied goods in the research area at the ice shelf,
The workers were supposed to return.

Jin felt the oppression of the sun in his eyelids, looking to the side he saw that Arya was still fast asleep. He went to the toilet without waking her up. When he returned, Arya was already awake.

She was rubbing her body here and there with the palm of her hand.

"It is very cold," she said as she saw Jin moving forward.

"Welcome to the Arctic Circle," Jin nodded and moved to the aisle. From the overhead bin, he dropped his bag and gave Arya an extra insulated jacket that he was wearing.
While boarding the plane, Brighton provided various gear for the cold.
In addition to jackets, there were wool caps, nylon pants, gloves, and moon boots.

"Get in the bathroom before others wake up," Jin said. "The cold isn't that intense now. But it will continue to get stronger. And it will be difficult to freshen up later."

Arya shook her head and got up, as soon as she left the seat by the window, Jin took position by the window and stared outside.

The plane was flying at an altitude of about thirty thousand feet, and the roar of the engine was almost deafening. At this height, a large part of the globe was supposed to be visible to the eyes. But it was not possible because of the level of clouds under the plane right now.
Whenever little gaps were found among clouds, looking through the sea of white cotton, Jin saw the blue water, the white iceberg peeking here and there.
The glittering peaks were like diamonds laid in a blue canopy.
Jin looked at his watch and quickly calculated in his mind- they have crossed the coast of Alaska at least two hours ago. That makes another hour's journey ahead.

The speed of the DC-3 was so low, moreover, it became heavy due to the cargo loaded on it.
Jin turned his head after hearing the sound next to him. Arya came back and sat down and said, "God! The water is ice cold!"

Jin smiled, "I thought you couldn't stand the heat and always prefered cold. At least the temperature of the AC in your room says it all. Now what? Can't tolerate the cold? Thats new!"

"Fifteen-sixteen degrees of minus temperature and the temperature of  AC isn't the same, dear Jin. One temperature just cools the body, the other turns it into a popsicle."

"I guess you didn't attend the survival training in the polar region yet?"

"Come on! The only training I got from NIS so far was how to infiltrate North Korean intelligence within a very short time. Guess what? North Korea isn't exactly the polar region!"

"Where were you when this training came last month?" Jin frowned a little.

"My name came up there, I avoided it with the excuse of work," Arya smiled mischievously, "thought it'd be much more comfortable to work with machines across our branch offices rather than on Antarctica!"

"Well done," Jin smiled sarcastically, "Remind me to get your name back on the training again double time once we're done with this mission."

"I will die, boss." Arya pleaded, "don't punish me like that! Can't you just pretend that you never heard of it?"

"If I do, what is my gain in it?" Jin raised his brow a bit.

Arya smiled and brought her lips near Jin's ear and whispered something amusingly.

Jin's ear turned red instantly and he averted his gaze toward the window and mumbled, "Overt!"

"Aww, embarrassed? Need I teach you how to flirt back?" Arya's voice was playful.

Jin's lips quivered as he listened. Without saying anything else he looked outside.

After a while, the land appeared near the horizon. A vague Shape was slowly growing in the sight. Going a little closer, It caught their sight of the details of the ice shelf.
The Montego Ice Shelf was one of the largest solid ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere.
It was situated two hundred miles off the north coast of Alaska, above one of the worst latitudes on earth about one and a half miles northwest of its location. 
The thickness of the island was about five hundred and fifty feet — most of it was submerged.
Although floating, Montego has very little movement due to its incredible size.
The current of the ocean did not have so much power that can move such a big thing.

He looked through the porthole and saw a series of high mountains made of ice. the light of the sun was shining from the peaks.
The sun was also reflected from the desert like endless solid ice, the whole island was shining under the morning light. The intensity of the glares of the reflected light was so strong that it wanted to dazzle the eyes if you look at it continuously for a long time. 

But it was a rare view. This is because of the wonderful view of the day, otherwise the Arctic area-most of the time it is dark all year round.

"Holly molly!" Leaning towards the window, Arya exclaimed in surprise. She was overwhelmed by the sight ahead while looking at the ice shelf for the first time in her life. "What a sight!"

"Just wait till you land." Jin smiled. 

The sound of the engine changed, and the height was decreasing - it would land now.
As the aircraft descended to an altitude of three thousand feet, the distance became less with the ice shelf. The whole ice shelf was covered with layers of soft snow like a white sheet. The edges of the ice shelf were like the cliffs of a mountain, swooping down one-and-a-half feet, straight into the icy waters of the ocean. A man-made giant white dome of lesser height was seen on the ice.

Perhaps research was ongoing inside it.

The bulkhead speakers came alive, and the pilot's voice was heard. The instruction came for everyone to fasten their seatbelts.

"Is it going to land directly on the ice?" Arya asked fastening her harness.

