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"Thank you for your help," said the technician while walking, "but the fight didn't start because of me. Roger... I mean your foreman...such a bastard! He makes a fuss about everything whenever he comes here. What's the big deal if you can just order around two of your men to take the equipment to the main area?"

Jin shook his head lightly, "It's not solely his fault though. You too sir, spoke rudely. Workers may not be scholars like you, but they should not be underestimated too."

"Oh! Are you too upset about the day laborer thing? Sorry!"

"our profession, it is not a bad thing you know — workers are proud of it. But when you speak like that, it seems like you are looking down on us."

The technician looked at Jin with a slightly different look.
There's something inside that man... A strong personality, maybe? With his super casual appearance- it is a contrast. There is a strange consistency and firmness in the manner of his speaking.
The young man, and his eyes. Those were surprisingly deep, as if there were gentleness, modesty, and humbleness as well as wild cruelty in them. As if he can go insanely cruel whenver he wants. Never in his life
He could have imagined himself feeling so small in front of a typical worker.

The man came back to reality with Jin's words.
"Why are you standing still? Show me the way."

The technician started walking again.  He asked, "What is your name?"

"Lee. And he is my cousin Cheng." Jin showed Arya.

"I'm Neville Brick. How long have you been working at Brighton?"

Jin was alarmed to see the questioning begin. Lee and Cheng-They know almost nothing about them. He can just make up things to carry on the conversation and evade the questions at this moment. But if this man wants to cross-check the information later, the truth will come out. He should get control of the conversation from now on.

"This is the first time we have come," Jin replied, and not giving any opportunity to the other side he threw a question himself, "what kind of research is running here, Mr. Brick?"

"Experimental mining operation- with the help of nanotechnology,"
Brick replied, "have you heard the name of the nanotechnology?"

"We can be workers, but we are not stupid, sir," sensing the mockery in Brick's voice Arya cut in with annoyance, "the way to work at the molecular level of different elements is nanotechnology, right?"

"Yes," said Brick in an awkward manner, "you know a lot more than many people I see."

They were exiting the storage area and proceeding along a semicircular passage. Though the cover of the facility was plexipolisorbet, everything inside was partitioned and made of wood. A few layers were made in a rough circles, each layer has been made into different rooms of all kinds of sizes by dividing it through horizontal walls.
The main working area was in the center which was their destination right now.

There were specific passages to go from one level to another, there was such a sharp bend in front, two security guards were standing there.

Brick shook hands and reassured them about the two workers, then again went ahead. There were guards all over the facility, and every now and then they had to go through them.

The dome was huge, who knows where is Dr. Donnen in there!

When an opportunity for another conversation arose, they should try to know something about him from Brick- Jin thought quickly. There was no way they'd be able to find him in this huge facility all by themselves.

So he asked, "what kind of mining is possible on the ice shelf...with the nanotechnology you say?"

"Pure hydrogen, oxygen even
Deuterium is also very easy to extract from solid ice instead of the other sources we used previously. That's what we do here through nanorobotics."


"Yes, those are microscopic-sized machines. They can work much faster and more efficiently than ordinary people or instruments. They cause chemical reactions at the molecular level of ice to melt ice and make ordinary water. Then it undergoes a second reaction and converts it into deuterium oxide, I mean heavy water."

Jin knew what heavy water is. Heavy water is known for being used in nuclear reactors. It is not available in nature, heavy water has to be produced artificially.
The production of heavy water is much less than the world needs, so the demand for the thing is very high and the price is even higher.
Brighton Technology chose a great sector for their business. But the method they are talking about the production is never heard of before.  So he asked with a little surprise, "you
succeeded in Deuterium Oxide Mining with Nanotechnology?"

"If it was completely successful, why would they still continue such a big research project?" Brick smiled a little, "research is going on, there has been a couple of minor progress, but It is still too late to implement the process industrially."

"What kind of progress has been made?"

"Microscopic bots or nanobots are made, but they are not yet fully operational. For now, they are trying to increase their efficiency... "
Neville Brick was talking continuously.

Jin carefully observed the security arrangement of the facility in between. There were armed guards at each corner of the passage.
Some of them were also patrolling; In addition, close circuit TV was installed at various important points. Many doors on either side of the passage were seen. They were the entrance to various labs and workshops. In all of them electronic combination locks were fitted and nobody can enter them without an access code.

