Titans' Tower Under Attack

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A/n: Hello everyone!! I'm not dead 😂!! Before I start this chapter, I want to say, for the people who celebrate Christmas, Merry Belated Christmas and Happy Belated New Year!! We made it to 2024, guys!!! 

Chapter 3 

"You've loved to tell the tale of defeating me ... now let me show you my gratitude."

Two weeks later, Robin 

 Today marks two weeks since the Titans, and I discovered Phoenix and Raven had a twin sister. It had also been two weeks since Phoenix had been housed in the medical sector of the Titans' Tower. Since then, Phoenix hasn't moved an inch from the medical bed. Since the acknowledgment of Phoenix revealing herself and Raven telling the Titans and me that she had a twin sister, everything has been strange in the Titans Tower. 

 Usually, Raven would be cooped up in her room, but instead, Raven would camp in the medical bay, watching over her sister. It was strange to see Raven caring and protective like this. Raven seemed like a protective mother bear. For the first few days, Raven didn't even let anyone but Cyborg check on Phoenix. I convinced Raven to devise this schedule where the other Titans would watch Phoenix for a day. This schedule went well until I noticed that Phoenix's cuffs would secretly be unlocked after Raven's day of watching over her sister. I confronted Raven about the cuffs, but she stopped talking to me because Raven did not understand why I handcuffed Phoenix.

Medical Bay 

 It was my turn to watch over Phoenix as I was walking down the hallways of the medical sector of the Tower. I was face-to-face with the medical bay metal doors. Emitting from the metal doors was aura that I couldn't put my finger on to describe. This wave of eeriness was pouring out of the door, which became a familiar complaint to the other Titans except for Raven. The Titans and I would voice our complaints about this feeling, but whenever we did, Raven would downplay the other Titans and me as being weird. 

 I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves as the doors to the medical bay opened, revealing Raven, which wasn't a shocker. Raven was putting a yellow sponge into a red bucket, and then she grabbed a towel to dry her hands from the bubbles. Once Raven saw me, she turned her head, avoiding eye contact. Things have been strange since Raven confronted me about handcuffing Phoenix to the bed, but she has to understand that I am coming from a good place of protecting everyone, even Raven from Phoenix. 

 "You came just at the right time," Raven said as she broke the silence while collecting the other towel that seemed more damper than the towel she used to dry her hands. "I just got done bathing Phoenix,"

 "That's good," I nodded as the silence enveloped us again. 

 I walked closer to Phoenix, getting a good look at her. Phoenix wrapped bandages around certain body sections, like her chest, shoulder, lower forearms, and left leg. It was scary how Phoenix and Raven looked alike besides the prominent features that made the two girls stand out. I wondered why Raven never told or mentioned Phoenix to the Titans and me. Why was she hiding this from us? I glanced down Phoenix's bed to see that the cuffs that suppressed Phoenix's powers were still locked to her wrist and metal bed frame. 

 "I see you still got Phoenix handcuffed to the bed," I said as it was my turn to break the uncomfortable silence. "What made you change your mind?"

 Raven had stopped cleaning up her mess and turned to face me for the first time in two weeks. Raven had this somewhat hurt emotion lingering as she stared at me. 

 "Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Starfire talked me into keeping them on Phoenix, so you should thank them," Raven answered. 

 Again, the silence crept back into the room. I looked at Phoenix and then at Raven, who was walking away with the bath bucket. I put my hands on my hips and stared at the ceiling, groaning, which I'm sure had got Raven's attention on me now. 

 "Raven, I've told you that I was not treating Phoenix like she was one of the villains that we fight in Jump City," 

 "I understand that, but you have to understand that I hate to see my sister locked up," Raven repeated herself from two weeks ago. "She has been locked up for too long, and I don't want her to see that she is locked up again,"

 I wonder why Raven would say that?

