Ch272-Garage Sale

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A/N: Ok so I'm finally back from my 2 day break. I had some serious family stuff to deal with and I was also gathering inspiration. But now the chapters should be coming out daily again. I'm sorry to have stopped them for 2 days.


Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up and I stretch, AHHH a Saturday morning feels so good. Hmm I feel like I'm forgetting something about today. Oh we'll it will come to me eventually. I step out of bed and I go to the kitchen.

I make breakfast for myself and then I feed Celelstia and Shadow. I eat my French toast and then i head to the living room. On my way I trip over a box. I turn around to see why there is a box in the middle of my hallway and I remember that I'm having a garage sale today.

I race to the bathroom to get ready. I take a shower and I use my cinnamon body wash. When I am done in the shower I step out and I wrap myself in a big fluffy towel. I look through what clothes I want to wear.

I decide on my outfit and I put it on. I'm wearing a pair of blue skinny jeans, a white top long sleeve top with a grey cropped jumper over it and a pair of dark blue converse. I brush my hair and I pull it into a ponytail.

I apply mascara, eyeliner and strawberry lemonade lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on my perfume. When I am done getting ready I head to the living room and I start moving some of the boxes. These are really heavy but someone has to move them.

I know I had some friends coming over today to help run the garage sale with me so I'm happy I won't be alone. No way could I run this all by my self. If someone steals something to then I wouldn't be able to run after them because the sale would be left unattended.

I hear a knock on the door and I answer it. Laurance, Cadenza, Travis, Lucinda, Katelyn, Sky, Ross and Max are there and ready to help me move everything and set up. I invite them all inside and we begin to set up.

Lucinda and Cadenza set up the tables. Lucinda uses witchcraft to also put up posters around the neighbourhood. I'm happy about that. Laurance, Travis, Katelyn, Kawaii-Chan and Max help me with mooing the boxes, Travis tried to say that Katelyn shouldn't lift up boxes because she is a girl. That resulted in me needing a new kitchen window.

Sky and Ross unpack things and put them on display. When we are finally done we sit down and wait for people to come. I'm really excited because I've never hosted a garage ale like this before. My friend know that the money is going to help the people on the bad part of town.

People start arriving and looking through all the stuff. Some of the things that are worth a lot we are saving to sell at an auction. I help some people fi d what they are looking for and then I take them to the cash register. I'm actually really enjoying this.

That's when I not is a boy. He is about 17 and he looks kind of suspicious. I point him out to Lucinda and she says that she will cover for me and I can keep an eye on him. I thank her and then secretly watch him

I see him sneak a CD up his sleeve and I walk up to him. I tap him on the shoulder and he turns around. Wow he is really tall.

"You have five seconds to put that back before I freeze you" I say

He stares at me shocked and then pushes me down. He runs away and I know that I'm going to chase him. I tell my friends that I'm chairing a thief.

"Good luck!" Laurance yells as I run off

I chase his through the park and he eventually stops.

"Alright potato, fight me" he says and he tries to throw a punch

Thankfully I am small so I am quick on my feet. I dodge his attack and I use my ice magiks. I freeze his feet and legs. He tries to move around and while he does that I take back ten stuff he stole. I leave him in the park and walk back to my friends.

My friends are very happy I got my stuff back and we place it back on the table. Laurance asks to speak with me and I follow him to the kitchen in my house.

"Aphmau I was so worried" Laurance says hugging me tightly

"Laurance, come on you know me, I can take care of myself" o say hugging me back

"I know but it still worries me" he whispers pressing his lips to my forehead

"Come on we should be heading back to the sale or else they will think we are dead" I say giggling

"Yeah" Laurance laughs

We head back to our friends and finish selling everything. When everything is sold we go back onto my house and count the money. We have made about $800, which is fantastic.

I tell everyone about my idea to have a bake sale as well to raise money. Kawaii-Chan is very excited. She finally has a chance to sell more sweets. Not that she doesn't have a café already.

We pack up all the tables and Lucinda dispels the posters and flyers. I thank everyone for coming and hug them all. When they have all left I begin to think about the boy who I froze. He has probably made it out of the ice now. If he comes after me then I'll totally fight him. And this time il use thicker ice.

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