Brighton arranged security too well so that their nanotechnology doesn't get stolen anyhow. He turned his attention back to Brick's words-
"...The computerized operation was developed by a very talented scientist- Dr. Stanley Donnen,"
Brick was in the mood blabbering.
He was going through the information related to the project without any hesitation,"he has increased the efficiency of nanobots by two hundred percent already."

"Is that so?" commented Jin. "talented man! There aren't any possibilities that we can meet him, right?"

"Nope," Brick shook his head, "That gentleman is a workaholic, he doesn't see anyone without his needs. There... his office and laboratory are just a little further along this corridor," Brick raised a finger and showed a passage on the right, "but he never opens the door unless he needs it."

Jin and Arya were standing, looking at the passage with satisfied eyes.
They couldn't believe they reached so close to their goal.

"Why stop? Come on, it's getting late," Brick said.

Jin and Arya pushed the trolley again and followed the technician. A little after that, the three of them reached the working area through a big access door. At the center of the dome was like a huge circular courtyard.  Various scientists and technicians in uniform were busy there. Thousands of equipment including motors, drills, mechanical winches, and people's noises were ringing in their ears.

There were many yellow hard hats on a big table next to the entrance.
Brick picked up two from there and offered them, "put them on."

Jin and Arya followed the man after they put those on and took the trolley
on one side of the working area where there was other equipment.

"Here it is...put it here...yes, that's right." Brick's face was full of satisfaction,
"Thank you very much."

"No, no, there's nothing to thank us," Arya replied quickly, "it is our duty."

"No one volunteered though. They all went to eat and drink, but you two pushed this heavy thing...You deserved that thanks."

"It's okay," Jin raised his hand and stopped the technician, "can we go now? We need to eat too. Can't tell if they still have anything left in the cafeteria!"

"Of course, of course," said Brick quickly. "Sorry I can't see you out as you see there are so many works here. Will you be able to return on your own?"

"We can. I saw signboards everywhere, it won't be difficult to find the mess hall and the cafeteria."

"Okay, then goodbye. Hope to see you later when re-supply comes next week."

"Of course," Jin said and after leaving the hard hats on the respected table, they got out of the working area.

"What now, Jin?" Arya asked.

"We need to meet with your professor, already forgot?" Jin raised one of his brows.

"Didn't forget that. But there is security everywhere. What will we answer if someone stops us on the way?"

"I saw a dressing room on the way. There was a sign on the door. let's go there."

Good luck to them, the dressing room was empty. The closet had trousers, aprons, and even rubber boots of the technicians.

They quickly changed their outfit into
project staff with a jockey cap on their head. They saw many people in this outfit on their way in.

Two of them hurried out of the dressing room and lowered their heads.
They had covered their faces with the brim of the caps. A little later, they arrived at the entrance of the passage Neville Brick showed before. 
On the way, one or two people passed by them but no one was around at the moment. They entered the passage without hesitation. glancing at the doors on either side as they walked- Dr. Donnen must have his nameplate in front of his lab.

They reached the end of a corridor about thirty yards long, but they didn't find any doors having his name on them. And now they were standing in front of a solid wall- a dead end.
no way forward. 

"What's the matter?" Arya said in a dumbfounded voice. "I don't see any sign of Dr. Donnen. There is no one around too. That Brick guy- he isn't a person who makes mistakes, is he?"

Jin's mind was racing at the speed of the storm, and he was no less surprised.
At the last moment, a possibility came to his mind and he was startled. 

That's right, why did Neville Brick show them this corridor on his own?
Why did he eveb tell them to go back to the mess hall without escort in this highly restricted area? That dressing room was empty, they were not stopped by anyone so far too. Wasn't that a bit unusual?
There was security at the end of every corridor from the storage section to the main area. But why was there no one in front of the lab of an important scientist like Dr. Donnen?
There was only one answer to the questions, and realizing that, Jin's mind was filled with bitterness and
he wanted to slap himself right then.
He rushed and handled the situation like an ameture.

He said in an annoyed voice, "Brick didn't make any mistake, Arya.
He has shown this on purpose."

"But why?"

"It's a trap...and we fell into it like stupids."

As if to prove Jin's words, heavy footsteps were heard in the corridor. Within seconds, six security guards appeared with automatic firearms in everyone's hands.

"Well, well, seems like my suspicion was right?" Pushing the guards from behind Neville Brick came out in front, "our two well-educated workers are actually frauds? From the beginning, I suspected that you are not ordinary people. You thought I was stupid? What should I do with you two now, dear friends?"

There was no way to escape from this narrow corridor.
They both slowly accepted fate and raised both of their hands over their head with bitter faces.

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