Ch273-The Cookies

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Kawaii-chan's P.O.V.

Kawaii-Chan is so excited for this bake sale. She is really good at baking and cooking so she wants to show that off to the people who don't know. Kawaii-chan has already made a few cakes at her kitchen, but she needs to head off to Aphmau-senpai's house

It's still really early but Kawaii-Chan can't contain her excitement. She really wants to get there early so we have more time to cook and we can put lots of love into her cookies and other cakes and biscuits.

Kawaii-Chan arrives at the door to Aphmau-senpai's house and she knocks on the door. Kawaii-Chan hears footsteps coming down the stairs and a very sleepy Aphmau opens the door and stares at me smiling.

"Hey Kawaii-Chan, I'm super excited about today to, but don't you think it's a bit early?" Aphmau-senpai says yawning

"Kawaii-Chan knows, Kawaii-Chan is just really excited" Kawaii-Chan replies

Aphmau-senpai invites Kawaii-Chan inside and we sit down at the kitchen table. Aphmau-senpai gives Kawaii-Chan a recipe book and tells her to look through this.

"I'm just going to go get ready" Aphmau-senpai states

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Mother of Irene a Kawaii-Chan really is an early riser when she wants to be. I think it's because we are doing the bake sale. But for now I should probably get ready quickly. Dante is coming over today as well to help bake.

I take a shower and I use my cinnamon body wash. Now I will smell like I belong in a bakery. I step out of the shower and I dry off. I get dressed in a pair of blue shorts, a purple and black t-shirt and a pair of purple high tops.

I brush my hair and I pull it into a low ponytail. I apply mascara, eyeliner and chai flavoured lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on my perfume. When I am done getting ready I go back to the kitchen and feed Celestia and Shadow.

I wash my hands and then I look at the recipes Kawaii-Chan is looking at. She has picked out some cookie recipes, some cake recipes and this mint chocolate chip slice. I think that this will be a lot of fun.

Kawaii-Chan already knows that Dante is coming over so if he arrives she can let him in incase I'm somewhere I can't answer the door. We start taking out all the things that our recipe has in it. We also set up all of the equipment we will use.

Kawaii-Chan and I put on our aprons and begin cooking. We are still really early so Dante might not be here for a while. We need to be early thought so we can set up this afternoon in the park. Ohh this is going to be absolutely amazing, I can't wait.

There is a knock at the door and I go to answer it. It's Dante and GENE?! Hmm I wonder what he is doing here.

"Hey guys, come on in" I say smiling

Dante holds me back at the door to talk to me while Gene walks into my house.

"Hey I'm sorry that Gene is here, he just kind of tagged along and I couldn't say no" Dante says

"It's really alright, this should be interesting" I reply smiling

"Thank you, you are so nice" Dante says breathing a sigh of relief and hugs me

We walk into the kitchen and I explain what we are baking to him and he immediately starts helping us cook the cookies. Gene is watching us and he reads over the recipes. I come to find that the ingredients we need are always really close to where we are.

I know Gene is secretly helping us in his own way and I'm not going to draw attention to it. I'm just going to let Dante and Kawaii-Chan figure it out for themselves. But again, it is really sweet and kind of Gene to do this, he really has changed.

We finish cooking and we put all our food on transportation trays. We put them in my car and we start driving to the park. The park already knows that we are going to have a bake sale today so they set up some tables for us. It was really nice of them.

We arrive at the park and start setting up our stuff. I notice across from us there is a bunch of girls with lots of make up, tiny clothing and blond hair. People can dress how they want, but that amount of makeup can't be good for your skin.

They look at us and glare. I'm guessing they are doing a bake sale to. On their sign it says that the money is going to their shopping spree. While ours is going to charity. At least they where honest about where theirs is going and didn't pretend it was going to charity.

We finish setting up and people start coming to buy stuff. I'm very happy with how this is going. Everything is well set up and it's great to see all of these people helping out charity. I look over to the entry and I see the Ro'Meave brothers.

"Hey Aphmau, what's on the menu, Me n U" Garroth says smirking

"Are you trying to flirt with me?" I ask him

"Key word trying" Zane cuts in

I laugh at them and Garroth hits Zane on the back of his head. They buy some cake and hang around with us for the rest of the day. Those girls who were across from us walk up to us and try to call Garroth, Vylad, Zane, Gene and Dante over.

They call Kawaii-Chan and I some very rude things. They are met with glares from the boys who tell the, to go away. I'm so glad we have Gene here to because his glare is like a thousand ice shards. Maybe now they will leave us alone.

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