Ch205- A Temple

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A/N: I don't usally do shout outs but here we go, SHOUT OUT TO omoller123123 for buying a cookie from my bake sale from school. I said that if she bought a cookie from me I would give her a shout out so thank you Olivia :)


Aphmau's P.O.V.





Aww it's morning already? I had the best dream about a candy land with chocolate and ice cream and an evil jelly queen which is a bit weird. The place seemed so familiar. I wonder it it was a place in real life?

Anyway I get out of bed and I go take a shower. I wash myself and use some strawberry shortcake body wash. I hop out of the shower and I get dressed in a pair of purple shorts, a blue lacy top and a pair of blue ankle boots.

I brush my hair and I pull it up into a high ponytail, tying a purple ribbon around my hair tie. I brush my teeth and spray on some perfume. I apply mascara, eyeliner and cupcake batter lipgloss. When I am done getting ready I head to the kitchen.

I make some breakfast and then I feed Celestia and Shadow. I pack my bag for school and I play with my dogs before I go. I don't want to go to school because I will have to face Gene and I am ashamed to say that what he said actually got to me.

I head off for school and I catch up with Vylad, Zane and Garroth. I talk with them about school and I suddenly feel a pull. I loose my balance and I fall to the ground. It was a magical pull, like something wants me to go a different way.

"WOW APHMAU ARE YOU OK?!" Garroth says helping me up

"Yeah I'm fine, I just, I don't know" I say confused

"Do you want to go home?" Vylad asks

"N-no I think I, ok, I just felt something really weird" I say

We continue walking and I can feel them watching me closely. It's sweet how they are so worried about me but I'm a little nervous now. What could that have been? I'll investigate tonight after school. Maybe it had something to do with my powers? It must have because no one else felt it.

We arrive at school and we go to our lockers. I open mine and I grab out my things for my first lesson which is science. I walk to my lesson and I wait outside the classroom. I notice that Gene and Dante just arrived.

Gene walks up to me and I can feel his cold presence.

"Look Aphmau, I didn't meant to hurt you" he says

"Haha yeah right" I say looking away

"No seriously, I don't know what came over me" he says

"Is that what was going through your head all those times you tried to kill me?" I reply

He looks really angry and suddenly Dante is in front of me and he pushes Gene back.

"Gene quit it" he says

Gene looks at him in disgust and then walks off down the hall.

"Thank you Dante" I say as I hug him

"No problem he replies"

The teacher unlocks the classroom and we head in. I take a seat next to Dante and we lay attention to the lesson and our work. Luckily in this science lesson nothing blew up. Again.

*Time Skip To Lunch*

Garroth's P.O.V.

I have been really worried about Aphmau all day today. Lunch is the only other time I'll get to see how she is doing. This morning when she fell I felt my heart sink to my stomach. I was so worried that nothing else mattered at all.

I sit down next to her and I make sure she is alright. She seems perfectly fine which is a relief. I can only hope she is alright in the inside, the last thing I want is for her to be in some sort of trouble or a fight within herself. I have been there.

After lunch I make sure Aphmau doesn't fall on her way to class and then I head to my own class. I know it may be creepy but I'd rather be creepy and know that Aphmau is ok than let her become hurt or in some sort of trouble. As long as it's Aphamu nothing else matters.

*Time Skip To After Lunch*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

After school I practically rave home. I quickly have some afternoon tea and I start walking to try and find out what that strong pull was. I close my eyes and I am lead to a creepy part of the forest, I need to do this, no matter how scared I am.

I walk into the forest and I look around. Nothing seems weird around here but I am still being pulled. Suddenly I am met with a huge temple. It is completely hidden by trees on the outside. I walk in and look around.

It seems really old. I notice something glowing on the wall and I walk up to it. It is a painting of Irene when she was younger. There seems to be a few paintings. One with the name Enki It seems something to do with Irene was activated and since I have her powers I was pulled.

I look around a bit more and I think Emmalyn would love this place. I read about the divine warriors. I never knew my grandma was so powerful. There is so much information here. Some of this stuff we don't even know yet.

It's getting dark so I decide to head back before night falls over the forest. I need to tell Lucinda about this, she will know what to do with all of this stuff about Magiks. When I get home I message her.

Xx Text Start xX

(A-Aphmau, L-Lucinda)

A-Lucinda guess what?


A-This may sound crazy but I found a temple with a bunch of stuff on the divine warriors, I think it's the reason I felt a pull today

L-Wow really?!

A-Yeah I'm serious, what to take tomorrow off and check it out with me?

L-An excuse to get our of double math? Of course

A-Ok see you tomorrow, don't tell anyone

L-Ok, see you tomorrow

Xx Text End xX

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I can't wait for tomorrow. Maybe I'll find out some information about controlling and using my powers as well. This will be so fun. I don't want anyone else to know because it could be dangerous.

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