Ch267-Zayden's Revenge

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Aphmau's P.O.V.




Ugh Monday. Well it could be worse, I don't have any assignments due today and I don't have math so it's a pretty good day. But it's still Monday and that is like the biggest slap in the face ever. Again I want to meet someone who likes Monday.

I'm 99% sure everyone hates Monday. But I guess at least I can go to school. Some people can't. Which reminds me I want to do something about the poor people on the other side of Phoenix Drop. Hmmm maybe a bake sale or something.

I really want to help those people, if I don't then who will? I remember seeing all of the little children in ripped clothing and they looked very scared and upset about their whole situation. If that isn't the saddest thing I have ever seen then I don't know what is.

I get up out of bed and I go to the bathroom. I take a shower and I use my cinnamon body wash. I wash my hair with Apple shampoo and conditioner and then I step out of the shower. I dry myself off and I wrap my hair in a towel.

I get dressed in a pair of galaxy leggings, a black t-shirt and a pair of black ankle boots. I don't are my hair out of the towel and I blow dry it. I brush my hair and use my straightener. I leave my hair down.

I apply mascara, eyeliner and cinnamon bun lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on some perfume. I smell like a bakery. But that's a good thing. I mean, who doesn't like fresh bread? It's pure happiness.

I walk to the kitchen and make myself some toast for breakfast. I feed Celestia and Shadow and I sit down at the table to eat. When I have finished eating I wash up the dishes. I pack my bag for school and begin walking. The day is very sunny and warm. Not like the weather we had yesterday.

When I arrive to school I go to my locker and put my things away. I grab out my stuff from my locker for my first class and then I open it. I hear my phone ringing so I answer it. Hmm that's strange, I don't recognise the number.

Xx Phone Call Start xX

(A-Aphmau, U-Unknown)


U-Hello Aphmau

A-Who is this?

U-You don't need to know, you just need to know that Zayden knows what you did

A-Oh ok, can I go now?

U-He will be seeking revenge

A-Yep, I have heard this from many people, can I go?

U-Zayden is very angry, watch your back!

Xx Phone Call End xX

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Wow that was weird. So Zayden knows that it was Vylad and I who caught him? Well if he wants to get revenge I'll let him try. But I should probably tell Vlyad. Luckily he is already at school.

I walk over to Vylad and tap his shoulder.

"Hey Vylad, can I speak to you?" I ask

"Yeah sure Aph, what do you need?" He asks

I take him to a private area and I tell him that Zayden has plans to try and get revenge on us.

"Hmm well I was expecting this, it's ok Aphmau, we will be alright" Vylad says

"Yeah I know that, what is the worst Zayden can do?" I say giggling

"Exactly, after school lets devise a plan, want to corm to my place?" Vylad asks

"Yeah sure" I answer.

The bell for class rings and we both head off to our classes. I sit down in class next to Dante. We talk while we wait for the teacher and I can shake off the feeling that someone is watching me. Nothing seems out of place though so it's probably nothing.

I guess I'll tell Vylad about that though. If someone is watching me then it might be someone who works for Zayden. What I'm confused about though is why Zayden ruins Anime's. Like what does he get out of it? The knowledge that millions of people hate him?

*Time Skip To After School*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

The final school bell went for the day so I'm walking to my locker. I pack up my school bag and I try to find Vylad. Eventually I find him outside the school and I walk over to him.

We begin walking to his house and we are talking about our plan the whole way. If some,thing strange happens then I can use a magik shield around us. We can also call each other. It might not be the best plan but it's better than nothing.

Eventually we make it to Vylad's house and we go inside. We get some Doritos for afternoon tea and we sit down in Vylads room. I like Vylad's room, it is very green. It's like a forest. I wonder if that's where he got his inspiration from?

When I have finished eating I walk to my bag to grab my iPad. I want to show Vylad a funny video I found of cats. Before I can make it to my bag a wave of dizziness comes over me and I pass out.

Vylad's P.O.V.

As Aphmau was walking I noticed that she looked very unwell. She fainted and before she could hit the ground I caught her. She doesn't have a temperature and she is breathing properly. I pick her up and place her on my bed.

I hear the door open and Garroth walks in. I hide Aphmau with my blanket. If he sees her he will think something is going on.

"Hey Vylad, have you seen my game controller?, he asks

"Nope, have you looked in the laundry room?" I reply

"Why would it be there?" Garroth asks confused

"Why wouldn't it?" I reply

Garroth walks out and closes the door. I lock it so no one else can come in. I make sure that Aphmau is alright, oh no, this might be Zayden's plan.

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