Ch255-Creepy Guy

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Aphmau's P.O.V.




I wake up and I can breath through my nose. Most people would wonder why this is good but this means that my nose is no longer blocked. I don't have a cough and my temperature has gone down a lot.

I think I'm no longer sick. Oh my Irene this is the best thing ever. But now I have to go to school. Well school isn't a bad place, just get schoolwork and teachers are bad. But that can be looked past when you have great friends like mine.

I go to the bathroom and take a shower. I use my lemon pie body wash and then I step out. I get dressed in a pair of red ripped jeans and a white and purple t-shirt. I pull on a pair of black ankle boots.

I brush my hair and I braid it so it goes down my back. My hair still looks really cool since I died it. I apply mascara, eyeliner and strawberry pie lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on some of my favourite perfume.

I go to the kitchen and make breakfast. I feed Celestia and Shadow and have some food myself. I pack my bag for school and then I wash the dishes. When it's time for me to leave I say goodbye to my dogs and i head off for school. I'm still really happy about no longer being sick. I think hanging out with Zane all day yesterday really did help me.

I get to school and I am attacked by thousands of hugs.

"Aphmau-senpai, where were you?" Kawaii-Chan asks

"Aphmau, why did you leave me alone with these losers?" Katelyn asks

"Aph are you feeling better?" Dante adds inn

When I finally manage to step back and look at everyone I smile.

"I was sick yesterday, I'm feeling much better now so you don't need to worry about catching anything" I reply smiling

I get hugged a lot again and then Kawaii-Chan asks to speak to all the girls. The boys leave to go play Pokemon, lucky, and Kawaii-Chan begins to tell us about her café.

"Ok Kawaii-Chan accidentally sent her maids on a vacation for today and she needs your help to fill in for them" Kawaii-Chan says

"OHHH I'll do it" I say excitedly

"I'll do it to, do we wear maid outfits?" Cadenza asks

"Yes you do" Kawaii-Chan beams

"No way in nether" Katelyn says

"I guess I can do it" Lucinda shrugs

"Ok, thank you everyone, I'll see you all after school" Kawaii-Chan replies smiling

Kawaii-chan's P.O.V.

Kawaii-Chan is super excited about all her friends coming to help her. I have already told the boys that Aphmau-senpai will be helping so they can come to her café. Kawaii-Chan can't wait for after school now because she will get to hang out with her friends in cute maid outfits.

*Time Skip To After School*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

It's after school and we are getting changed in the change rooms of Kawaii-chan's café. I found out that all the boys are aware that I will be here in a maid costume and I don't know how to feel.

I'm happy because it will help Kawaii-chan's business but it will be embarrassing. Oh well, I love my maid outfit, it's purple and white. How can you not love purple? Well I guess some people don't and to each their own, but I looooove purple.

I leave the change rooms and Kawaii-Chan starts telling us who order what and who's order to take. It's very busy and very fun. Suddenly the door swings open and the boys are here. This could get so awkward. Please Irene, don't let this become weird or awkward.

Travis' P.O.V.

Oh my Irene, Aphmau looks so good in that maid outfit. I just want to grab her and-

"Hey Travis, quit staring!" I hear Cadenza yell from the back of the café

Aph turns around and sees us. She smiles and walks over to us.

"Hey guys, what to take a seat?" She asks

We all sit down and she takes our order. I look at some of the other tables she is serving and there is this one guy that catches my eye. I'm sure the other boys have noticed it as well. He is watching Aphmau very intently.

I swear if he does anything I'll skin him alive. I need to keep a close eye on him just incase no one else has noticed him. Oh wait he sees me glaring at him. I quickly look away and pretend to be talking to Garroth.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

There is this one guy that I have served quite a bit. He looks about my age. All he is ordering is water and a few pieces of cake. But he is staring at me so intently. I want to turn around and slap him. But sadly, we have laws and rules and slapping a stranger is highly frowned upon.

I go back to him and give him his final check. Thank Irene he is leaving. I notice Travis watching him and I am a bit relieved. This means that I have someone watching my back.

"Hey baby, why don't you come home with me?" He asks smirking

"No thanks, I'm not allowed to accept offers from customers" I say trying to keep a straight face

"Come on, it'll be.. Fun" he says grabbing my arm

"She said no, leave her alone" I see another hand grab onto his arm and pull him back

I look up and see Travis, thank Irene he is here.

"Who are you?" The weird guy asks Travis

"Your worst night mare if you don't leave" Travis replies

The guy runs out after throwing some money for payment, I laugh a little and hug Travis. Kawaii-Chan says that she won't let him back in her café ever again. I'm glad I have good friends like this.

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