Ch271-Finding Dory

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Aphmau's P.O.V.




YAY FRIDAY. Ahhhh today is going to be a good day. If I remember correctly today my class is going to see Finding Dory. It is going to be such a good movie, o haven't heard anything bad about it.

Well except the fact that people are attacking it because there is a lesbian couple. The main voice actress is married to a woman so I think they need to get over it. Besides Ellen and Portcia are really cute together.

Well anyway I should probably hurry up and get ready. I go to the shower and I step in. I use my cinnamon body wash and I wash my hair with Apple shampoo and conditioner. I get out of the shower and I dry off.

I get dressed in a pair of purple shorts, a black t-shirt and a pair of black ankle boots. I blow dry my hair and I brush it into a side braid. I put on a flower crown and a few fake flowers. I apply mascara, eyeliner and cherry pie lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on some perfume. I think I look Rossome.

I go to the kitchen and I make some breakfast for myself and I feed Celestia and shadow. When I have finished eating I wash up my dishes and pack my bag for school. I think after school I will have some friends over and we can go through all the stuff I found.

I start walking to school and I'm already really excited. I really liked Finding Nemo so I have been wanting to see Finding Dory, I wonder if it will overtake Frozen as the highest grossing animated film ever? Hmm probably not, I honestly don't think anything will overtake Frozen in a long time.

I get to school and I put my things away in my locker. I walk over to my friends and we are all talking about the movie. I see Sky and I blush and look away. I don't want to make anything awkward.

Ross' P.O.V.

What the Nether is going on between Sky and Aphmau. They look at each other for a few seconds and then blush and look away. I wonder if something happened between them. Wait you don't think Sky confessed do you?

Hmm I didn't think he would have the guts to but of he has then it might be bad news for me. If Aphmau likes him it means I don't have a chance. What is this feeling? It's like jealousy but with worry. Anxious, I'm feeling anxious.

I need to make Sky realise that he doesn't have a chance. It's nothing personal but I just need to show him that I love Aphmau more than him. But how?

I'm to busy in my thoughts that I almost miss Aphmau asking if anyone wants to come to her place after school. I say I will and so does sky. Everyone else is busy. Well this is convenient.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

When it is time to walk to the cinema the teacher tells us to get a walking buddy. I laugh at her because I don't think she is serious. But nope, she was serious. So here I am with my travel buddy Barney.

Of all people why did I have to get paired with Barney. Like I love him, as a friend of course, but he is just so weird. Thank Irene he didn't bring goat. But I wouldn't be surprised if he did and if he found a way to sneak him into the theatre.

When we get to the cinema we sit down and wait for the movie to begin. Finding down is absolutely amazing. Baby Dory is absolutely adorable. She likes sand, sand is squishy. She also likes shells. Mother of Irene she is so cute.

The movie ends and we have to walk back to school. The whole time we are talking about the movie. I would defiantly recommend watching it. I almost cried out of sadness in some parts and happiness in others. Dory is a good role model, even if she is a fish haha.

We get back to school and I hear Garroth whispering about how he just started Avatar. This basically causes everyone to gather around one table and discuss Avatar. And we mean the Avatar the last air bender series. Not the blue people one.

*Time Skip To After School*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

After school Sky, Ross and I walk to my house and we have some food before we go through all of my stuff.

"I can't believe you have lived here for almost a year and you never not iced this" Sky says

Wait what? I guess I have lived here for almost a year. Maybe I should throw a party or something. But I'll focus on that after we finish looking.

We pull out all the things and Ross googles what they are worth. There are lots of books in here. Hmm this one seems slightly out of place. It's called the human anatomy. I open it and it's the male section.

Sky's P.O.V.

I hear a light thud on the floor and I turn to see Aphmau fainted. I quickly crawl over to her and pick her up. She was holding a book. The human anatomy.

Ohhhh I think I know what happened. Well it can't be helped. I carry Aphmau to the couch and I lay her down.

"What did you do?" I hear a voice ask from behind me, I know it's Ross

"Nothing, she fainted" I reply

"Whatever" Ross says

"What's your problem, you are always so angry and rude now" I say sharply

"What's your problem? You can never leave Aph alone" Ross fires back

"Whatever, at least I have a chance" I reply

"Yeah sure" Ross says rolling his eyes

We don't talk to each other for the rest of the evening. Ohh Ross can be so annoying. Of course he is my bro but it's just really confusing when we like the same girl. It isn't Aphmau's fault.

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