 I would say something until the Titans' Tower alarm went off. The Titans' Tower's sudden alarm ringing surprised Raven so much that she dropped her bucket filled with gray water on the ground. Raven scoffed, and she ran in the direction of the living room as I followed behind her. Once in the living room, I saw Beast Boy, Starfire, and Cyborg staring at the computer, seeing what was triggering the computer to alert some trouble. The person, or should I say a thing, that was triggering the computer was Cinderblock. Cinderblock was destroying Jump City's streets, picking up cars and throwing them across the road, causing explosions. People in Jump City were running away from Cinderblock. 

 "Titans, you guys need to stop Cinderblock from destroying more of Jump City," I ordered the Titans. They had stern expressions on their faces as they understood my orders. "TITANS, GO!!!!"

 They nodded, and Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy began leaving the Titans' Tower except for Raven. Raven walked up to me with a sorrowful expression on her face. 

 "If you notice anything strange going on with my sister, please let me know," Raven informed me.

 "You'll be the first to know if something happens," I nodded, comforting Raven. 

 Raven had this wave of relief that washed over her body. Raven flew out of my sight to catch up to the other Titans, who were probably already battling Cinderblock. I returned to the medical bay and spotted the wet floor and the left untouched bucket. I stared at the gray water as it continued to move up the floor. I sighed and grabbed some fresh towels that we stored in the medical bay. I began placing the towel on the floor to soak up the water. 

 While I was cleaning the wet spot on the floor, I heard the soft groans of someone like they were waking up. Out of instinct, my body froze. I took a glance over at Phoenix, and she was still unconscious, and she wasn't moving. It was silent except for the medical machines that were doing their job keeping Phoenix stable. I moved the towel around to get the remaining water that wasn't being soaked in the towel. Again, my ears picked up groaning, and I knew it wasn't coming from me. I heard the medical bed jingling. Then, my eyes were met with the same violet-purple eyes that resemble Raven.  

 Phoenix was leaning up on the bed. Phoenix stared at me with a blank look on her face. Then, she would reach out to me until she felt her arm was restricted. I mentally took a breath of relief when the cuffs were still hooked to the metal bed frame, but as soon as that mental break came, it quickly went away when I saw Phoenix break the cuff bound to the bed. Phoenix studied the cuffs like they were foreign objects to her, and then I watched Phoenix transform the handcuffs into some melted liquid. 

 "Hello, welcome to Earth," I said, lightly smiling and scared as Phoenix's violet eyes intensely stared at me. 


 I groaned as I felt like my father hit me, and the pain was pulsing throughout my body. But I noticed I was lying on something soft, not a hard rock like I would in my father's domain. I felt like I could lay on this surface for the rest of my life. I breathed in the air and noticed it smelt different. I took a deep whiff of the air despite it burning my chest. The air smelt clean?  It didn't reek of burning flesh, fires, or smoke. And for the first time in a long time, I felt at peace. 

 I opened my eyes, and I saw a bright light shining. I groaned again as I used my hand to block the light. Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed some figure on the ground. My eyes met with a boy wearing a mask on his face and some ridiculous clothing on his body. 

I would reach out and grab him so he could answer my questions. For the first time, I felt some metal that was wrapped around my wrists. My eyes spotted some metal devices. I used my powers to melt the strange devices from my wrists. 

 "Hello, welcome to Earth," the boy said, slightly smiling at me. 

 Who is he, and why is this lower being talking to me? My ears caught on to the boy saying, "Welcome to Earth." So, I made it to Earth. I'm free from my father's influence! Now, I could start my search to find Raven.  

 "I got to call Raven for some backup!" The boy began to panic. 

 Raven? So, does this boy know my sister Raven? 

 I used one of my black tentacles to grab the boy by his leg and pulled him closer to me. The boy hollered as he tried to stop the force of my tentacle from dragging him. Once I got a good look at the boy, I realized that this was the same boy that I turned to ashes upon my arrival on Earth. Without speaking to the boy, I flunk through the room's wall. I heard the boy's screaming as he came into contact with several complex objects. 

 I swiftly got out of the comfy resting place. I flew over to where I threw the boy, but it didn't come without any pain as I felt the harsh pain striking my chest. I floated in the air as I placed my hand on my chest. I noticed different pairs of clothes on my body, and I had this strange cloth wrapped around my body. I felt the wrapped cloth as the material felt soft with a hint of roughness. 

