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Garfield and his companions standing outside were shocked to see the huge fighter jet coming out of the hangar. 

But the surprise quickly passed and
they got up and started firing, trying to stop the bomber. 
Bullets began to hit the B-15, causing one wound after another. But it didn't stop and kept running like before.

The experienced killer did not take a moment to decide what to do.
He raised the walkie-talkie to his mouth and began to give instructions to the pilot of the helicopter.

Jin peeped into the zoo compartment, shouting, "keep your head down. Bullets can break through the porthole."

Eva reluctantly accepted the order, but the elderly woman didn't seem to hear his words. She was tapping her phone like crazy as if she was trying to communicate with someone but couldn't.

Jin exclaimed, "Dr. Buren! What are you doing? Head down please!"

"I...I'm trying to get help from outside..." Elisa stuttered.

"No one can help us at this moment. 
If you want to help, just keep your head on your knees and just pray to your god ditching your phone for now."

Elisa looked at Jin with a bewildered look, then hunched over in her seat.

"Jin!" Arya's shout was heard from the front.

Jin turned quickly, "what happened?"

Arya pointed her finger to the front.

Jin saw the enemy's helicopter through Windshield. They didn't see it taking off earlier, but now it was slowly landing on the runway. It is going to block their road.
There was no way except to stop the B-25.
Otherwise, it will crash directly on the copter.

"What should I do?" Arya looked at Jin hoping for advice.

Jin sat on the co-pilot's seat and fastened his seatbelt as his jaw tightened. 

"Speed ​​up," he said in a serious voice.


"You heard me right...speed up, you have to reach at least a hundred knots to take off."

"What takeoff? We...we'll crash into the helicopter!"

"I really want to see whether or not we crash," said Jin, "Increase the speed right now, I want to reach the helicopter quickly before the pilot can get down. Let's see if he has the guts to stop us and to commit suicide."

A mischievous grin appeared on Arya's lips getting Jin's intention this time. She pushed the throttle to the very end.

The helicopter pilot was smiling smugly after blocking the runway. But his smile disappeared within seconds and was replaced with panic instantly guessing Jin's intention.

The gigantic B-25 was looming in like a monstrous beast towards the little grasshopper-like helicopter to try to crush it...There wasn't even any sign of slowing down. Rather the speed was increasing.

Its riders were undoubtedly crazy, otherwise, who wants to commit suicide like that?

He wanted to quickly open the door and go down.
But due to nervousness, the poor man could not find the handle.

His teeth were clattering against one another in fear.
He was staring at his own death.
It was running in the shape of a huge bomber.

There was only one way to survive. The panicked stricken pilot pressed the pedal quickly and grabbed the control stick. The speed of rotation of the rotor increased by leaps and bounds, the copter began to move with its rear end pushing upwards.

As soon as the tail lifted from the runway, the B-25 arrived,
It quickly ran towards the other end of the airstrip only a few feet from the tail rotor.

Jin was right. The pilot didn't have the guts to stop them by staying on the runway. Both of them took the risk. If the pilot didn't move, they'd just crush on the helicopter and say goodbye to this world.

The copter turned halfway due to the gust of wind, struggling to regain balance for a few moments.

However, Jin could not see all of these, his eyes were on the airspeed dial.


The engine was already old and adding to that was the run-down runway. Even all the tires weren't inflated properly-  so the speed was increasing very slowly, it was taking much more time than normal.

Arya said, "the runway is coming to an end, Jin. Should I take off?”

"A little more..."

"Sorry, but if we don't take off now, we'll have to drive all the way."

The airspeed gauge was showing ninety knots—ten knots less than the needed speed.

The plane was still being shot from behind. The more they were on the surface, the more was the number of injuries on the plane.

If there was any major damage,
In the end, the B-25 may not be able to fly. 

So Jin shrugged his shoulders and said, "ok, try it."

Arya started to pull the yoke as instructed, she lowered the flap already...She wanted to float the plane with the help of the wind.

The B-25 slowly raised its nose, the nose wheel lifted off the ground.
A few moments passed like that.  However, due to low speed, she could not lift the back of the plane from the ground.

a little later the front wheel came down again, the plane bounced like a football a few times.

