Ch256-A Break In?

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Aphmau's P.O.V.




AHHH Thursday, almost at the end if the week. I wonder what I'll do over the weekend? One of my friends will probably have something planned but I kind of want to spend some peaceful time alone with my dogs.

Although that is never happening with friends like mine. I love them to death but they really enjoy doing crazy things, for example, we went to Japan, we went on a road trip, we went to the fair, park, O'Khasis, we have been to dance concerts and so many other places.

Anyway I should probably quit thinking about my friends and hurry up and get ready. I go to the bathroom and I step into the shower. I use my lemon pie body wash and I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner.

I step out of the shower and I wrap myself in a towel. I get dressed in a pair of black shorts, a white top with floaty selves and a pair of white ballet flats. I blow dry my hair and straighten it. I leave my hair down with a few fake flowers in it.

I apply mascara, eyeliner and lemon lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on some perfume. When I am done getting ready I head to the kitchen. I eat some food and I feed Celestia and Shadow. I wash up all the dishes and I pack my bag for school. If I don't leave now I'll be late.

I lock up my house and I start walking. I look around the pathways. There seems to be some people here that I haven't seen before. I can't tell how old they are but they don't look my age. Maybe they are in their early 20s.

I get to school and I go to my locker. I put my things in my locker and grab out my stuff for my first lesson which is English. My phone vibrates and I check to see what it is. I received a message from YouTube about a new series.

I ignore it and go to my friends. I always hear about new series but I never watch them. My friends look at me strangely and I'm really confused.

"Umm what's wrong?" I ask

"aren't you excited?" Lucinda asks

"For what?" I reply confused

"The new series of How To Train Your Dragon" Katelyn answers "You love that show, a message was sent out a few minutes ago"

My face lights up and I quickly check my phone. It's true, there is a new series of Dragons Race To The Edge. I jump up and down with Cadenza. She really likes HTTYD as well.

Before I can watch even a little bit of the episode the bell for class goes and we all head off. I go to my English class and I sit down next to Laurance and Cloud. We are getting assignments today so everyone is a little annoyed.

The teacher comes in and starts explaining that we will be doing debate. Oh yes, I love arguing. Although the teacher says that it isn't arguing. You get three people on each side, they have like 2 minutes to talk about why they do or don't support the topic.

I partner up with Laurance and Cloud. We get our topic and it is politicians always lie. We don't get to choose what side we are on. The teacher tells us that we will be arguing against this statement. So we are saying that politicians don't lie. But they do.

We do some research and find out that there is a bird called a politician. Like an animal bird. We are going to change the topic a tad and say that the bird politicians don't lie because they are birds. Ohhhhh I can't wait.

I can feel Laurance and Cloud glaring at each other. I wonder what that's about? Oh well I guess I'll find out sooner or later.

When we have done our debate planning the bell for lunch goes. We pack up out things and head to the cafeteria. I am so excited to start watching the HTTYD series.

I get to the cafeteria and Lucinda says that she wants to show us a video. I accept to watch it but I'm also really upset because I want to watch HTTYD. It's a video about PewDiePie. He got kicked out of his apartment.

At first I was like, umm well he might have done something bad. The truth is he was kicked out because his land lord was being a big meanie and kicked him out because of the noise. Which isn't fair because they didn't receive a noise complaint notice. It is illegal to do that, PewDiePie could take this to court and win.

*Time Skip To After School*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

It's the end of school so I go to my locker. I grab my things and I head home. I'm super excited because now I can finally watch my new series.

As I get ti my front door I notice that it is slightly open. Wait a second, I know I closed it properly and my dogs wouldn't have opened it. I run into my house and I see that it is a mess. Oh my Irene, someone broke in. I immediately call up my friends and they come over.

We look around and nothing has been taken. I check my jewellery box and my necklace is gone. I tell my friends and I eventually burst into tears. Lucinda hugs me and Cadenza comforts me. My other friends continue to look around and see if there are any clues.

The only clue we have is a scrunched up paper with an address on it. I guess this is as good of place to start as any. Please Irene, help me get my necklace back, it means so much to me and I can't loose it.

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