Ch237- Cadenza's plan

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A/N: There are three references in this chapter, 1 to an author, 1 to a SkyDoesMinecraft video and 1 to a new movie, can you find all three? I'll announce the answers on chapter 239 which will be 2 days. The winner will get a shout out.

Also I did some tips on writing on my "conversations page" if you want any tips on how to write better it's there. It's stuff I learned in advanced English and grammar.


Aphmau's P.O.V.




I wake up to my phone ringing and I answer it. I blink my eyes open and I turn my phone on. I am met with a face full of light, ugh this is why I don't like checking my phone in the morning, it is like the sun is in my hand. I look at the caller I.D. and it is Cadenza.

Xx Phone Call Start xX

(A-Aphmau, C-Cadenza)

A-Cadenza do you have any idea what time it is?

C-Yah, it's time to cheer you up

A-What are you talking about?

C-Well I know you have been a bit upset lately after almost being killed and our friends being hurt

A-Yeah no kidding

C-Anyway, there is a small fair in the park today and Laurance and I are going to take you. Get dressed we will be there in an hour

A-Cadenza wait!

C-Nope Aphmau, you are doing this with Laurance and I. You need to get out of your house. Or are you scared?

A-I'm not scared, I'll se you in an hour

Xx Phone Call End xX

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I can't believe I just agreed to this. I'm not really against it but it's so early. I didn't think Cadenza would be up his early, I guess it's because she wants to help me feel better. It's so sweet of her. Now they will be here in an hour so I should probably hurry up and get ready.

I race to the bathroom and I take a quick shower. I use my strawberry shortcake body wash and then I get out of the shower. I put the body wash bottle in the bin because it's empty. I text Cadenza to bring some body wash when she comes over and she says that she will.

I get dressed in a black and white striped top with sleeves that go up to my elbows, black shorts which my top is tucked into and a pair of black ankle boots.

I brush my hair and I leave it down with two parts hanging down my front and one part down my back. Mother of Irene I love my hair. It looks so cool. It still has purple ends. Haha like the "End" Haha I'm so funny and cool and have so many friends.

I apply waterproof mascara, waterproof eyeliner and hershy's flavoured lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on some perfume. I quickly head to the kitchen and feed Celestia and Shadow. I have breakfast myself and then I wait for Cadenza and Laurance.

They finally arrive and I hug Cadenza. I also hug Laurance and his hug seems to be really tight, not paint l but like he doesn't want to let me go. Cadenza gives me some Lemon pie body wash and I'm so happy. It smells like happiness. Now all they need to do is make bacon body wash.

Well I guess you could just rub bacon all over your body, EWWWW why the nether did I think of that! I think there is something wrong in my head. Or maybe something very right. Nah Lexi is Right.

We walk to the park and the fair is very small but there are some rides, food vendors and some games. Cadenza and Laurance want to see who is stronger so they go to the test your strength game where you hit the pad with a hammer.

Laurance ends up winning and this starts a whole fight over the fact that he ceased. I begin laughing at them and they look at me like k am crazy. I continue laughing and they eventually laugh along with me. Cadenza suggests the haunted house ride. I see the look in her eye.mShe is up to something.

We go to the haunted house and we line up. We get into our carriage. I'm sitting next to Laurance and Cadenza is one behind us. The ride starts and we go into the house. With Laurence and I there is lots of screaming, yelling and clinging and then there's me looking around. After all I have been through this doesn't scare me.

We get out of the ride and I turn to see that Cadenza isn't there. Laurance receives a text from Cadenza that says "Now you're alone, This was my plan all along. I SHIP IT!". I blush and Laurance rolls his eyes. I knew she was up to something.

Laurance pulls me towards a photo booth and he picks out a crazy mask for each of us. We go in and wait for the photos to begin taking. I love photo booths, they are an excuse to look silly in photos.

Laurance and I walk around the park and suddenly I am attacked in a hug. I see a blur of blond hair and black glasses.

"Emmalyn?" I ask confused

"THANK IRENE YOU ARE ALRIGHT!, haha literally" Emmalyn yells and laughs at her joke

"E-Emmalyn" Kenmur says running up behind her and panting

He waves at me and I smile. They are such a cute couple.

"What are you two doing here?" I ask

"Well, Kenmur asked me on a date and I said yes so..." Emmalyn says blushing

"Awwwww, well we will leave you to is, bye" I say smiling

Laurance and I walk off and we go get fairy floss. I get bubble gum flavoured and he gets blue berry. He looks so happy, haha I guess it's the sugar.

Laurance's P.O.V.

I knew Cadenza was going to do this. Call it a brothers intuition. I'm not complaining. It means I get Aphmau all alone. I notice she has some fairy floss on the tip of her nose and I lick it off. She turns bright red.

I hear a camera snap and I turn to see Cadenza holding her phone smirking. She runs away and Aphmau and I chase her. Eventually I get her phone and delete the image. It's a good thing I caught her before she sent it to anyone. Although I should, have sent it to myself.

Cadenza manages to get away though so Aphmau and I walk back to the bench.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Laurance and I are talking after we finished our fairy floss.

"Hey Aphmau, you don't say much about your life before Phoenix drop, what was it like?" He asks

"Well I lived with my mum and Dad, my grandma was around sometimes. She was iren. I went to Scaleswind high up until I moved" I say

"Really, tell me sow thing funny about your life" he says smirking

"When I was younger I had a teddy bear gang I took everywhere. When his arm fell of we had a funeral. A few days later I dug the teddy bear back up and stitched the arm on, I still have it" I say

He laughs a little

"Come on haven't you ever loved something that much?" I ask him

"Yes" he says looking at me with soft eyes

I smile and change the topic. Laurance tells me how Cadenza once died his hair bright blue when he didn't let her have the last slice of cake.

"What day of the month was this" I ask him

"Umm around the end of the month" he replies

"Ok, don't mess with Cadenza around the end of the month. She will kill you" I say

Laurance looks confused but he suddenly changes his facial expression. I think he knows what I mean, I laugh a little and we keep talking. I love talking to Laurance, he has the best stories about Cadenza,

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