The end of the runway was not even a hundred yards away. Arya gulped in nervousness.

Chanting the name of the god, she again pulled the yoke ignoring the scenery of all the rough and uneven lands in front through the windshield. 

Her feet were pressed against the floorboards as if it was a car and the accelerator was there. Jin was also waiting with bated breath to see the result.

This time, the ancient warplane responded. It went up in the air at the very end of the runway when only ten yards of the runway was left.

The trees below were bent by the strong shock of the engine exhaust as if a cyclone was sweeping through them. There would have been a collision between the trees with the bomber's floor if it were a little late.

Arya let out a snarled breath and wiped away the thin line of sweat dripping from the side of her forehead.

She let out a shaky breath and said, "god! We survived!"

Jin, however, was not so happy. He said in a serious voice, "not so soon."

He raised his finger and showed a gauge, "the second engine isn't working."


Eva appeared at the cockpit door this time. She said, "we can see the smoke through the porthole on the right wing."

The roar of the engine was already telling what has happened. Jin still looked out of the window.

 It turned out that his fear was true.  The engine has been shot. Black smoke was coming out from there. The turbines were spinning out of rhythm.

He told the situation to Arya.

"The Fuel line has been hit too," said Arya, glancing at the gauge.
"We are running out of fuel."

Jin digested the new bad news quietly. He pressed the switch and turned off the second engine. The
Velocity reduced considerably.

Arya was struggling to maintain the altitude already.

Jin said, "stay afloat as long as you can. I'll see if there is any place to land."

"If we can't go somewhere far, the helicopter will find us, Jin."

''I know,'' Jin said, "see how far you can go."

Jin was feeling worried.
Well, the plan didn't quite work out.  The weapons of the enemy were quite strong. They managed to disable one engine. It is not possible to reach Aalsmeer with this plane. They have to land somewhere around Biddinghuizen...within reach of the killers.

Within ten minutes, the situation became more serious. The occupants of the B-25 were startled by the sound of gunfire.
Bullets started hitting the plane again like raindrops.

"What the hell!" Arya said in a surprised voice, "who is shooting again?"

Jin kept peeping through the window, and in a blink of an eye, he saw the silver helicopter. It reached very close to the bomber.

"The helicopter, Arya... it reached us...with all the people,"
Jin said bitterly.

"What the hell are you saying!?"


"How the hell did they catch up with the plane by helicopter?"

"Have you noticed how much our speed has decreased? even a bird can now overtake us!"

“Shit! What to do now? Should I Increase speed??"

"In this condition of the aircraft...if the pressure is applied, the remaining engine will fail too." There was somberness in Jin's voice. He got out of the co-pilot's seat, "give me your ammunition, let's see if I can chase them away or not!"

"Are you kidding me, Jin?" Arya said patting her pocket, "It is impossible to shoot down a helicopter with our automatic pistols. It is not a bird that will run away if you throw a stone -"

"It won't hurt to try, right?" Jin took additional clips from his partner.

"Are you planning on improvising something again?"

"If there is a chance." Jin left the cockpit and came to the crew compartment.

Eva had already returned to her seat, she asked in a panicked voice as soon as she saw him, "what happened, Mr. Kim?"

"Nothing much," said Jin softly, trying to encourage her, "our friends from the estate have returned. They are very angry for leaving them just like that without saying goodbye."

Elisa almost whined and got busy with her mobile phone- probably she'll ask for help from someone. 

Jin didn't stop her this time. If she finds peace by calling someone, then what is the problem?

Eva noticed Jin's hand pistol. She said, "are you going to fight them with that thing?"

"No, no," Jin snickered lightly, "It can't compete with their heavy weapons. I am just here for a little firing practice! Move away from the front door.
Don't get shot."

"And you?"

"Don't worry about me. I know how to dodge a bullet."

Again the heavy noise of the machine gun was heard, this time it was even closer than before.

Eva and Elisa were sent to the back of the plane. Jin stood in front of the exit door and waited a few moments for a break in the firing,
Then he twisted the handle and opened the door.

The wind blew with great velocities through the open spaces,
Equalizing air pressure on both sides. 

