Ch236- A Scream

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

Xx Dream Start xX

I am calmly walking through the park with Lucinda and Cadenza. We walk through the playground laughing and smiling. We meet up with Garroth, Zane and Vylad and talk to them. There are so many people around here.

Suddenly the sky turned dark and there is lightning. People try to run under cover but with a flash of red they are all lying on the ground dead. I look up and I see Asher and Yun laughing evilly and killing more people.

I try to run away but I trip over something. When I look back I see Lucinda laying on the ground. I grab her and try to wake her up but she doesn't move at all. I am crying and screaming at Yun and Asher to stop but nothing works. All my friends are gone and I'm all alone again.

Xx Dream End xX

Zane's P.O.V.

It's really early in the morning. I'm awake because I was up all night watching our little horses, umm I mean playing video games. I suddenly hear a scream and I recognise it as Aphmau. I don't think twice, I run over to her house, grab the spare key and unlock the door.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up from my nightmare and I scream. I bring my knees to my chest and I start crying. When will these nightmares stop? Please Irene, they are scaring me so much. I just want it to all stop.

Suddenly I hear footsteps running towards my room and I grab the first thing I can get my hands on which is a perfume bottle and raise it to throw it. I wait for whoever is going to come in and when they do I throw the perfume bottle.

It was Zane, whoops. Luckily he manages to catch it before it hits his face. I look at him shocked and I apologise. He apologises for scaring me and I say that is is ok. It's nothing compared to the frights I have been dealing with for the past few days.

"Hey Aphmau, are you alright?" He asks sitting on the edge of the bed

"Y-yeah I'm fine" I say forcing a smile

"Aphmau, I know you better than that, what's wrong?" He replies

I start to shake as I remember how he was lying in the floor dead in my dream. I jump on him and wrap him in a hug. He looks confused but I'm just glad gang he is alright. Mother of Irene if I lost any of my friends I would cry for days and months on end until I physically couldn't cry.

Zane's P.O.V.

I'm really confused now, first I heard her scream and now she is hugging me. I'm not complaining that she is hugging me but I want to know why. Did something happens to her? I swear if Yun or Asher came back I will murder them myself.

"Aphmau, please tell me what's wrong" I ask her softly

She tells me that she had a nightmare and Asher and Yun killed a lot of people. I wrap my arms around her tightly. Poor Aphmau, she was almost killed, blackmailed, threatened and had to watch her friends get hurt.

I wish I could just erase all of those memories from her mind so she could rest easily for once. Maybe I could give her a sweet dreams potion. But where would I get that? Hmm maybe Lucinda. But knowing her I'll probably end up giving Aphmau a nightmare potion.

"Come on Aph, I know what will cheer you up" o say pulling her off of the bed and taking her to the living room. I tell her to close her eyes and while she does that I set up a princess pony tea party. When she opens her eyes she smiles and giggles a little bit.

We eat some cookies and have some tea while talking about the new episodes of Our Little Horses. Suddenly the door bangs open and Vylad runs in.


"Don't celebrate just yet, I'm here" I say sarcastically

"Ohh, umm ahem, I mean err, THANKS FOR THE COOKIE!" He yells grabbing a cookie and running out of the house

Aphmau and I look at each other and we burst out laughing. Oh my Irene Vylad can be really funny. I only find it funny because he would celebrate like that if anyone went missing. It wasn't personal at all.

Aphmau and I watch some Our Little Horses and she rested her head on my shoulder. I'm glad she can't see my face through my mask because I am blushing. The T.V. begins to go static and the electricity turns off. Aphmau grabs my arm and looks around.

There is a black glow and suddenly Yun appears. Aphmau's grip on me tightens but I don't really feel any pain. I need to protect Aphmau. Yun can come at me. Actually don't, I'm not extremely strong.

"Aphmau, I want to apologise" Yun says

"W-well It's to late, you tried to kill one of my friends and almost killed me" Aphmau says quietly

"It was for our love" Yun says defensively

"We don't have any love, you have almost killed my friends and I too many times!" Aphmau yells

"Just leave us alone, we don't want anything to do with you!" I yell at him

He glares at me but his eyes soften at Aphmau.

"I'll come back later when you have calmed down" He says

"Don't come back, I don't want you around me or my friends, I hate you" She says with icy words

Yun disappears and Aphmau collapses onto the floor crying. I immediately wrap her in a hug and let her head. I pick her up and take her into the living room. I grab blankets, snacks, movies and water and I try to make Aphmau feel better. This is the least I can do for her. I just realised, I had school today. Oh well I guess I'm not going.

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