"That seems to be the case." Jin looked down through the porthole. So far, he saw some ice tractors scattered around on the ground.
With the help of those tractors, a make-shift airstrip has been created pushing aside the snow.

The plane was going down with its nose down, starting to land at five hundred feet.
The whole fuselage was shaking violently. The passengers were trying to bear the inconvenience by grinding their teeth. In a moment, the sound of the engagement of retractable landing gear was heard overcoming the screams of the fuselage.
A strong wind was blowing over the ice shelf, pushing and blowing violently as if in a try to blow away the disobedient airplane from its territory. 
Surprisingly, the two pilots kept their balance even against this demonic force of the wind — these were nothing new to them anyway. They come here with supplies three times a week.
They brought the DC-3 closer to the surface and with that, in the blink of an eye, the turbulence disappeared. The DC-3 landed with its nose up and leaning on the rear two wheels.
Passengers saw snow falling on both sides of the porthole. Like an unbridled horse, this mechanical bird flew some distance, but the speed was slowly decreasing. After running for about two hundred yards, the plane finally stopped.
The sound of the engine changed, it was now steady finally.

Everyone became stable slowly.
Earlier, the foreman of the workers got up from the front row seat.
He turned to the ten members of the group and gave a short speech about how should they proceed.

The ice tractor will arrive shortly,
After unloading all the cargo from the cargo section, they have to load those on the tractors and again unload those cargos inside the storage area of the facility. Everyone was warned that the research project was a restricted area. So it would be better if they can stay away from the other parts of the facility.

Everyone quickly took their gear. The first thing to do was to wear a nylon jumpsuit over normal clothes, then there were fur pants and a hooded jacket. The team also took off their normal shoes and wore an insulated protective cover made of two layers of wool, socks, and moon boots, and they ended up getting ready after wearing thick gloves. There was still heat inside the cabin of the plane. So in the thick clothes of the Arctic, everyone started sweating. But after a while, as soon as the exit door was opened, the extremely cold wind blew like a ferocious beast, and every passenger could realize the importance of this dress feeling the cruel bite of cold wind on the exposed skin of the face.

The foreman was chasing everyone to get down.
Jin and Arya followed the other workers along the aisle toward the door.
The ladder landed on the ice shelf.  New murmurs were being heard from a distance.
As the sound grew louder and louder, two big bumps appeared in sight. Those were heavy duty
Ice-Tractors with wide Multitrade Tracks. Drivers were bringing the two vehicles forward. On the back of both tractors, there were big trailers - all the cargo will be taken there. 
The tractors stopped near the tail of the aircraft, reversed with back gear, and aligned the two trailers with the aircraft.
The rear ramp of the DC-3 was open, and the workers, both got involved in unloading. The cargo section was protected with a heavy net. After removing it, the binding straps were untied.
Everyone started taking cartons to the trailer one by one. No hard work,
It was completed in fifteen minutes. 

But then they spent another fifteen minutes unloading the last cargo.
It was a portable drilling machine. It was quite large, it came as a resupply as auxiliary equipment for research projects. Almost all the workers gave a hand to take down the heavy thing.

Movement in arctic gear in thick snow and the beastly wind was hard.
Finally, half an hour later, when the shifting work was over, the workers were picked up on an ice tractor.  They were ten in number, except for foreman.

There were also two pilots... not everyone got a place in the cabin of the tractor wrapped in plexiglass.
More than half of the people sat in two trailers crammed with supply boxes.
The Tractor's cabin was airproof with a nice warm atmosphere to warm someone easily. Those who couldn't get in the cabin had to sit in the trailer and they were cursing their fate colorfully. The rear door of the trailer has been closed, the inside was pitch dark. A little light was coming in through a slit made of plexiglass.  Hearing a gentle jolt and the sound of the engine, it was understood that the two tractors had started moving. Jin and Arya chose to sit in the trailer cause none of them had any interest in getting engaged in any conversation with others. And people were busy cursing at the weather and cold in the trailer let alone having any gentle conversation.
No one suspected Jin or Arya when they stood up and tried to see outside through plexiglass as the two Chinese workers never came on this ice shelf before- curiosity was normal on their part. But the rest of them comes here multiple times a week.

Here, therefore, no one was interested in looking outside, sitting still, shivering in the winter;
Swaying and shaking slowly.

Time was running out.
The two tractors crossed a small hill;  For the benefit of plexiglass,
Jin and Arya enjoyed the wonderful view with both eyes.
In front, there was a huge desert covered with ice. In the plane daylight, the place was not very flat, there were lots of ups and downs.
However, none of them can be understood from this distance.  The abundance of white color covered all the flaws on the back of the ice shelf, it looked like a huge one.
The white sheet has been spread up to the foot of the mountains. In the middle, the huge dome of the research project was standing still, completely out of place compared to its raw and wild surroundings.

The shape of the research facility was complex...it was like a blister on the ice.