The entire bomber shook violently,
Now Arya was almost at war over the console to maintain the balance of the aircraft. She shouted and said, "hurry up, whatever you want to do, just do it quickly! It isn't possible to fly like this for a long time!"

Jin held the bulkhead next to the exit door and then looked straight outside. Seeing the plane shaking, the helicopter moved a little away. It was now approaching again - on its open door, he saw a man with a mustache, grinning from ear to ear.  The man had a heavy machine gun in his hand; It was understood how they could hit the second engine that easily. Now it's the turn of the other engine.

A portion of the left wing was already scrapped with bullets.

There were also two holes in sight on the remaining engine.

Jin gritted his teeth. His plan was a total failure.

It was not possible to dodge the copter with this bomber.
The bomber has lost its speed due to the damage done by the bullet wounds. It has slowed down like a wounded bird,
It will fall to the ground in no time. 

Even if they survive the crash somehow, they will not be able to escape from the hands of the murderers.

Jin, seeing the scumbag once again targeting the engine, raised his handgun and started shooting - the engine must be protected as long as possible.

He aimed at the helicopter and emptied the clip. 

He didn't spend time finding any specific target. Most of the shots went off here and there, one just went to hit the tail of the copter.

The machine gunner was not injured, and the pilot was also unscratched.

Garfield dragged his body inside while Jin's shooting lasted.
Then he appeared again at the door with a victor's smile on his face. 

This time his machine gun was aimed at Jin, not the engine.

He pressed the trigger.

Heavy shells rushed towards the door of the B-25 like a rainstorm.

As if the delicate body of the ancient spacecraft continued to turn into an artifact with bee hive patterns on it.

Seeing the muzzle flash, Jin dived to the floor. His ears were ringing with the loud noise, the small things in his field of vision were being pierced with countless bullets. He saw items and seat foam being torn apart by bullets.

The deadly bullets that entered through the gap of the door were passing over his head.

In a try to evade them, Jin kept crawling and moving away
from the door.

When the sound of gunshots stopped for a short time, Jin saw the feet of the old scientist.

The lady got up from the seat. 

Something must have happened to her. Probably she couldn't contact anyone on her mobile, now her head was not working normally. 

There was a dizzying look in elderly Uno's eyes, she was trying to run towards the exit door. Jin Jumped up and caught her. 

He said in a harsh voice, "what are you doing?"

"Leave me, Mr. Kim!"
Elisa said frantically, "I can't die like this! By all means, I have to live!"

"That's why you are trying to jump from the plane? Have you gone crazy? I'm telling you, go to your seat."

Elisa opened her mouth to protest, only to be interrupted by a loud noise of the breaking of several portholes.  The machine gunner of the copter was firing again. 

Eva screamed in panic, Jin also pushed Dr. Buren and lay on the floor taking her with him.

"Jin!" Arya's call came from the cockpit, "the remaining engine is gone too! We're going to crash!"

Jin bit his lip in frustration, there was no chance to survive. In the end, they have to accept defeat.

In a moment, an angry tiger roared inside his chest.

The will to survive and the sense of duty came to mock him. Jin straightened up quickly and looked around. His eyes stuck on a flare pistol suspended from a bracket on the bulkhead.

"Jin," Arya's call was heard again, "what should I do?"

"Hold on as long as you can," Jin raised his voice. Then he looked at Eva, "take care of Dr. Buren."

The young secretary took her to a seat and asked, "what are you gonna do?"

"Something they can't even imagine," Jin replied in short. Standing up, he collected the flare pistol from the bracket. There was also ammunition to the side in a hanging box. He took a smoke flare from that box and loaded the flare pistol.

The B-25 was shaking wildly, adjusting to the rhythm and moving slowly, Jin came to the side of the exit door.

He shouted, "slow down, Arya. let the helicopter come closer."

"What!" Arya was surprised.

"Yes. I will get one chance to take a single shot, it will be missed if the copter is far away. Try to keep the plane steady, I have to lock the target."

Arya has immense trust in Jin. She didn't question further but rather carried out his commands without question. The sound of the engine changed within seconds as she reduced the R.P.M.

Jin peeked through the door.
Now everything was happening according to his plan. The copter was next to the port wing of the bomber now...it came too near to the bomber in a try to take a shot to take down the bomber.

