Ch268-Kitten Spell

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Vylad's P.O.V.

Last night I slept on the couch. Aphmau was asleep on my bed and o couldn't sleep in the same bed as her. Today I'm going to stay home and take care of her. But I have to pretend to be sick. Funny how things work out huh?

I really hope nothing serious is wrong with Aphmau. I swear I'm going to kill Zayden if I ever see him again. He can just do this to people because they saved an anime from being ruined. He has some nerve.

Anyway I should probably go check on Aphamu. Before I can make it to my room Garroth stops me and asks about some game that he wants to get. He says he needs money. I tell him that I'll lend him some. But I wasn't expecting him to run to my room. I left it unlocked so I could go in. Oh no hell see Aphmau.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up in an unfamiliar bed. I try to get up but I fall out of the bed. Oh my Irene why am I so small. Like I'm smaller than the bed. I look down and I see two paws. What is going on? I look around and I'm in Vylad's bedroom still.

I try to walk and I fall down. I get up and try again. My legs are shaky but eventually I can walk. I go over to the mirror and what I see shocks me. There is a purple and black cat looking back at me.

Oh my Irene, have I been turned into a cat? Oh no this can't be happening. What will happen if someone sees me? But how will I stop being a cat if no one sees me? Oh my Irene this is so bad.

Suddenly I hear footsteps coming towards the room I am in and I dive under the bed. I'm just not ready for anyone to see me like this. It's way to embarrassing. Two people come in and I can hear that it's Vylad and Garroth.

Vylad's P.O.V.

That's strange, Aphmau isn't in here. Maybe she went to the bathroom? Well in any case that's a good thing because it would have taken some explaining as to why she is in my room to Garroth. I give Garroth his money and he walks out.

When he is gone impress my hear to the bathroom door but no one is in there. I walk back to my room and I see a small cat curled up on the bed. I reach out to touch it and it jumps five feet in the air.

It runs out of my room and I follow it. I am very confused as to why it was in here in the first place. Oh you don't think? It couldn't be.. APHMAU?! Oh my Irene it all makes sense. It must be some sort of Kitten spell.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I ran out of Vylad's room because I don't want anyone seeing me lie, this. It's just way to embarrassing. I keep running and eventually I find my way to the kitchen. I know Garroth has a cat but I think it ran away.

I suddenly feel someone pick me up and I look to see who did it. Garroth is holding me and it looks like he is going to cry.

"Irene must have sent me this cat" he says

I try to wriggle out of his hold but he has a firm grip on my.

"Vylad look I found a kitty!" He yells through the house

Vylad bolts into the room and looks at me. He tries to tell Garroth that I'm not really a cat.

"Garroth, this sounds crazy but that's actually Aphmau" Vyald says

"Yeah right" Garroth laughs "If this cat is really Aphmau then it will jump onto the kitchen table"

I take the hint and I jump onto the kitchen table. Luckily Garroth had let go of his firm grip on my. Garroth looks very shocked and before he can do anything Vylad picks me up and runs to his car.

He drives to Lucinda's house. I guessed he would go here, I mean she is the only one who would be able to help in this situation. I'm curled up on Vylad lap it's nice and warm. I never guessed being a cat would make me feel so cold.

We arrive at Lucinda's house and Vylad carries me in. He knocks on the door and Lucinda answers.

"Huh Vyald? What are you doing here this early?" Lucinda asks yawning

"Some stuff happened and Aphmau is a cat" Vylad says awkwardly

"Great explanation, well I can help so just wait here" Lucinda tells him

She goes back into her house. I'm guessing she is getting a potion to help me. She comes back out and tells Vylad to give me this potion when we get home.

"Oh and also, there might be a side affect where Aphmau still thinks like a cat for a few hours, it will wear off but if she starts being really cuddly or violent it's because of the potion" Lucinda tells him

But I'm not thinking like a cat now. Or am I? Nope definitely not. Well maybe I should just cuddle with Vylad anyway. Like it would be nice. Hehe I'm so evil.

We get to Vylad's house and he carries me inside. We go to his room and he places me on a cushion on the floor. He splashes the potion on me and there is a white light. When it fades I look down at my hands and they are human again.

Yes I'm human again. And my thoughts are clear so I'm still thinking normally. I'm still kind of cold though. At first I thought I came back with out any clothing in but luckily I had it on. That scared the nether out of me.

I jump on Vylad who is sitting on the bed and hug him. He is blushing a lot but I'm going to use the excuse "thinking like a cat" it get free cuddles. Eventually Vyald awkwardly hugs back and he smiles. I fall asleep. Mother of Irene that sure was so eventful.

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