Ch222-Girl Talk

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Aphmau's P.O.V.




YAY IT'S FRIDAY!!!!! I absolutely love Friday. I can't wait to go to school today, I know for sure that my teacher for the first few lessons will be away today and I don't think they sent a relief teacher. I hope they don't send one.

I am so excited to start today, I want to go to school for the first time ever. Today is taco Friday so we get delicious tacos for school. I also can't wait to come home and watch some new videos by Alexia Right.

I go to The bathroom and I take a shower. I use some strawberry shortcake body wash and then I get out of the shower. I get dressed in a pair of purple shorts, a black and white top and a pair of purple high tops.

I brush my hair and I braid it into two pigtails. My braids reach up to my waist which means my hair is still really long. I got some purple hair dye so I might dye the ends of my hair. I apply mascara, eyeliner and marshmallow fudge lipgloss. I spray on some perfume and I brush my teeth.

I go to the kitchen and I make some breakfast for myself and my dogs. I eat my breakfast and then I want the dishes. I pack my bag for school and play with Celestia and Shadow a bit before heading off to school.

I walk to school and I look around. I just realised that it is the first day of summer. Oh my Irene I wish we had summer break but we don't. It would be great if we did. I could play Minecraft all day every day. I could even start a YouTube channel.

I get to school and I go to my locker. I don't get anything for my lesson other than my iPad. I don't need anything because we don't have a teacher, At least I hope we don't now because I will need to go back to my locker to grab my stuff.

I join up with my friends and I jump on Ross to scare him. He screams a really high pitched scream and turns around. My friends erupt into laughter and I laugh as well. I notice a lady bug on Ross's narwhal hoodie.

"Hey Ross you have a lady bug in your hoodie" I say picking it up


"Did you know that if a ladybug lands on you it is good luck" I say

"Wow really that's so cool, why are you still on my back?" Ross asks

"Aww I liked being tall" I say sadly

I jump off of Ross' back and I am back to being short.

"Aphmau if you want I'll 'pick you up'" Travis says flirtatiously

"TRAVIS!" Katelyn yells and knocks him out

I laugh a little and then we go to class. I'm with a lot of my friends in this class and as I thought the teacher isn't here. I go sit down and immediately we hear Ivy talking in her annoying voice and she is picking in someone. I tell my friends that we need to do something about her.

We throw around a few ideas and we can't really come up with anything considering she is worse than a Yandere. Wait a Yandere...

"Hey guys, Ivy is worse than a Yandere right?" I say

"Yeeesss" Cadenza says uncertain

"I don't think I like where this is going" Jin says

"What if we ask Yun for help?" I say

"No way, he tried to kill us! And he hurt you" Ross says

"Well then what should we do?" I ask

"We can call Yun plan Z, we will think of something else" Ivana says

We watch Ivy picking someone and we eventually tell her to sit down and quit being a brat, apparently she doesn't like that and she comes up to us and tries to scratch Lucinda. She acts quickly and turns Ivy into a black cat. We all laugh and eventually she turns back into a human.

*Time Skip To After School*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

After school I grab my things out of my locker and then I ask my girl friends if they want to come over for some girl talk. They all agree and we walk to my house. We talk about how excited we are for summer. Cadenza is talking about how she wants to have a summer party, I should probably go shopping for some summer clothing.

We arrive at my house and we eat some cake for afternoon tea. I tell Cadenza how I want to dye the ends of my hair and she is so excited. She immediately tells me that she can help and she grabs the hair dye. We go to the bathroom and she apples the hairdryer. While I am waiting for it to dye my hair I go back into the living room with my friends.

I talk with Shelby and I am trying to talk up Red.

"So Shelby, how close are you with Red?" I ask

She has a small blue on her heels and I can tell she likes him.

"W-well we are really close friends" Shelby says

Cadenza immediately catches onto what I am doing and she helps.

"So are you two dating?" Cadenza asks

"Well no not yet" she says

"Ohh so you want to date him?" Katelyn says

"Yeah I do, but I don't think he likes me" Shelby says

I can't wait to tell Red this tomorrow. Red and Shelby can start dating and they will get married. I call being Shelby's maid of honour. I want to wear a pretty dress, not as pretty as the brides dress but nothing ugly like curtain material. Maybe one day I will be a bride.

When the time for my hair dying is up we wash out the hair dye in the sink and we look at my hair. It looks so cool. I don't send any photos to anyone because I want it to be a surprise fir the boys. I tell my friends not to tell anyone.

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