A cruel smile appeared on Jin's face. The enemies have stepped into his trap.

The pistol had already been reloaded, from behind the door frame he just took out his hand and fired randomly. the machine gunner dragged his body inside the copter to not get shot just like the previous time.

As soon as the clip was empty, Jin emerged in front of the open exit door. He has already dropped the automatic, now only the flare-gun was in his hand.

He locked the target taking time and then held his breath before pressing the trigger.

The shot was perfect. The smoke flare entered the cabin of the copter flying straight through the open helicopter door.

It Bursted after a second of pause.
In the blink of an eye, the interior of the copter was filled with a gush of orange smoke. Overshadowing the roar of the wind and the engine, the sound of the shouting, cursing, and coughing of the riders came along.

The windshield was also covered in smoke, the pilot wasn't see anything ahead. the helicopter was staggering like a drunkard too under his control.

Jin ran into the cockpit and said to Arya, "bump into that copter."

Arya nodded. She pressed the foot pedal and was rotating the control column at the same time too.

The B-25 banked, pushing left- the bomber was going to hit the little helicopter just as one vehicle push another vehicle from the side.

At the last moment, Garfield saw the upcoming danger. He put his face out the door to escape the smoke, but then there was nothing else to do.

First, the rotor blades of the copter rubbed against the bomber, and an ugly sound of tearing steel was heard.
an eight-foot-long wound appeared on the body of B-25.
the rotor blades were also crushed at the same time. 

It didn't end there. The bomber almost went over the body of the copter after destroying the rotors as if a giant hawk was attacking a small grasshopper.

Garfield's wide eyes remained wide open without getting time to be closed. When the bomber slammed the body of the copter at a high speed,
he fell inside uncontrollably.

One side of the fuselage of the helicopter was completely crushed.
There was an explosion just a second after that. The helicopter turned into a ball of orange fire that fell from the sky like a toy.

Seeing the scene, a smile appeared on Jin's lips.

Arya, however, couldn't laugh. Their plane was also damaged in the collision.

It was bumped in many places, a few places of the bulkhead had already burst, and a side of it caught fire.
Slowly the dangerous flame was moving towards the wing, if it touches the fuel line, it will cause an explosion. 

She told the matter to Jin.

"Land it," Jin ordered.

As far as the eyes could see, down there, all were covered with forrest. Not a single piece of plain land was around.

Arya swallowed while looking at it and said, "the landing will be very rough, Jin."

"We have no choice." Jin was adamant, "get down there."

He then turned back and shouted, "be ready, Dr. Buren. We are going to crash-land."

Jin sat on the co-pilot's seat and fastened his seatbelt. 

"If you want to pray, now is the time!" Arya said through gritted teeth looking at Jin.

"Relax," said Jin, "keep calm and concentrate on landing. I will support you."

A few minutes later, the B-25 crashed into the Flevoland forest.

At the first impact, both wings and engines fell off, the whole plane shook with it.

The entire airframe crumpled as if it was wanting to break like an eggshell.
Still, the fall did not stop, shredding the foliage, the bomber continued to fall toward the ground. All the trees on the way were being crushed down. With each blow, wounds were forming on the bomber's body.

Riders were constantly jolting inside without a single break; the two women passengers were not able to scream in fear even. All the portholes, the glass of the windshield was already broken, and the shards that have been thrown inside has scratched and cut the exposed areas of everyone's body more or less.

They were bleeding,
But this pain was nothing compared to the unbearable jolting. It seemed that every joint in their body will fall apart in no time.

Suddenly Jin saw the ground beyond the broken windshield. There was no way to talk so he tried to warn Arya with a gesture. But she didn't seem to see him at all. 

She was struggling to get her balance back. Jin tried a little with the co-pilot's column too, but could not get the balance back. It was now beyond their control.

At last, B-25 reached the surface after destroying a few trees on its way and hit the ground straight with its nose.

Jin saw just darkness in his eyes with a huge jolt, the seat belt strap was gripping his chest so tight that breathing became too difficult. 

The only thing that caught his eye was that the bomber's nose was crushed by the crash and the front console was rushing towards him.

A broken piece of that column hit on one side of his forehead with great force.

He didn't remember anything after that.

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