Ch274-The New Teacher

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Aphmau's P.O.V.





Aww it's Monday, I'm prepared for nether. Someone could literally come and stab me right now and I would thank them for saving me from Monday. Uhh I'm just kidding, if there are people in my mind I wasn't serious.

But honestly have you ever been excited for a Monday? Well I guess if you have a field trip or something like that then it can be fun but other than that it's just waking up early when you have been accustomed to sleeping in.

I swing my legs out of bed and I stand up. I stretch and make my way to the bathroom. I take a shower and I use my cinnamon badly wash. I don't want to step out of the shower because it will be freezing. Even though it's summer it still is cold sometimes.

I get dressed in a pair of white and black striped skinny jeans, a red plaid top with no sleeves and a pair of black ankle boots. I brush my hair and I leave it down with half of it in a ponytail. I apply mascara, eyeliner and green tea lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on some perfume

I go to the kitchen and make breakfast. We still have some left over cake so I make sure to pack it in a container for school. I feed Celestia and Shadow. I make sure my bag is packed and the dishes are washed.

I say goodbye to my dogs and I start walking to school. When I am about halfway there I pull out my phone and I'm finally on level 5 on Pokémon go. Hmm what team? Well Max is Valor, that's red, I think Ross is instinct which is yellow, and then there is Mystic which is blue.

Well I really like purple by there is no purple. I guess blue is close to purple. But red is the colour of the blood of my enemies. Hmm and Valor is some sort so resolve someone has in the battle field. Alright I'm team Valor. I select my team and suddenly I freeze.

I feel a presence, not just any presence, a vampire presence. Specifically the Subaru vampire who tried to take down the whole village. I turn around and no one is there. Well I know what I felt so I'm going to be on guard the whole day.

I arrive at school and go to my locker. I pack away my things and I see that there is an assembly this morning. So I don't need my books? Cool. I walk over to where my are and I can hear them air guilt about Pokémon go teams.

"Ahh Aphmau, you're not on a team yet are you? Join Mystic!" Sky says

"No join Valor, we have taken over more gyms in the area" Max says

"Yellow is neat" Ross adds in

I giggle a bit, but how am I going to break the news I have already joined a team? I did notice that in our area Valor does have more gyms taken over which is pretty cool but I didn't think about it much until just now.

"Well actually I have already joined Valor this morning" I say

"YES!" Max yells jumping

We fist bump and My friends that aren't on Valor pretend to be offended. I laugh so much because they are being really silly. Honestly it's just a team and it doesn't really make a difference. But that's just how I see it.

The bell goes and we start walking to the assembly hall for the assembly. We take our seats and wait for the assembly to start. We kind of ignore the first few spaces because honestly they are so boring and no one really cares.

But suddenly I hear my name called out along with Kawaii-Chan, Dante, Gene, Lucinda and a bunch of other people who helped out on the weekend. The principal is awarding us for the charity stuff we did. We are asked to stand up and accept some flowers. We all get our flowers and sit down.

That's when the assembly gets really interesting. The vice principal introduces a new teacher. His name is Mr.Grimborn (Reference, do you get it?) I can see some people glaring at him and growling. Now that I look closer they are all werewolves. Hmm that's very interesting. I think I'll ask Lowell about it after the assembly.

*Time Skip To Lunch*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

The assembly lasted all the way till lunch. I'm so glad that we missed out on classes. I mean it could have been math. When we can go I grab my friends and we walk over to the ware wolves table in the cafeteria. They greet us with smiles because we are friends with them.

"Hey Lowell, what was up with that new teacher?" I ask

"He is a werewolf hunter, but he smells like a vampire as well" Lowell states

"Wow, that's pretty serious, I want to help" I reply

"Unless you are a werewolf I don't know how you can help" Yip comments

"Hmm good point, but I think I know someone who can help" I say

I turn to Lucinda and she is already smiling knowing what I mean. She grabs a position and throws it at me. I now have werewolf ears and a tail. Oh my Irene it's so cute.

"I'm a werewolf now, how can I help?" I say smiling

"Well, he is the werewolf teacher, just come into our class, it's straight after lunch" Lowell tells me

We wait around for lunch to be over and when it is I follow Lowell and Yip to their class. I take a seat and Mr.Grimborn begins to talk about the history of vampires and werewolves. I see he is trying to turn them against each other. But why? We don't have any vampire at our school.

When the class is over we follow Mr.Grimborn to the catacombs which are under the school. It's like a big maze but underground and dark. He stops on this big room and I can see someone in there.

Suddenly I feel Subarus presence again. Wait he is talking to Mr.Grimborn. They are working together, plotting something. One of ten werewolves grabs her phone and begins recording them talking. I'm guessing for future evidence.

Suddenly they turn to where we are hiding. Mr.Grimborn runs away and all the werewolves except Yip and Lowell follow him. Subaru walks over to us and grabs my wrist, he yanks me up and smirks.

The next thing I know his lips are pressed up against mine. It's soft but really cold. I feel his fangs graze my lips. I try to pull back but he is to strong. Suddenly he is pulled off of me and Lowell is standing in front of me.

Yip and Lowell's eyes are red and try to jump on Subaru. Subaru turns into a bat and flies away. I am shaking and I sink to the floor. I feel tears roll down my cheeks. Someone wraps there arms around me and I can tell its Lowell.

I stay like that for a little while. That was absolutely terrifying. I didn't know if I was going to have my blood sucked or what would happen. I'm just glad it's over.

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