Ch202-Sibling Fight

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A/N: Leave lipgloss flavours I haven't used in the comment section. After 202 chapters I'm getting stuck on the flavours <3


Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up to a beautiful sunny day and the birds chirping. I just know that today is going to be an amazing day. It's Saturday, I don't have anything I need to do, my day is completely free. Nothing could go wrong. I probably shouldn't jinx it though.

I get out of bed and I take a shower, I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner. Tomorrow my hair is getting cut and I'm going shopping. Who should I take shopping with me? I think most of the girls are busy.

I step out of the shower and I get dressed in a pair of denim shorts with lace around the bottom and I wear a white lacy top. I put on purple flats and my amethyst necklace. I apply mascara, eyeliner and clementine lipgloss. I spray on some perfume and I brush my teeth.

I head downstairs and I think I can hear faint yelling. I ignore it and make breakfast for myself and Shadow & Celestia. I turn on the T.V. it's the moment of truth. Will Shadow like dance moms? He watches it for about five scones and then barks happily. That make me feel a bit calmer now.

Celestia would be sad if we couldn't watch Dance Moms because Shadow doesn't like it. I watch it for a bit but then I can hear more yelling. Suddenly my phone vibrates with a message from Vylad. I wonder what he could need?

Xx Text Start xX

(A-Aphmau, V-Vylad)

V-Aphmau Zane and Garroth are having a huge argument, please come help

A-Really what happened?

V-I'm not entirely sure, all I know is I woke up to Zane and Garroth trying to kill each other

A-This sounds like a family matter

V-Our family's kinda weird, please just come over

A-Well alright, if you really need me there I'll be there in five

V-Ok thank you. See you then :)

A-See you soon :)

Xx Text End xX

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Mother of Irene, those guys can't go five seconds without something coming up. Oh well I guess it's alright considering how much they do for me. They are brothers so they shouldn't be fighting like this. I don't have any siblings though so I don't really know.

I tell Shadow and Celestia where I'm going and they bark in response. I walk over to the guys house and ring the doorbell. The sound of yelling is even louder. The door opens and I see Vylad.

"Ok I see what you mean by you need some help" I say

He invites me inside and I go to his room. We discuss what to do about this whole situation. Vylad says that he has already tried to talk to them but they won't listen to him. This is a very hard problem,. Suddenly Garroth and Zane walk in without noticing me.


"Oh please, Vylad agrees with me" Zane says

"You're just angry because I'm closer with Aphmau than you" Garroth says smugly

"At least I can talk to her without stuttering" Zane fires back

"Umm guys" Vylad manages to say

"What!?" Zane and Garroth say at the same time

"Behind you" he squeaks

They turn around and they notice me for the first time. I raise an eyebrow and they both start stuttering excuses. I think it's time we got to the root of this problem. Something is going on and I don't think it's just the, arguing for no reason.

Zane and Garroth both storm off to their rooms. I go to Garroth's room and Vylad goes to Zane's problem. I knock on the door and Garroth answers it. He invites me inside and I sit down on a chair.

"Garroth what's really going on?" I ask

"I have no idea what you are talking about" he says

"Garroth, I know you, you wouldn't argue with someone for no reason, what's going on?" I reply

"Well, Zane has been fighting with me a lot lately. It's getting annoying and I'm getting agitated, I haven't really slept properly for a while because I have been worried about Phoenix drop and well... You" he says

"T-That's really sweet" I say trying to hide my blush "But you need to apologise to Zane, I think something may have upset him which is why he is arguing a lot"

"That's a good idea" Garroth agrees

We walk to Zane's room and before we open it we hear Zane talking to Vylad.

"I have to live in Garroth's shadow every day, he is the perfect one, he is the good looking one he is the smart one, you think I don't know that?" Zane's voice says

"Come one Zane, you know that isn't true" Vylad replies

"Name one good quality I have" Zane says

"Well you, I mean you are very, your personality is.." Vylad says stumbling over his words

I feel Garroth walk past me and open the door.

"Baby brother, you should have told me" Garroth says

"Oh please, like you would care, you're to busy up in your Mr.Perfect world" Zane shoots back

"Zane, I'm sorry you felt like, you where in my shadow" Garroth replies

"W-well, I wasn't expecting an apology" Zane says shocked "I guess I'm sorry for picking fights"

"It's ok, bring it in baby brother" Garroth says

He gives Zane a bone crushing hug and Zane looks like he is a little bit happy. I think Zane was just a bit lonely and Garroth always hanging out with Laurance or Dante probably made him feel all alone.

When the fight is over we order some pizza for lunch and go to my house to play with the dogs. Garroth and Zane apparently both hate Dance moms so Vyald and I force them to watch it. At least this way they will have something to talk about.

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