 I was going to study myself more until I noticed an unidentified heat signature approaching me fast. I ducked, snapping up to see if it was the boy I flunked, and this time, he had this metal staff in his hands. The boy got into his fighting stance with the metal staff pointing at me. I laughed at his stupidity. Didn't he watch me melt the locking device I was locked in? I can quickly melt that staff in his hands.  

 I swiftly came face-to-face with the Earthling boy. This surprised the boy as his eyes, which were hidden by his mask, widened. I grabbed the staff as I felt my hand heating up, and the staff right before the boy's eyes turned into a burning goop. The boy had landed a punch to my face, which knocked me back from him. I heard the sound of a light explosion. I opened my eyes and saw smoke covering the whole hallway. I used my hand to move my nose around to eliminate the aching. 

 Dang, for an Earthling, that boy can really throw a punch. But my father hits harder than that.

  I held both of my hands together, and I moved them apart. The smoke followed my action and split itself in the middle, revealing that the boy had disappeared from my sight. I snapped my fingers, and everything around me started to break down. The sound of things breaking and falling apart was music to my ears, but if only I had some screaming ringing in my ears, it would make me feel at home. I let my feet touch the cold floor of this building. I slowly walked through the smoke-free hallways as flames ignited every step I took. 

 Now, where is my prey? Where is my little prey's hiding spot?

 I stopped walking and took a deep breath of air, even though the pain was taking its toll on me. My nose caught the boy's scent, and I silently followed it until it stopped in the room. I magically made the wall see-through for my eyes only. I've seen the boy holding something kind of yellow object in his hands. It seemed like the boy was talking to someone on the other end as I heard a girl's voice on the other end of the device. Then I heard a familiar name that always got my blood boiling. A name that caused me so much pain and misery over the years that I want to destroy her. 

 "Raven, come to the Tower now; Phoenix is destroying the Tower! Come back now!! The Titans' Tower is under attack!! Help!!!" 

 I let out a fiendish yell that caught the boy's attention. I used my telekinesis powers and grabbed hold of the boy on his upper body. I smashed him against the ground several times as he yelled out upon his body, coming into contact with the ground with so much force. I used my magic to pull the boy to my face so I could see him. The ends of my lips started to smirk as I stared at the injured boy. I heard my stomach rumble loudly, causing the boy to groan. I transformed my mouth into my demonic mouth so I could fit his body in my mouth to devour until he said something that made me stop.

 "YOU ... WILL NEVER .... GET AWAY WITH THIS!!" The boy shouted as he weakly was trying. "Raven will .... be here to end ....  your destructiveness!!!!"

 I would have a light meal before Raven and her other friends could come, but I am okay playing with my food until their arrival!!

"We've .... taken .... you down, and my team and I will do it again!" The boy exclaimed as he stood his ground despite having a massive cut on his arm as he was holding his arm to stop the bleeding. 

"You've loved to tell the tale of defeating me ... now let me show you my gratitude," I said as I transformed into a demon self in mid-sentence. 


 After a few tossing and throwing Beast Boy, Starfire, and Raven around, Cinderblock was locked up and now in the custody of Jump City's Police Force. 

 "'Nother day, 'nother butt-kicking action pack day for the Teen Titans!" Beast Boy said, throwing quick but playful punches. 

 "Yes, another successful day of saving Jump City!" Starfire cheered, smiling from ear to ear. 

 "We've defeated Cinderblock. Now let's go back to the Tower," Raven said as she was about to fly off toward the Tower until I grabbed her hand. 

 Raven turned to see that I was the one to grab her hand. Starfire floated next to Raven, and she had a concerned look on her face. 

 "C'mon, Rae," I begged. "You've been cooped up in the Tower for two weeks and haven't been outside to enjoy some sunshine in a while. I'm sure Phoenix will be fine under Robin's care for a few minutes to an hour!"

 Raven was going to protest, but Beast Boy and his playful charm stopped her. Beast Boy came behind me to make himself known to Raven.

