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Jin and his companions were knocked to the ground by the shockwave - their ears were ringing with the tremendous sound.

The four of them raised their heads somehow. Jin surveyed around with cautious eyes- looking for cover.

"God!" exclaimed Eva, "our plane... that...that...!" she wasn't able to make any comprehendible words with the suddenness of the events in front of her eyes.

"Gone...the money for the security deposit is gone forever!" Arya cracked a joke with her usual smile.

Jin jumped up and stood up. The helicopter moved away so that it doesn't get hit in the explosion. It will come back soon. They should take cover before that.

"Dr. Buren! We have to take cover.  Can we enter the hangar??"

The elderly woman stood up shaking her head and started running towards the entrance of the hanger followed by the rest. 

There was a small panel next to the blast door— she quickly started to punch the access code reaching in front of it.

Jin was startled and turned his head when he heard a loud noise behind him. He saw the helicopter coming towards them. The side doors of the helicopters were open. Two people were sitting there, they'll start shooting with their machine guns as soon as they can reach within their range.

"For God's sake, Elisa!" urged Jin forgetting his modesty, "hurry up!"

Elisa's hands were shaking, she couldn't press the buttons on the panel properly. She was jumbling up the buttons constantly. Seeing her condition, Arya pushed her away. She said, "let me do it. Tell me the code."

Shaking her head, the scientist started saying, "Six...one...two...one...

After hearing a mild sound, it was understood that the security system has been disabled. Now the mechanized doors of the hangar began to open with a hissing sound-
Moving sideways. 

The noise of the rotors was overshadowed by the sound of firing at their back.
The miscreants were firing from the helicopter, they were not willing to let their targets go away that easily.

Jin and Arya did not wait, they went inside after pushing their companions in through the slit made in between the doors already. He entered the hangar with a dive at the end of every one. Behind him came a trail of bullets in two rows, blowing dust, the last few of those bullets knocked on the hangar door.

"Close it!" Jin shouted, "close the door!"

Arya rushed to the inner panel and pressed the close button.

The blast door began to close again. 

Jin looked through the opening at the last minute and saw the helicopter landing, six armed killers were coming down from it. After that, the doors closed.

Inside the hangar, it went pitch black.
Arya turned on the light by pressing the switch beside the panel.

"W...who are they?"  Eva asked panting, "why are they attacking us?"

Jin could not answer. Elisa came towards him, the elderly Uno was shaking in fear. She said in a frightened voice, "they have come for me, Mr. Kim! Now it's my turn to die."

"Why are you so afraid?" Jin said in a light voice, "aren't we here with you?"

Elisa shuddered at the sound of metal on the hangar door. They were shooting at the door to examine the durability probably.

"What will you do!" Said the scientist in a panicked tone, "they are professional killers. They must have come fully prepared. They'll just kill us once they can enter here!"

"I do mind being killed quietly," Jin said calmly, though he understands well the adversity of the situation.  The opponents were without a doubt heavier in numbers, equipped with sophisticated weapons. But he and Arya have nothing but two automatic pistols. The Ammunition was also limited. He looked around to decide what to do.

It must be ensured first that the enemies cannot enter here. So he
asked, "Is there any way to enter the hangar other than the blast door?"

Elisa shook her head, "behind…the service entrance."


"On it." She ran away to close that.

"There's no use in locking the door, Mr. Kim," said Eva, "these people can use bombs and blast their way in."

Jin shrugged, he knows about it. The front blast door was very thick, it won't yield easily, But the service entrance must have just Common doors. It can be easily broken down.

Arya came back and proved his fear to be true. 

She gasped, "I've got the door closed. There is an electronic lock too—but it's not that strong, Jin. All the locks can be broken just by shooting...They have dynamite not to mention."

"There doesn't seem to be much dynamite with them...surely they didn't know that they have to use that against some blast door in advance?"

"Their stock will be finished at that front door," Arya agreed.

"Why would they use it in front?" Eva said in a surprised voice, "the back door is weak, they will detonate the bombs there!"

