Ch207-New Girl

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A/N:  Anything  in brackets () is something someone says under their breath


Aphmau's P.O.V.




I wake up happily. I feel really refreshed after finally being able to sleep last night. Of course I'm still really confused about all we learnt but it's nice to know that Emmalyn can explain some of the stuff we learnt. I can't wait for the weekend.

I get out of bed and go to the showers. I take a shower and use my strawberry shortcake body wash. I get out of the shower and dry off. I get dressed in a pair of purple pants, a black top with buttons and a pair of purple ankle boots.

I apply mascara, eyeliner, perfume and pudding lipgloss. I brush my teeth and then I brush my hair. I pull my hair into a low ponytail that flows over my shoulder. When I am done getting ready I go to the kitchen and make breakfast.

I give Celestia and Shadow some dog food and then I have some French toast. I pack my bag for school and I wash up all my dishes. When I have everything cleaned up and ready to go I say goodbye to Celestia and Shadow, grab my school bag and get going.

I walk to school and when I get there I go to my locker. I open up my lo mer and pack away my things. I grab my stuff for my first class and I hear my name being called over the loud speaker. It is the principal telling me to come to the office in ten minutes. Oh no what have I done?

"Hey Aphmau did you hear about the new girl?" Cadenza asks walking up to me

"No I didn't, have you met her?" I reply

"Nope, no one has, all we know is that she is very rich" Cadenza replies

I am a little curious now as to who this mystery girl is. If she is very rich I wonder if she is like Missy? No I shouldn't judge her without meeting her. I don't even know what she is like. I shouldn't assume that just because someone is rich they are mean.

I walk to the office still nervous about what I did to be called here. The principal sees me and smiles. I notice a really tall girl with dark pink hair standing next to the principal. She must be the new student. She looks really nice.

"Aphmau, this is Ivy. She is brand new to Phoenix Drop High. I was hoping you would show her around" the principal says

"Of course I will, please follow me, my name is Aphmau, it's a pleasure to meet you" I say to Ivy

"It's a pleasure to meet you to (you short potato)" Ivy says

"What was that last part?" I ask smiling

"Oh I was just saying how I am so excited to be here" Ivy says

"I knew you two would get along, now go show her around" the principal says smiling

I take Ivy out of the office and i show her around the school. Missy and her minions are here and she seems to narrow her eyes at Missy. I wonder if she doesn't like Missy, suddenly Garroth, Zane and Vylad arrive at school.

We walk up to them and I introduce Ivy to Garroth. She hugs him. I don't think much of it because it could be her way of saying hello to people. Garroth looks very uncomfortable and I tell her that we should finish the tour. We walk off to the club rooms.

"Are you and Groth a thing?" Ivy asks

"W-What? no" I say confused

"Well then, even if you where, I want you to stay away from him you short potato, I run this school now and you are nothing better than the dirt under my feet" Ivy says, her words like a knife in my heart

"What are you talking about?" I say confused

"I'm saying stay away from Groth" She says and she joins up with Missy

They must have known each other from outside of school. I think it was stupid of me to trust Ivy like I did. I though she wasn't going to be like Missy and her minions but I guess I was wrong. The bell for class goes an I head off to my science class.

In class I warn a few of my friends about Ivy. I want to tell everyone about her at lunch but I don't know if any one will believe me. I still need to try though.

*Time Skip To Lunch*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I go to lunch with Lucinda and we get our food. I sit down with everyone and they all seem to be watching Ivy. I warn them about what she said and they all believe me. I'm glad my friends trust me.

"I can't believe she said that!" Cadenza says angrily

"Wow she was so nice earlier" Garroth says

"I know right?" I say

Suddenly we hear the clacking of the popular girls high heals. They enter the cafeteria and they join up with Ive. At that moment everyone knew that Ivy wasn't a good person, she was just like the rest of the popular girls.

*Time Skip To After School*

Garroth's P.O.V.

After school today my brothers, Aphmau and I are going to the park to hang out. I notice as I'm walking out with them Ivy is watching us. The hug she gave me earlier lasted way to long and after what she said to Aphmau, I want nothing to do with her.

We all arrive at the park and we go on the equipment. This is pretty fun, well anything with Aphmau is really fun.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I notice that Ivy is here and she is watching us. She comes up to us and pretends to be really nice. She doesn't know that I told everyone about what she said to me.

"Hey Aphmau, I want to thank you for showing me around this morning" She says smiling

"Why are you here Ivy?" Zane asks

"Well I wanted to make some friends" She says

"We'll find someone else, we all know what you said about Aphmau this morning" Vylad says

"Yeah, we aren't friends with bullies" Garroth says

"Ugh what ever, Aphmau you stupid short potato" she says me she likes away

We watch her leave and I feel a sense of relief. Maybe she will leave me alone. Or she will be like Missy and never go away.

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