 "C'mon, Rae, Cy is right!" Beast Boy cheesed. "You must live a little and enjoy your time out before Phoenix wakes up!" 

 Raven was going to say something until my communicator was going off. I looked at everyone strangely. Why is my communicator the only one going off, and then my communicator shuts off? Suddenly, Raven's communicator was going off. Raven suspiciously looked at her communicator screen with an intense expression on her face. 

 "What's wrong, Friend Raven?" Starfire asked. 

 "Robin is calling," Raven replied as she answered the call. "Robin, what's the matter?"

 Robin didn't respond, which caused all of us to look at each other and then back at the communicator screen. The screen was covered in static like Robin didn't have a connection, which was strange as I always checked to see if the connection at the Tower was at its best. 

 "Robin, what is going on?" Raven begged. 

 Again, Robin didn't respond, and there was still static coming from Robin's end of the call. Suddenly, Robin's face appeared, looking completely different from how the Titans and I had left him back at the Tower. Robin's mask had a cut, and his hair was sticking wildly everywhere. Robin, from just by his face, was looking like he was fighting some villain. 

 I noticed Robin's background and saw it was dark compared to the bright and sunny day outside. My eyes caught the burning flames dancing in the background. I saw the electric sparks popping from the ceiling, accenting the burning flames. 

 "Robin, what has happened to you?" Raven asked, concerned. "What is happening to my little sister?"

 "Raven ... Phoenix ... come back ... Tower ... attack ... help," Robin said on the call. 

 A demonic scream wailed in the background before Raven could piece together what Robin was saying on the communicator. Everyone looked at each other with horror. My eyes instantly went to Raven as her chest heaved quickly like she was panicking. Raven ended the call on the communicator, and she soared through the sky to get back to the Tower. 

 "Star, BB, quickly make your way to the Tower," I ordered the two remaining Titans as I stared in the direction where Raven flew off into. "It looks like we have trouble at the Tower,"

Titans' Tower 

 Everything inside the Titans' Tower was on fire. The installation and other metal pipes were popped out of the ceiling and were laid on the ground. The electric sparks that I saw on Robin's end of the communicator were sparking. The living room furniture was torn, flipped, or thrown out of its usual place. The kitchen looked a hot mess as the cabinets were missing, the cabinet door was either gone or was hanging by a screw, and dishes shattered to pieces and laid on the floor or inside the living room. What has happened since the Titans and I have left? 

 "Where is Robin?" Starfire panicked as she searched the broken-down Tower we used to call home. 

 After Starfire asked that question, the doors to the living room opened. The sudden noise of the automatic side doors opening scared Raven, Beast Boy, Starfire, and me. Robin rushed through those doors; Robin's clothes were ripped, revealing cuts and forming burn blisters on his body. Robin looked back like he was scared of what was behind him, and then he turned his head to see his team, worried and confused about what was going on. 

 "Robin, why is the Tower like this?" Beast Boy asked as he waved to gesture to the living room. 

 "What happened to you?" I asked, concern, taking a step forward. 

 "Mainly, where is my sister, Robin?" Raven panicked. "Where is Phoenix?" 

 I glanced behind Robin to question why the door to the living room hadn't closed as soon as Robin came rushing into the destroyed living room. A black tentacle flashed into my eyes, wrapping around Robin's leg. I went to grab Robin's left hand while Starfire went to hold his right hand, trying to keep him with the group. The black tentacle was stronger than Starfire, and I combined as the last time I saw Robin screaming and begging to be let go. 

 "RAVEN, WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!" Beast Boy yelled as he got scared, combing his hands through his hair. 

 "I DON'T KNOW, WE JUST NEED TO FIND MY SISTER!!!!" Raven replied, and she was going to take a step in the direction where Robin was dragged until something was illuminated in the hallway's darkness.

 I quickly identified four pairs of eyes illuminated in the darkness, staring at my friends and me. 

 "What is that?" I covered my mouth in fear as I stared at the four pairs of eyes figure. 

 "I don't care, GIVE US BACK ROBIN NOW!!!" Starfire yelled as her starbolts were glowing on her hand. 

