Ch257-The Black Market

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I couldn't sleep at all last night. I just couldn't get the anxious feeling out of me. Someone stole my necklace and it's the last memory I have of my parents. I really miss them and I can't loose my necklace.

I'm glad my friends are so understanding, they agreed to help me today ti find my necklace. Which means that I probably should be be wasting my time thinking and get ready. The sooner I get ready the sooner we can start looking for my necklace. Ohh I'm going to make that thief sorry. (Haha, foreshadowing for something that isn't in this book, you'll see soon :3).

I go to the bathroom and I take a shower. I use my lemon pie body wash and then I step out. I get dressed in a pair of black ripped jeans, a purple top and a white hoodie. I pull on a pair of black ankle boots.

I apply water proof, because you never know what might happen, mascara, eyeliner and and Rose tea flavoured lipgloss. I brush my hair and pull it into a hight ponytail. I spray on some perfume and I brush my teeth.

I got to the kitchen and I feed Celestia and Shadow. I don't feel hungry but I force myself to eat. I can't be hungry while we are searching. I say goodbye to Celetia and Shadow and I head to Lucinda's house. That is were we are all meeting up.

When I get to her house almost everyone is there. We begin to talk about our plan and our first move is to follow the address. We all head to a few of the cars. We begin driving and we go through the city.

The address is on the bad part of town. The people aren't bad but the environment is ruined and there are lots of poor people. Maybe we should do a fundraiser to help them. I think I'll put that in some suggestion box. Yeah I'll do that, but moving back to our original goal here.

We get to the place the address tells us and it is a big building. It isn't clean at all but nonetheless we walk up to it and knock on the door. Someone's eyes look at us through one of those flap things at the top of the door.

"Who the nether are you?" A female voice asks

"Umm, we are here to get information" I say

She sighs and opens the door. We walk in and ask her about my necklace. She looks us up and down and rolls her eyes.

"I don't want to do this but women need to help each other, that necklace is in the black market" she says and she hands us a map "Now get out of here you little twerps"

"Thank you Ms, bye" we say as we leave

We begin to follow the map and eventually end up on a really shady part of town. Like it's covered in gangs and bad looking people. I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but these people scare me. We decide to hide our faces so it doesn't look like we are teenagers. We slowly step out of the car with either big hats on or our hoodies over our eyes.

We go to the new address and we can hear people yelling. It's a big square warehouse. The people on it must be really loud. We look around and see a sight that reads "Auction held today"


Oh my Irene, this is bad. I tell my friends and we try to come up with a plan. These people will be smart. We need to be smarter. Travis and I will sneak through the vents to gain information. Hopefully we can learn something.

Travis and I crawl through the air vents and we fins the place were the auction is being held. I look around through the vent and I can see my necklace being held by some man with grubby fingers. I almost jump for it but Travis grabs me and I fall on him.

Luckily it is to noisy so they can't hear us. I thank Travis and he smiles back at me. We tell our friends to create some sort of a distraction. All I know is that there was a big bang and then everyone was knocked out with gas.

I put some cloth from my hoodie over my mouth and use my magiks to get down. I grab my necklace but the man pulls it back and grabs my arm. He stands up and lifts me up by my arm. He starts yelling at me. Wow he doesn't brush his teeth.

Suddenly he is knocked out and my hand is released. I see Travis behind him with a look of death in his eyes. I run up and hug him and he seems to snap out of it. He hugs me back and we stay like that for a little bit. It's soft and warm in the cold and hard feeling of the warehouse.

We grab my necklace and we get out of there using the air vents. We don't know who could be outside the warehouse so we need to sneak out to. When we get out of the air vents everyone runs up and hugs us.

"Hey guys, we still don't know who stole my necklace, and why specifically my necklace, they could have taken anything" I say

"Hmm maybe this necklace is special somehow, like physically" Cadenza says inspecting it

"Well I can't sense and magiks from if and amethyst is common for necklaces so it can't be either if those reasons" I say

"Hey, umm let's leave before they find us" Katelyn says pulling our arms

We go back to the cars and drive away. I keep on inspecting my necklace. There is nothing odd about it at all. But I'm guessing this isn't the last of those black market people.

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