"No," said Jin, "That's a small door, not more than one or two people can enter at a time. We can easily shoot them down if they do. In such situations, a two-pronged attack has to be carried out, so they will try to enter from both sides. They'll use dynamite to enter through the front door. They probably will try to break the back door just by shooting it down."

"Then? What will we do?"

"There is nothing to do. It will take time to break the front door. Let's increase their work meanwhile on the back door."

Jin ran towards the service door with his companions. They gathered As many tool chests around as they could, they got the bench and the storage lockers and took everything, and slammed them against the small door.
The barricade will keep the attackers at bay for a while.

After finishing, everyone returned to the middle of the hangar.

Jin looked at the airplanes kept inside.
There were five aircraft. Two float planes, a vintage glider, a single-engine biplane, and the last one was huge. One B-25 Mitchell bomber from World War ll. All of those aircraft were sparkling like new with the magic of restoration.

"That's my father's old plane," said Elisa noticing the interested gaze of Jin, "he went on many expeditions with it during the war. I bought it in an auction in a canceled condition a few years back."

"I see the restoration has been done," said Jin, "can it fly?"

"The machinery was all repaired," said Elisa, "a couple of months ago, my pilot did an engine test, and no faults were found...but I can't say whether it will fly or not. We didn't do any flying tests."

Arya looked at Jin with a surprised look. She said suspiciously, "what are you planning, Jin? Don't say..."

"Yes." Jin agreed. "Manpower or
Firepower - we can't beat them with anything. Isn't it reasonable to try to escape?"

"But with that ancient plane? It won't even take off!"

"Why be discouraged even before trying? No machinery should be so neglected. Didn't you see the vintage Volkswagen car? It runs smoothly even though it was made so many years ago!"

"This is not a Volkswagen car, Jin. It is  At least seventy years old warplane...!"

"Restored," added Jin, "when there is no problem with the engine, why can't we try flying it?"

"It's not just the engine that flies, it's the wing-flaps-ailerons...a lot of things. How should I know if they are right or not??"

"There's only one way to be sure, right?"

Jin went towards the B-25 with Arya. He looked at the fuselage from behind back and forth.
"I don't see any structural problems," he commented looking at his partner, "what do you think?"

"Yes," Arya admitted, "everything seems intact. But a thousand problems can arise if we try to fly it."

"We'll see it when it will happen then," said Jin, "not like we are planning to cross the Atlantic with it! We will just use to get out of the estate, then we will land in a safe place."

Elisa came towards them,
"May I know why you two are suddenly so interested in this plane?"

Jin turned to the lady, "we have to escape from the estate. And only a plane can beat a helicopter in the race."

''You say it like it's not a big deal!" The woman's voice was surprised, "will they let us take off outside? Won't they shoot us down?"

"They will," Jin nodded, "and that's why we are not keeping the small planes in our options. Whatever they do, they can't at least shoot down a bomber with small firearms. No matter how many shots are fired, we will be able to take off."

Hearing the irrefutable argument, Elisa shrugged her shoulders and stepped back.

"There's not much air in the tires, Jin," Arya said examining a tire, "we will stumble down judging the condition of the run-down runway if we don't have air in the tires."

"I saw the air hose over there," Jin pointed, "let's bring it."

"There is not much time. They will barge in at any moment." Arya reminded him.

"We'll inflate the outer wheels first." said Jin, "then we'll concentrate on the inner wheel if we have time."

Both of them reached the air hose in no time. They removed the air hose from the bracket on one side of the hangar wall.
The pump was turned on and the B-25's tires began to inflate within a few minutes. 

In the meantime, the hissing of the compressor was suppressed by the sound of gunfire coming from the service door.

At the same time, they heard a muffled sound in the front as well.
The attackers started using the dynamite outside the blast door.

Jin dropped the air hose from his hand- enough air was filled in two outer tires at the back and in the nose wheel for take off.

He looked at everyone and said, "everyone, get on the plane right now. Arya, you too."

"And you?" Arya looked inquisitively.

"Someone has to open the door, no?"