 The mysterious, scary figure didn't say a word to Starfire, but the figure did turn its red eyes on Star. Starfire was growing frustrated by the second, and she hollered as she threw her star bolts in the direction of the mysterious figure. The figure had caught it, but the green starbolt was glowing, showing who had stopped the explosion. The shocker escalated to a new level when I identified who held the starbolt. The figure or person having the starbolt was Phoenix.


 I was surprised when I saw the figure revealed by my starbolt as Phoenix, holding my starbolt in her hand like it was nothing. Nobody, not even the most skilled Earthling like Robin, has ever held my starbolts in their hand. Phoenix had a stern glare on her face, and I noticed that Phoenix's pale gray skin was gone and in its' place was red. Phoenix's black hair has turned white. 

 "Raven, you need to handle your sister," Beast Boy whimpered as he lightly pushed Raven forward and hid behind Cyborg. 

 Once Phoenix heard the name Raven, she turned her attention from me to Raven. Phoenix crushed the starbolt in her hand, causing the darkness to swallow her again. Then Phoenix stepped forward as her four pairs of eyes stared at Raven. 

 "HEY BIG SIS!!!" Phoenix smiled sinisterly through her demonic voice. "did you miss me?

 "Phoenix, this is not you," Raven whispered as she stepped forward. 

 "I'M NOT HOW YOU REMEMBERED!!!!" Phoenix laughed. 

 Suddenly, a ring of fire circled everyone. Cyborg and I pulled Beast Boy and Raven away from the sudden flames as I felt the heat touching my skin. Phoenix's demonic laugh echoed through the now-quiet living room of the Titans' Tower. An eery chill was cast through the room despite a ring of fire surrounding my friends, Phoenix, and me. 

 "Aye, you, the alien holding my twin sister," Phoenix called out, getting my attention with an evil smirk. "You wanted to know where this Robin is at, right?" 

 I nodded slowly, but I felt Raven's soft grip turned tight on my arms. It felt like Raven was warning me of something. 

 "Why don't I take you to where Robin is!!!" Phoenix laughed as one of Phoenix's black tentacles grabbed me by my neck. 

 Phoenix quickly lifted me off my feet, snatching me away from Raven's grip around my arms. Beast Boy and Cyborg yelled for Phoenix to let me go, but she never listened. The last thing I heard and saw before I was thrown somewhere was Raven's sad expression and her mumbling the word, "I'm sorry."

Somewhere, Maybe another dimension 

 Suddenly, I felt a rush of wind hitting my face. I slowly opened my eyes and realized that I was free-falling. I glanced up and noticed the black sky with red clouds soaring. I used all my strength to stop myself from free-falling. I glanced around this place or land that I was in. There seemed like nothing significant for miles. All I saw were reddish-brown rocks that also went for miles. I recall the last thing Phoenix said was that she would take me to where Robin was. So, is Robin here, or was Phoenix, from how Beast Boy and Cyborg would call it, bluffing?

 "ROBIN!!!!" I shouted as I heard my voice echo through the vacant land. "ROBIN!!!!!"

 I searched around for any signs of movement. Nothing caught my eye. I decided to get a good view of the land if I got closer to the ground. I dived to the ground, but I was still above the ground. 

 "ROBIN!!!!" I yelled Robin's name as I again heard my voice echo. "ROBIN!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!"

 Again, silence quickly became my friend. I sighed as I felt defeated. I landed on the ground and got on my knees. I placed my hand within my hands, trying to find the best way to find Robin or get myself out of there. Phoenix lied to me. 

 Robin, where are you? 

Suddenly, the ground began to shake. I lifted my head from my hands and watched the tiny pebbles on the ground bouncing up and down. 

 "STAR!!!" I heard a familiar voice yelling out for me. 

 I got on my feet once I heard the voice that sounded like Robin. My eyes darted from place to place, trying to find Robin, hoping I hadn't gotten crazy. I saw a huge dust cloud coming towards me. A small figure growing bigger was in the middle of the dust cloud. I squinted my eyes and realized it, Robin!