The massive dome was more like a science fiction structure than the current infrastructure of any research facility.
It would have been more appropriate in the movie.
It looked like a giant igloo made by the Eskimos with Ice cubes.
No, it's made of a kind of inflatable polymer of sophisticated multi-stage Plexi Polysorbate. Each part was like a square ice cube of the igloo,
It has to be inflated with air. They coincided with the other pieces perfectly.
There was an airtight pairing system — that's how they joined with one another.
In the method of deployment, various wires and pits have been installed
On ice.
The shape of the facility took about four hundred yards in diameter.

Two ice tractors, pulling heavy trailers in the back were moving slowly. They couldn't even go straight to the complex due to the lack of unobstructed ice sheets.
There were numerous traps hidden here and there to trap the vehicles, so
They were taking a crooked trail to evade them.

The weather got worse in front of their eyes - a drizzle of snow started with the crazy wind blowing over the two tractors.
The wind- is called the Cabatic Wind. The word Cabatic is Greek, meaning going downhill.
 Heavy, cold air from the polar region blows over the mountains.
It is named because it flows downwards like a wild river.

This sudden change in the weather was not surprising at all.
It was normal for the characteristic of the polar region. It was utterly unstable. Here, snowstorms can start in an instant - can last for two or three days, and It is not impossible to stop in the blink of an eye even.

Although the speed was low, it was possible to cross the trail in half an hour.
The path, however, took more than fifty minutes due to bad weather.

as soon as the small convoy reached the complex, the storm stopped abruptly and the sun came out in no time.

There were several entrances to the dome, including trailers.
The two ice tractors went into service access. As soon as the automatic door opened, climbing up a ramp the trailers entered the storage section. The door closed behind them again.
The driver stopped the engine and got out of the cabin of the plexiglass
As well as other riders.
The rear door of the two trailers was also opened.
Jin and Arya also jumped to the ground.
From semi-darkness when they came back to the light, both of them blinked their eyes several times to adjust their vision again.

The storage section was a huge warehouse, there was a big space in front of the access door for loading-unloading. The rest of the warehouse was more than eight to nine feet filled with innumerable high racks, they were filled with various things.

The inside of the dome had a comfortable temperature as it was controlled by central AC.
All of them got rid of their arctic gear except the jumpsuit. Over the Head,
The place has also been well illuminated by hanging large tube lights on top.

The foreman was rushing them, the workers were busy unloading.
Most of the cartons and boxes were housed in different spaces in the warehouse.
A group went to the cookhouse with the packages full of food.
Finally came the turn of the heavy drilling machine. The warehouse had a cable winch with a chain
That's why only four of them could put it in a wheeled trolley from the trailer and were able to take it down easily.

"Good job," said Foreman, satisfied with the work. 

A technician wearing an apron was seen approaching, standing face to face with the foreman, he frowned hard.
He was annoyed. He approached and said, "why did you guys leave it here? You have to take it to the main chamber, don't you know?"

There was a faint murmur among the workers, everyone was making protesting noises.
Although placed in a trolley, the drilling machine was not a light object to push.

The Foreman also knew it.

He said, "our work is only until the cargo reach the storage area. Take it  inside yourself."

"What!? Where can I find people?"

"Why? you are running such a big project... Just bring two or four people from there to help you out!"

"Everyone here is either scientist or their support staff, they have high standards unlike you day laborers," said the technician in a heated voice, "you have to do these things. You get pay for doing this, so take care of it."

The foreman was furious, he lost his temper at that moment. 
He went forwards and confronted the opponent, "what did you say? We are day laborers?"

The fight was going to be explosive but Jin butted in quickly before it escalates and said, "wait, wait! There is no point here to fight." He was speaking in broken English and turned towards the foreman, "If you don't mind, sir... I'll go and take it where you want it."

The Foreman said nothing and continued staring at the opponent for a few seconds. The technician too
Seeing that he was looking in the same way, he understood that he could not take advantage of these people and turned around and walked away.
"Come with me," he said.

Jin called Arya with a gesture. The two of them pushed the heavy trolley together.

Jin has deliberately involved himself in the matter. After setting foot in the warehouse, he was thinking about the way to sneak into the main part of the project. Somewhere inside the dome, Dr. Donnen was supposed to be. But seeing the warehouse security alone, he had to give up. There were different people to keep an eye on the workers.
There were armed guards at the exit door of the warehouse.
Security was very tight here. There was no chance that anyone will be allowed to wander here and there.
In this situation, the drilling machine has become a blessing - without any
Obstacles, he has created an excuse to take that machine inside the project facility.

Now it was their turn to find the scientist gentleman. Dr. Donnen. Was he here?

[I am back!
How are you guys?
If you forgot what happened in the previous chapters, please go back and have a revision, cause those events will be mentioned again and again in the upcoming chapters. The story will be very fast pacing from now on so brace yourself!
I'll upload one chapter every day until the book finishes.
Till then, Onnea!]

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