Ch276-Back To Human

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A/N: I only put this photo here because it's the first time in years I have straightened my hair. I just like how this photo turned out. Thanks to my best friend Sophie for doing my hair.

Aphmau's P.O.V.



Ughhh I still couldn't get any sleep. My tail just keeps on getting in the way and it is painful to move on. I can't stand having a tail anymore. I need to somehow get back to being a human. If I can be a human again then I can finally sleep properly.

Hmm maybe Lucinda will be able to help, she is a strong witch so if anyone can help it will be her. I just really need to start getting some sleep because I'm like a college student right now.

I get out of my bed and walk to the bathroom. I step into the shower and I use my cinnamon body wash. The water toys he's my tail and it tickles. I don't know how my tail is so sensitive but it is. I step out of the shower and I wrap myself in a towel.

I get dressed in a pair of blue denim shorts, a white and blue lace top and a pair of blue ankle boots, I brush my hair and it's hard because of my ears. They look cute but they are hard to brush around.

I spray on perfume and I brush my teeth. I apply mascara, eyeliner and caramel lipgloss. I go to the kitchen and I make breakfast for myself. I feed Celestia and Shadow some dog food. I wash my dishes and I pack my school bag.

I begin walking to school and I look around. Ten wind feels so nice on my legs and tail. I really miss actually having normal ears, because I don't have human ears anymore and I really miss the,. I likes wearing earrings. Although I'm glad that I can hear a lot of things.

I get to school and I go to my locker. I walk over to my friends and luckily Lucinda is here.

"Hey Lucinda can you help me?" I whisper to her

"Oh hey Aph, umm sure, what do you need?" Lucinda asks

"Do you have any spells that can turn me back to a human?" I ask her

She nods and we walk to the magiks lab. She takes some potions out and realised that she needs a specific spell book. We walk to the library to see if we can find it. We walk right to the back where the Magik books are.

We manage to find a few books on turning people into things so we borrow them and take them back to the lab. She starts to mix potions and she splashes them on me. When I look up I everything is really big. Oh no if shrunk.

Lucinda has turned me into a cat. Oh my Irene if this is permanent I will kill her. She splashes me with anther potion and I'm a dog, then a Guinness pig, then a rabbit, then a tiger, then a small elephant and then back to a werewolf.

"Lucinda this isn't working" I say

"I know why" a voice says at the door way

We turn to look and Lowell is standing there.

"Why not?" Lucinda asks him

"Because the only people that can make a werewolf tun into a human is the werewolf tribe" Lowell explains

"Oh my Irene, does that mean I need to see Fenrir?" I ask

"I'm afraid so, I thought this would happen so I can take you to the werewolves" Lowell states

"I'm coming to" Lucinda cuts in

"Ok when do we leave?" I ask

"Right now" Lowell says and he grabs my hand

We run to Lowell's car and get in. Lucinda is right behind us on her broom stick. I just love how she has a broom stick. It's like every stereotypical witch ever. But she hates being called a stereotypical witch. So I never say it to her,

I watch the world go by while Lowell is giving me a few encouraging words.

"Hey know how nervous you are, I don't like Fenrir either" Lowell says

"Yeah but he is so... Physical like he always hugs me" I reply

"I know he likes you, I can see why, but you need to be a human again so lets just deal with is, if he tries anything Lucinda or I'll stop him so he can't hold it against you" Lowell offers

"Good idea, thank you" I say smiling

The car stops because we are here. We get out of the car and walk up to the castle. I can see people are looking at us strangely but we just ignore them. We walk up to and through the drawbridge. We walk up to the main door of the castle and knock on it.

The door opens and I feel someone jump on me. I stumble back and I look up. It's Fenrir.

"My love you have returned, and what's more you are a werewolf" Fenrir says

"Let her go" Lowell says grabbing his wrist tightly

Fenrir lets go and stands back.

"Now that you are here we can finally marry" Fenrir days grabbing my arm and pulling me

Lucinda and Lowell follow behind us and Fenrir takes me to the throne throne room.

"Mother Father, Aphmau has returned, we shall marry at sundown" Fenrir states

"Wow, WOW, Ok actually I just need help, no one is getting married" I state

"What do you need help with?" The King asks me

"I need to be turned back into a human" I say "can you help us please?"

I tell them the story of why I am a werewolf and what happened with the hunters. The werewolves allow us to follow them into the potion room. Fenrir looks upset buy I'm nervous. Queen Ylva grabs a potion and haves me drink it.

I feel weird and I reach up to touch my ears. They are human again. I can't feel my tail either. Oh my Irene I'm human again. I'm so happy. I thank the were wolves.

We stay for some food because we want to show them our thanks. I feel pressure on my thigh and I see that it's Fenrir hands. I scratch him and he pulls back. I know he saved my life but I still really don't like him. At least I'm a human again.

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