 "ROBIN!!!" I hollered out as I jumped and waved at him so he could come towards me. 

 "starfire!!!!! run!!!!" I heard Robin's voice but not the words he was saying. 


 My eyes widened as I assumed I got what Robin was saying. The reddish-brown dust cloud cleared, revealing a gigantic three-headed dog. The three-headed dog was bearing its jagged teeth. 

 Where did Phoenix put Robin and me in?

 "Robin, what is that?!" I quietly exclaimed, pointing at the three-headed dog charging after Robin. 

Beast Boy

 I was freaking out as I was scared out of my mind! Raven's sister, Phoenix, just chucked Starfire like a football through a portal! I stared in the direction of where Starfire was being thrown until I heard a click of the heel getting a bit louder. I turned back to see Phoenix approaching Raven, almost like she was getting in her face. 

 "Hey, sis!" Phoenix sinisterly grinned. "Do you want to play a game like we used to?"

 "No, I don't," Raven said, trying to keep her voice steady. 

 "Why not?" Phoenix giggled demonically. "I'm sure your new Earth friends want to play, don't you?!"

 Phoenix swayed her hand to the side as she magically moved Raven out of the way. Raven hit the wall, and I would get her until I was face-to-face with the demonic version of Phoenix. I was lost in Phoenix's four eyes as I felt like I was being trapped in a hellish hole. Suddenly, I felt my body getting hotter than it was before. I snapped out of my trance and realized that Phoenix's red-clawed fingers were seductively but mischievously wrapped around my jaw and neck. 

 "Do you want to play with me?" Phoenix asked as she tilted her head to the side. 

 "N-no, I-I'm goood," I nervously replied as I felt sweat running down my forehead. 

 "TOO BAD!!!" Phoenix hollered as she let go of my face. "We're going to play a game that Raven and I used to play as a kid,"

 "Phoenix, Beast Boy and Cyborg can't play that game-" Raven begged as she tried to stand up. 


 The tension between Phoenix and Raven was growing intense by the minute. It was so bad that the flames surrounding Cyborg and me were growing hotter and rising. Suddenly, I felt tired, and Cyborg must have felt the same as we were both on the ground sweating. Raven must have identified the state of Cyborg and me, and she got on her feet. It seemed like Raven was almost bowing to Phoenix in the same manner you see when a dog gets in trouble. 

 "I can make it-" Phoenix cut off Raven. 

 "YOU CAN'T MAKE IT BETTER!!!" Phoenix shouted as she stared at Raven. "The game starts now,"

 The flames disappeared along with Phoenix as the Tower was back in the dark. Raven came over to Cyborg and me while she kneeled to check to see if we were okay. Her cold hands were a nice contrast to the heat that was lingering on my body as her eyes frantically moved between Cyborg and me. Phoenix mentioned a game that Raven and her used to play as children; what game did they play? Will it cause me any pain?

 "Raven, what game did you and Phoenix used to play as children?" Cyborg as he quickly recovered.  

 "We used to play Hide n Seek with our powers," Raven replied as she used her magic to heal me.

 "How did you two would play?" I asked as I panted. 

 "Since Phoenix declared herself to be the seeker, she would use her powers to try and find us," Raven explained how Phoenix would track us down. 

 How could Phoenix track us down by using her powers? 

 "How can Phoenix find us?" Cyborg asked as he got on his feet. 

 "We are playing in the dark. Phoenix will use her eyes to see your body's heat waves," Raven explained.

 "How would we know when Phoenix is near us and we need to hide?" I asked if I was feeling better than I was before. 

 "If Phoenix still plays the same way as when we were kids, then the room and area she is in would grow hotter, or you can identify her by flames that randomly pop up,"

 I need to change into an animal that would not emit heat waves for Phoenix to track. I also need to watch random flames that could pop out of nowhere. Lastly, I need to be aware of sudden temperature changes. 

 "Would it be best to stick together?" I questioned. 

 "No, we need to be separate. Don't give Phoenix a chance to catch us," Raven warned us. 

 "So what do we do if we unluckily come across Phoenix?" I was worried about that. 

