Ch201-One More?

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A/N: This chapter is actually based on a real life story that happened to me yesterday. Apparently there are 5 tests not 4. Also what do you all think of the new book?


Aphmau's P.O.V.





I open my eyes and jump out of bed. It's Friday. I have no more tests and I can get back to my normal classes. I am so relieved tang is all over. I never have to do any of those tests again which is exciting,

I go to the bathroom and take a shower. I step out and I get dressed in a grey top, a black pair of shorts and a purple vest. I wear purple ankle boots. I brush my teeth and apply mascara, eyeliner and starburst flavoured lipgloss. I spray on some perfume and then I go to the kitchen.

I have a pineapple and coconut smoothie and I feed Celestia and Shadow. The seem to be getting along really well. I have also found out that Shadow really likes cuddles. He will lay in my lap and let me pet him. I guess Gene never really payed attention to him.

I pack my bag for school and I walk out. I catch up with Garroth, Vylad and Zane. I tell them about Shadow and Gene. They seem concerned but I tell them that there is nothing to worry about. Shadow is good unlike Gene.

We get to school and I check my schedule. That's strange it hasn't updated, it says I have a test. Wait a second... I HAVEN'T DONE THIS TEST NOOOOOO I HAVE ONE MORE TEST!!!

Ugh I can't believe I have a reading test. I thought that there was only four tests not five. I am so sick of all of these tests. Mother of Irene just let me go home. Ok it's all fine, I can do this. I'm perfectly fine and I don't need to worry.

After my small breakdown I head over to the Gym where I find my friends. Apparently everyone else didn't know about this test so I'm not the only one. It's reading though so it is easier than the math and spelling.

The teacher comes in and tells us to sit down, we take our seats and she hands out the tests. She reads out all the instructions, which by now I think we have all memorised and tells us to begin. I find it pretty easy.

Although they always catch you off guard with a worked taut has two different meanings or when they bring in all the paragraph stuff but other than that I think I did pretty well. When the test is over I can't get out of there fast enough. Now I have finished all of my tests.

I go out to lunch and everyone is talking about going to the movies to celebrate all the tests being over. I agree and we decide to walk to the movies after school.

*Time Skip To After School*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I get out of my class and I go to my locker, I pack up everything and I join my friends. We walk to the movies and soon enough we are there. Now comes the hard part, choosing a movie, Zootopia is showing but we have already seen it, The Jungle Book also looks cool, but the Angry bird movie looks really funny.

We all decide to watch the angry birds like the grown teenagers we are and we buy the tickets. We sit down in the cinema and wait for the movie to start. I notice that Dante seems a little nervous about something. He seems really out of it as well. Oh well maybe he is just tired?

We watch the movie and I have to say it is really good. I think it's funny. It's kind of cool how they took and app and made it onto a movie. Maybe they can do this with another app like world chef. That would be awesome.

After the movie we all walk to Garroth, Zane and Vylad's house to hang out. We walk in and we hang out on the couch playing video games. Garroth and Zane seem to be arguing a lot more than usual.

"GARROTH GET LOST!" Zane yells

"Aww what's wrong baby bro, upset you lost?" Garroth replies

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Zane says tackling Garroth to the ground

They fight while we try to figure out what to do.

"PILE!" Laurance yells and he jumps on top of them

He is followed by Travis, Jeffory, Katelyn, Lucinda and everyone else. Pretty soon I'm the only one standing. They are all laughing and I am just really confused. I have never gotten piles, I guess it's because as a kid I was winded (Air pushed forcefully out of your lungs) because someone jumped on top of me by accident.

We continue playing video games where there is a knock on the door. We answer it and it is Gene.

"I need to talk to Aphmau" Gene says

"Haha no way" Garroth says

"It's about Shadow Aphmau, please" he says

"Fine" I say coldly

I walk out and close the door.

"Aphmau, you have Shadow right?" He asks

"Yes I do, I'm taking care of him until you can" I say

"That's a relief, and I'll be able to take care of him one day, when everything settles down" he says

"Everything?" I question

"Oh it's nothing, anyway bye" he says

I go back inside and Dante seems even more on edge. I walk over to where he is sitting and ask him what is wrong. He tells me about how he feels about Gene and him being here. He wants Gene to leave.

I hug Dante and he hugs back. He tells me gang Gene is where a lot of his confidence came from however he kind of regrets learning from Gene since he tried to kill him. It's understandable that Dante learnt from Gene because they are brothers.

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