Ch235- Aphmau's Nightmare

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up very late. I'm not going to school today, even though I feel perfectly fine Lucinda said that I should stay home for a few days so I can get my strength back. I'm not complaining, it means no school work for a few days.

I am so tired, I feel so exhausted. This is so annoying. Why can I for once not be exhausted after I face a fatal crisis such as almost getting murdered. All I what to do is sleep now and luckily I have that option.

Wait a second, someone might come around today to see how I am feeling so I should probably get ready. I go take a shower and I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner because there is dirt and blood in it. I use some strawberry shortcake body wash and then I get out of the shower.

I get dressed in something comfortable but cute which is a pair of black leggings, an off-both-shoulders Galaxy jumper that goes to my upper thighs and a pair of purple flats. I blow dry my hair and then I put it into a loose ponytail.

I apply waterproof mascara, waterproof eyeliner and butterscotch cinnamon lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on some perfume. I go to the kitchen and make breakfast. I feed Celestia and Shadow and then I wash up the dishes. It feels like nothing ever happened but I'm still nervous about being home alone.

I play with Celestia and Shadow and I throw around a small tennis ball. Shadow and Celestia seem to be really energetic. I wish I could be like that but after everything that happened I feel to tired. There is also another emotion I feel but I don't understand it. It's weird.

Eventually I lay down on the floor and Celestia and Shadow cuddle with me. I close my eyes and I allow darkness to fall over me and I fall asleep. It's nice cuddling with my two dogs. It is so warm and comfortable.

Xx Dream Start xX

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I'm walking around my school with Lucinda and Cadenza. We are discussing what we are going to do on the weekend, it is super fun talking with them.

Suddenly there is a flash of red and everyone is on the floor dead and covered in blood. I run up to Cadenza and try to shake her awake but she doesn't move. I can't touch her at all. I hear footsteps behind me and I turn around to see Yun and Asher holding guns.

They tell me that they are going to kill more people if I don't do what they say. I try to tell them to leave my friends alone but they don't listen and they kill Aaron who walked into the room. I scream at them to stop and they knock me out. I have tears in my eyes and I'm screaming.

Xx Dream End xX

Aaron's P.O.V.

I skipped school so I could come and see how Aphmau is doing and to see if she is in any trouble. I knock on the door and there is no answer. I knock again and there is still no answer. I know that Aphmau wouldn't have gone anywhere so I'm worried.

I know where her spare key is so I go get it. I unlock her door and I see her lying on the living room floor. I run up to her and make sure that she is ok. Oh thank Irene she is just sleeping. That gave me a really big scare.

I softly pick her up and put her on the couch. I put a pillow behind her head and I cover her in a blanket. She looks so cute like this, I can't help myself. I lean forward and hug her. I kiss her forehead and she starts to stir.

Aphmau opens her beautiful eyes and she has tears in them. She looks at me and jumps on me hugging me. I fall on the floor with her on top of me, she is really light so I don't find it a problem. She hugs me tighter and I wrap my arms around her.

Aphmau tells me that she had a nightmare and she told me what happened in it. I feel so bad for her. Here she is suffering from nightmares after what happened with Yun and Asher. I wish I could have been more of a help to her.

I lay her back on the couch and I tell her that everything is going to be ok. I say that I'm going to go grab another blanket but she grabs my sleeve.

"Please don't go" she says in a quiet whisper

"I'm not going anywhere" I say smiling and laying down next to her

We cuddle for a little bit while Aphmau cries into my chest. Eventually I hear her stomach rumble and she blushes.

"Come on Aphmau, I'm taking you to Olive Garden" I say grabbing her hand

She dries her tears, touches up her waterproof eye makeup and then we go out. I don't get how waterproof make up works but when she was crying nothing came off of her make up. Is it like paint that dries really hard? I have no idea.

We get to Olive Garden and we order her our favourite foods. She seems to really enjoy lunch. An old couple tell us that we are the cutest couple ever and can't wait for the wedding. Aphmau blushes and I say thank you awkwardly. When they leave we burst out laughing.

We go back to her house and I stay with her for the rest of the day, we bake some cookies, play with her dogs and watch some T.V. it is the best hanging out with Aphmau because unlike some other girls she doesn't always try to impress me.

Asher's P.O.V.

Yun has finally woken up and I told him I couldn't work with him anymore. He almost killed Aphmau. I know I almost killed Aphmau before she moved to Phoenix Drop but that was in the past. I will never forgive Yun for this.

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