Ch223-Helping Red and Shelby

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up I lay in bed for a while. I open my eyes and I look at the posters I have around my room. I really like my poster of Levi-senpai. It took me ages to get that poster and it cost so much but it is worth it. I really love Attach On Titan.

I go downstairs and I make some breakfast. I feed Celestia and Shadow and then I watch some T.V.. Celestia is looking at me like she is expecting me to turn the channel onto Dane Moms. Shadow is also looking at me like that and I don't want to say no.

"Come on guys, we always watch Dance Moms" I say

Celestia barks and I playfully roll my eyes. I turn the channel onto dance moms and then out of no where my phone starts ringing. YAY IT SAVED ME FROM WATCHING DANCE MOMS FOR THE SIX THOUSANDTH TIME!! I look at the caller I.D. and it is Red. I wonder what he could want. OHHH MAYBE HE IS CALLING ABOUT SHELBY AND THEY ARE DATING. I sure do hope so.

Xx Phone Call Start xX

(A-Aphmau, R-Red)

A-Hello Red

R-Hey Aphmau, I know it's early on a Saturday morning but I want to tell you something

A-Sure what's up?

R-Well I asked Shelby on a date and she said yes


R-Oww my ears

A-Sorry, anyway continue

R-Well I don't want to have my first date with her alone so I told her that it was a double date with you and one of your friends

A-Who is going to be free on a Saturday to go on this date?

R-I don't know, I'm really sorry Aphmau, please I really need this to happen

A-I'll tell you what, if you but me Olive Garden bread sticks then sure

R-Ok the date is in three hours

A-Ok, where is the date

R-At the movie theatres

A-Alright see you then

Xx Phone Call End xX

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Well now I need to find someone who is free on a Saturday morning this early. Well I'll go through my contacts. Garroth would still be asleep, Zane would be very dark and kind of ruin the mood, no offence to him, Laurance is doing something with Cadenza. Sky and his friends are going to Disney world. I have no idea where Vylad is, he likes to disappear for a few days and the re appear.

Aaron is training at the gym, Jeffory is taking care of Abbey, Marsh and Reese went to a science lab for research, McCloud can't come because he hasn't been on any dates before so he wouldn't be much help. Lowell and Yip are settling which werewolf pack is better. Dante is looking after his cousin Dmitri, the only person who is free is Travis. Oh my Irene, this should be fun.

Xx Text Start xX

(A-Aphmau, T-Travis)

A-Hello Travis

T-Hey Aph, what's up

A-Ok so Red and Shelby are going on a date and Red wants me to come along with someone. You are the only person that is free and I'm really sorry but can you come to the movies in three hours. We will get free breadsticks

T-Hey Aphmau, it's ok, of course ill come, if I can touch your butt


T-I'm kidding, and sure I'll be there

A-Thank you so much you're a life saver :)

T-Oh you know it baby ;)


T-See you then

Xx Text End xX

Aphmau's P.O.V.

What am I going to do with Travis? He is such a flirt. But I really owe him for helping me like this. Now I should probably go get ready for the day, I leave the T.V. on so Celestia and Shadow can watch T.V. while I am getting ready.

I go to the bathroom and I take a shower. I wash my hair and I use some strawberry shortcake body wash. I get out of the shower and I get dressed in a purple button up top with no sleeves and a collar, a floral print skirt which my top is tucked into, a pair of purple high tops and a thin purple scarf.

I apply mascara, eyeliner and honey almond lipgloss. I spray on some perfume and I brush my teeth with cupcake toothpaste. I blow dry my hair and brush it until it is wavy. I pull two strands from the front and pull each of them to the back in a braid.

When I am done getting ready I check my phone to see if there are any new messages. There are a few photos of Sky freaking out on the roller coaster and Ross wearing a princess dress. Aww he looks so happy. I was going to go but then I decided not to.

*Time Skip To The Movies*

Travis' P.O.V.

I am waiting for Aphmau to arrive. Red is here and we'll and we spoke a bit. Shelby and Aphmau walk up to us and we all say hello. Thins are a little awkward between Red and Shelby so Aphmau and I try to lighten the mood.

"Tell Shelby that she looks really nice" I whisper secretly elbowing Red

"Shelby you look really pretty" Red says

Not exactly what I told him to say but it had the same effect. I look over at Aph and she looks like an angel. Oh wait I just noticed her hair. It has purple ends. It looks so cool. I tell he that I like her hair and she smiles at me.

We decide that it is time we head into the cinema so we go in. We pay for our tickets and find our theatre. We sit down and I put my arm around Aphmau trying to show Red what to do. In a usual situation Aphmau would kill me but this is for Red so she lets it happen. Although when I try to touch her butt she almost breaks my hand.

*Time Skip To After The Movie*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

After the movie we go to Olive Garden for lunch. Red and Shelby seem really confused about how much they should pay for it. I tell tham that they should split the pay check between them evenly because they both ate the same food. They thank me and when they have paid for their food they go to the arcade, leaving Travis and I alone.

We stay at Olive Garden for a little while and then we walk around the mall a bit. I feel someone sneaking up behind me and they tap my shoulder. I turn around and I see Vincent. Oh no another cassanova.

"Hey Aphmau, Travis...." Vincent says

"Hey Vincent, what's up?" I ask trying to be polite

"I just came here to watch a movie, you look pretty today" he says

Travis puts his hands on my shoulders and smiles at Vincent.

"Yeah we are on a date" Travis says

"Oh really?" Vincent says

"Yep" Travis smirks

"I doubt she likes cassanovas like you" Vincent growls

"Your one to talk" Travis fires back

This starts a full on argument between them and all I can do is watch them. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look to see Cloud. I say hello to him and he asks me if I want to get Starbucks while they are fighting.

We go to Starbucks and when we come back they are still fighting. We roll our eyes and laugh at them. They look at Cloud and I and ask us why we are laughing. We tell than that it is because they are acting like baka's.

Eventually they settle their argument and Travis and I decide to go home. I throw away my empty Starbucks cup and we say goodbye to Cloud and Vincent. We walk to my house and as we get to the front door Travis hugs me and kisses my hair.

"Good bye Aph, and I had a really fun time" he says smirking

"Bye Travis" I say and I watch him leave

I have to admit, it really was fun. And I'm glad we managed to help Red and Shelby with their date, I still call being maid of honour. Oh I have their whole wedding planned out. I just hope Shelby doesn't become one of those really stuck up brides. Nahh she is to nice.

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