"Why you? I can do it."

"No, you are our pilot. I will handle the fighting aspect."

"I'll have to fly this junk?" Arya visibly gulped.

"Why, have you forgotten your flight training too?"

"I haven't. But there wasn't a World War II bomber on the syllabus for sure!"

"The basic rules are all the same, there won't be much of a problem," Jin encouraged her, "go, start the engine, we won't have much time for that after I opened the blast door."

"Let's say you opened the door, but how will you get on the plane?"

"Keep the belly-hatch open. That will do. Now go."

Arya did not hesitate after receiving the order, she got up in the bomber with Dr. Buren and Eva.

Jin went in front of the panel, he'll open the door once he gets the signal from Arya.

The firing behind the hangar was increasing every moment, there was another in front of the blast door. The  enemy was getting desperate.

Arya sat in the high pilot's seat in the glass-enclosed cockpit for pre-flight
checking. The glass of the panel's gauge has become cloudy with age,
She couldn't see through them properly. She swallowed hard and tried to gather courage - the work will not be easy at all. She tried to calm her mind by shaking off her worries.

Once her head is clear, she won't have to remember the flying rules anymore. It would be just her instinct and reflex that will do the rest.
everything will naturally come to her fingertips.

She didn't worry about the blurred dials anymore. A pilot doesn't have to keep an eye on everything all the time. She wiped the glass of the dials those were absolute necessary with a handkerchief and then she began to quickly check the systems. 

She felt satisfied within minutes seeing no problems anywhere yet.

The fuel and airspeed gauge as well as the radio were on the console between the seats of the two pilots.
Arya's fingers danced like butterflies over them. The entire console lit up like a pinball machine within few moments.

She switched on the ignition while praying with all her might for a miracle.

The turbine roared like an angry tiger. Looking through the cockpit glass, she saw the turbine fans spinning slowly on the wings.

The thunderous noise of the propeller was increasing gradually, the rotation of the turbine was increasing...
Arya realized that the engines were working properly. She signaled Jin with a thumbs up.

Jin pressed the switch on the pannel to open the blast door and started running towards the B-25 immediately afterwards. Jin saw one figure appeared in between the slit froming between two doors aiming a machine gun towards him.

Jin did not slow down, he raised his pistol while running and fired.
The sound echoed inside the hangar.  The shadow moved, the machine gun fell out of his hands and he moved away from the door grabbing his shoulder.

Just then, the second group of attackers broke through the service door and entered.
Jin picked up his pistol and went to shoot, but it was not necessary. 

Those attackers fell just behind the backdraft of air exiting behind the propeller. All of them almost flew backwards and collided with the hanger wall.

Seeing the scene, a smirk appeared on Jin's lips. He got into the plane through the belly hatch.

Eva and Elisa were in the crew-compartment. Jin asked them to fasten their seatbelts and entered the cockpit. 

He smiled, "This is now your show, Arya. What is the situation here?" 

Arya was adjusting the fuel feed, the throttles were already pushed forwards, the engines were gradually being brought to full power; she still did not release the brake. She will do it once the blast door is fully opened. 

In response to Jin's question, she said, "I have to say this old woman's performance is excellent considering her age!"

"Can you take off?"

"I think so."

Arya's eyes were fixed in front like glue. She'll proceed forward just when she can get the enough space to go out.
If there is a gap in between the doors just enough for the attackers to come inside.
Yet none of the assailants entered, perhaps they were afraid to be shot as one of them were taken down by Jin's bullet earlier on. The blast door was slowly moving from side to side.
Halfway through, it stopped once—distorted by the explosion of dynamite, one of the parts of the door was stuck to the wall. But it didn't stay like that for long. The powerful motor dragged the door away somehow.

"Now, Arya! Now!!" Jin shouted seeing the gap growing.

Arya shook her head and released the brake, at the same time she pushed the throttle forward. 

The bomber's wheel scraped the floor and began to spin, the aircraft sprinted forward like a arrow released from its bow.

The old B-25 bomber came out of the hangar with a thunderous noise.

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