Ch206- Confusing

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Aphmau's P.O.V.




I wake up feeling really excited. I can't wait for today because I can finally learn about my powers and my grandmother. It will be great if I can understand my powers better. That way I might be able to use them properly without causing any damage. I should probably go get ready.

I get out of my bed and I take a shower. I use my strawberry shortcake body wash and I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner. I get out of the shower and I get dressed in a pair of black ripped pants, a purple top and a pair of purple ankle boots.

I apply mascara, eyeliner and pretzel flavoured lipgloss. I spray on some perfume and I brush my teeth. I blow dry my hair and I brush it. I pull my hair into a side braid with a purple flower crown. When I am done with everything I go into the kitchen.

I make breakfast and I feed Celestia and Shadow. I pack everything I will need for looking around a temple including some food. When I have finished getting ready I play with Shadow and Celestia until Lucinda arrives.

There is a knock at the door and I go answer it. Lucinda is here. I invite her inside and we have some tea before we go to the temple. When we finish our tea we head off to the temple. We walk through the forest and eventually arrive at the temple.

We walk in and I show Lucinda the glowing painting on the wall and she inspects it. I looks around at some of the other things and there is a lot of interesting things here. I look at a painting of Enki, and Lucinda calls me over.

"Aphmau I have read about things like this before, something to do with this painting was activated" Lucinda says

"Do you know what it was?" I ask

"I'm not entirely sure but I'm almost certain it has something to do with you and another person" She says "is there anyone you have been around lately that you wouldn't normally be around?"

"Well Gene I guess but I don't see what he could have to do with this" I reply

"We can figure that out later, for now let's read some of these books and look around a little more" Lucinda says

We look around at some, of the things and we find out some information about the divine warriors. Apparently they themselves weren't powerful but the relics inside of them. These relics can be passed down through generations so my powers come from a relic.

This relic can be taken out using magiks however it is very hard and only another person can take them out. To take out relics you need stealing magiks which are rare. No one with stealing magiks has been seen for 200 years. This is all very interesting stuff.

We find a book on controlling a relic. I read through it a little. Some of it is stuff I know such as powers get stronger with feelings and some of it I don't know. Apparently my powers will become more powerful and easier to control if there is someone with the same magiks that I'm using around.

That might come in helpful, If I can find someone to match my powers it might really help us when we are fighting. I join up with Lucinda and we discuss the information we have found. Lucinda found out about the Irene dimension.

Suddenly I feel a presence. It is not a good presence but it isn't bad either. Lucinda feels it to. We hide quickly and we watch someone in a hood walk in. They take of their hood and I immediately recognise him as Gene. Why would he be here. Why would he know about this place?

Lucinda and I walk out and he stares at us.

"Gene what are you doing here?" I ask

"I could ask you the same question" he replies

"I don't need to explain myself to you" I say

"Whatever, I'm just looking for something, there is a relic somewhere here" he says

"We pull thank you for the information, we will find it" Lucinda says

"I was lying, you are so gullible" He says stepping forward

"Am I" she says pointing at his foot

I look down and I see a tripwire. The second he takes his foot off of the tripwire a huge bucket of water being held up by witchcraft will drop on him. Lucinda mush have done that when I wasn't looking.

This is what Gene gets for teasing Lucinda. Lucinda is really powerful and she hates looking stupid for any reason. He looks at us and mutters an apology. Lucinda makes the bucket disappear and he walks away. I wonder what he was doing here?

It is starting to get dark so we decide to head home. When we get home night has fallen and Lucinda uses witchcraft to make dinner. We have some chicken, carrots and chips. We enjoy our dinner and after Lucinda uses her witchcraft to teleport her home.

Emmalyn could really help us in this situation so we call her up. She will know because everything we learnt was really confusing.

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(A-Aphmau, L-Lucinda, E-Emmalyn)

A-Hey girls, this is a chat for Irene talk


L-Aphmau found a temple and we spent the day inspecting it


A-Yeah we did, on the weekend want to come inspect it with us and sleep there for the night?

E-Of course I do, can Kenmur come to?

A-Yeah sure, we can make it a group thing

L-ok this sounds really exciting, I can't wait

A-Me neither, I need to go to bed now, talk to you tomorrow

L-Ok bye, sweet dreams

E-See you tomorrow

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I head into my bedroom and I change into my pyjamas. I crawl into bed and I try to fall asleep but the thought of all the magiks and Irene is keeping me up, eventually I'm able to fall asleep and I dream of the temple.

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