 "Try your best to knock her unconscious; Phoenix is still weak from waking up. I'm going to try to go to Robin's room and get his Anti-Power Handcuffs and place them on her,"

 Cyborg and I nodded as we understood everything Raven was saying to us. I was scared of coming face-to-face with Phoenix. Just the thought of that happening made my heart beat faster than usual. 

 "WHY AREN'T YOU HIDING?!?!" Phoenix shouted in anger, popping out of nowhere. 

 Phoenix swiftly grabbed Cyborg, tossing him in the air. Then Bonfi, Phoenix's mythical bird, came from behind Phoenix. Cyborg screamed to be rescued as a portal was opened for Bonfi to take Cyborg somewhere. Raven activated her powers and tried to get Cyborg away from Bonfi's opened beak, but it was too late as Cyborg was trapped and crunched upon the immediate shut of Bonfi's beak. I watched as Raven's magical grip grabbed Cyborg's leg. I went behind Raven, trying to help pull Cyborg back to us, but it was no use when Cyborg's leg was relocated from his body. 

 Bonfi was stronger than Raven and me, fighting to take Cyborg with her. The force of Bonfi's final tug knocked me forward as Raven fell to her knees. I used this chance to transform into a frog. I hopped to the debris of what used to be the living room furniture.  

 "I guess Bonfi finally got the meal she has been desiring!" Phoenix laughed. "Oh, my preys are gone, I guess they finally decided to hide!

 I heard a snicker coming out of Phoenix's mouth as her feet lightly thumped the ground like she was turning to walk away. I felt my heartbeat slightly slowing down.

 I always thought that Raven was a bit scary sometimes, but her twin sister, Phoenix, took scary to a whole new level in my books! What did Raven do to Phoenix to make her this way? Now I'm going to have nightmares about her for a while!!

 I felt like luck was on my side until I heard Phoenix's soft thumping of footsteps have stopped. The sound of Phoenix taking a deep breath caught my ears. In reaction to Phoenix's deep breathing, my heart sped up again. 

"I believe I smell one of my preys in this room I am in?!" Phoenix taunted. 

 The sound of Phoenix walking made my ears ring, and my heart beat faster than it was beating a second ago. Phoenix began moving things around, throwing and thrashing them, trying to find me. She was throwing everything but the flipped-over couch I was hiding under. 

 Is she toying with me?

 "FOUND YOU!!!" Phoenix shouted. 

 Phoenix flipped the couch where I was hiding under while she used her black tentacle to grab hold of me. Slowly, I transformed from being a frog into my human self. Phoenix brought out more of her tentacles to grab hold of my limbs. I struggled to get out. 

 "Why ... are you ... doing this?" I asked Phoenix as I was crying at the tightness of her black tentacles had on me. 

 "I want to make Raven pay for what she did to me!" Phoenix replied as she brought my face closer to hers. 

 Phoenix sniffed my face as I felt more tears rolling down my face. 

 "I'm getting really hungry, I'll save you for a meal," Phoenix threw me off to the side 

 "RAE!!!!" I yelled, hoping she could come to my rescue. 

 "Take it from me, she won't save you, she never will," Phoenix said before 


 I heard Beast Boy calling my name. I covered my ears as I was reminded of that fateful day that changed Phoenix for the worst. I was hiding like I did before. That's when I knew nothing have changed with me. Everyone was gone: Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy vanished before my eyes, and the last thing I heard of them was their screaming. The only thing that kept me away from reliving the past was Cyborg's mechanical leg. Cyborg's leg was clung to my chest. 

 I walked the silent and dark hallways of the Titans' Tower, hoping that I would make it to Robin's room in time. But once I heard Beast Boy's screams, I know Phoenix set her sight on me. While I was walking, I kept telling myself that I was getting closer to Robin's room. Before I knew it, I was standing in front of Robin's room and the only thing that stood between Robin's room and me was Robin's door. 

 "I FOUND YOU!!!" Phoenix evilly cheesed as her head was phased through the door. "Now there's only you!!!" 

 I dropped Cyborg's leg out of surprise of seeing Phoenix popping in front of my face. Phoenix phased her whole body through the door as her demonic eyes and troublemaking smirk never faltered. My legs suddenly felt weak making me drop to the floor. Tears began swelling up in my eyes at this overwhelming emotions that I tried to suppress was coming to the surface. I felt the Tower sunk into the ground, broken objects came flying towards Phoenix and I but it never hit us as I assumed Phoenix casted a shield spell to protect us, and more wires from the ceiling had sparked some more. 

 "Awww big sis tried to supress her emotions to keep herself from further destroying her nice Earthly home!" Phoenix jeered as she laughed, but she suddenly stopped. "Let me take you somewhere, where you can freely express your emotions,

 Phoenix snapped her fingers and she magically transported us to someplace that I can "express my emotions freely." I was scared to see where Phoenix was taking us and I need to try to get Phoenix to calm down and try to reverse what she has done to the Tower and my friends. 


 Suddenly, I was thrusted onto the ground. I took a few tough tumbles until I came to a stop. I ducked my head with my arms and laid in a fetal position. I used my ears to try to identify where did Phoenix sent me. The only sound I heard was the inconsistent popping noise that sounds like fire. 

 I glanced up to notice the familiar sign that I could recognize from a mile away. It was the Azarath's Dove symbol. The golden dove symbol was now on fire as most of the symbol was turned black and chipped around the wings and ends. The only thing that wasn't burnt on the symbol was the head of the dove. I checked my surrounds and confirmed that I was in Azarath by the way I identified all the buildings Phoenix and I used to go to were destroyed or was barely how I remembered it. 

 I stared at the sky as it was black as the gray clouds loomed over me. Azarath was always known to have endless blue skies and not one storm passed over here. This is not the Azarath, I knew! Azarath was always known throughout the realms to be peaceful and beautiful. The streets of Azarath was always cleaned and not rock, rubble, and debris scattered around the roads. I took a 360 spin with my mouth covered as everything in Azarath was destroyed and set aflame. 

 Where is Phoenix? Why would Phoenix take me to Azarath? Why does Azarath look like this? 

 "Welcome home big sis!" Phoenix magically appeared, but this time not in her demon form, but in her natural form. 

 "This is not home," I tried not to cry. 

 "Oh it is home, it was just how I remembered it from that day Father took me away and you didn't do anything to stop it!" Phoenix barked. 

 My eyes widened upon hearing about that tragic day. My palms had suddenly got sweaty and I felt my whole body getting the jitters. My chest was heaving like I ran for miles without stopping for a break. This was not how I expected or planned to encountered Phoenix after all this years of being separated. I always thought she would be happy to see me and not harbor any hate in her heart for letting her be with Father while I was living my life. 

 "We agreeing to switch places, Phoenix," I reminded Phoenix of our deal from years ago. 

 "See what you forgot big sis was you were supposed to set me free from Father some way, shape, or fashion, but you knew came to get me!" Phoenix growled. "You were here on Earth having a fun time with your Earth and alien friends while I was rotting in hell!"

 For the first time since speaking with Phoenix, she fell to her knees and cried. The flames that were burning on the buildings, rubble, and debris grew bigger. The ground began to form more cracks, tearing apart the ground. I wanted to take a step forward to comfort Phoenix, but I knew it would only make the situation worse. 

 "W-why Phoenix?" I mumbled. "Why are you doing this?" 

 "I'm on a mission to destroy the two people who caused me misery in my life and guess what big sis, you're at the top of my list!" Phoenix said as she stood on her feet as a spark of flames engulfed her whole hands. 

A/n: thank you for reading this chapter. Like mentioned before, I truly hope for the people who celebrated the winter holidays like Christmas to had a Merry Christmas and a belated happy new year's!!! P.s. did anybody felt like Christmas and new years for some old reason felt like a normal day or is it just me? For the people who are reading the Winx Club book, I will be posting a chapter by the end of this upcoming week as I start my new college semester so please be on the lookout for that. Tell your thoughts about this chapter in the comments and please vote!! Other than that I'll see you guys on the next chapter 😊🥰💕💕!!!

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