Ch277-Attempted Kidnapping

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Aphmau's P.O.V.




Ahh I finally slept well again last night. I feel like it has been forever since I last slept that well. My tail and ears were cute and all but if you haven't grown accustomed to them they tend to get in the way a lot.

I'm excited about today because today we are using all the money we raised and going to help the people on the bad part of town. The teachers are giving us a school day because they want the school to look good. It's kind of annoying that they are doing it to look good.

I get out of bed and I walk to the bathroom. I take a shower and use my cinnamon body wash. I step out of the shower and I get dressed. Today I am wearing a pair of purple pants, a galaxy jumper that hangs off my shoulders and a pair of black ankle boots.

I brush my hair and I pull it into a high ponytail with a purple ribbon around it. I apply mascara, eyeliner and peach flavoured lipgloss. I spray on perfume and I brush my teeth. When I have finished getting ready I head to the kitchen.

I make French toast for myself and I feed Celestia and Shadow. I wash up all the dishes and make sure everything is neat and tidy. When I have finished cleaning I pack my bag full of the things I'll need to bring.

I begin walking to school and I can't help but feel nervous. All of these people are relying on me to help them and I don't know if I can do it. I just need to try to help them. I know I can I just can't let my nerves get the best of me.

When I get to school the whole place is talking about what we are doing today. Ivy and Missy are talking about how they donated thousands of dollars and as I walk past I say that she didn't and she just wants to look nice,

I go to my friends and we talk about what we are doing today, hopefully we can make a difference in these people's lives. If they don't get help they will fall sick and die or people they know will. And if that isn't sad then I really don't know what is.

The teachers come over the intercom and tell my group that we can enter the buses on the right side of the school. We walk over there talking the whole way. Thank Irene classes haven't started yet or else we would have been in trouble for talking in the hallways.

We take our seats on the bus and it starts moving, as I look out the window I see all the land go by. As I keep watching I notice at first it's nice houses and then it slowly turns into rickety and torn down houses.

I'm going to be honest with myself for a few seconds, I don't feel bad about having a nice house. Of course we need to help those that are less fortunate but we have to do it in a way that doesn't make people feel guilty for not being poor.

But anyway, we are here so the bus stops. I open up the door and we all step out. We first get out our tables and all the food we brought to share with everyone. All the people here start lining up and we give them sandwiches.

We are greeted my many smiles and laughs. It makes me feel very happy. I don't need anything in return for doing this, all of their happy faces are reward enough, I sound like one of those people who is obsessed with charity, not that that is a bad thing.

We finish handing out the food and begin to walk around handing out some medicine to the sick. I notice a small group of children playing on the pavement. I also see a person wearing a black hoodie watching them.

I count the people who look like parents who are watching the children and then the children. The person with a black hoo side doesn't seem to match up with any child. I honestly think he is a kidnapped. I'm going to keep a close eye on them.

Suddenly it happened, they grabbed a small boy and started dragging him. A young woman maybe in her late 20s starts screaming that someone took her child. Luckily I saw exactly where he went and I chase him.

They eventually thinks they don't have anyone following so they stop. That was one of their many mistakes. I tap them on the shoulder and they turned around. As they turned around they slashed me with a knife on my shoulder. I hit a series of their pressure points and they falls to the ground.

I make sure that they are properly paralysed before I do anything more, the police where called by Garroth so they should be here soon. Garroth agrees to stay here and watch the kidnapper while I return the small boy to his mother. I hold his hand as we walk. He tells me his name is Irwin. When we arrive back to where the mother is she is in tears.

She notices us and her tears become tears of joy. She thanks me and then kisses her son a million times. It was so heart warming to see. The panic and relief she must have felt would have been absolutely horrible. I couldn't imagine it.

My shoulder is still painful so when the police have takin away the kidnapper Garroth and I head home. I have a cloth in my shoulder to stop the bleeding. When we get to my house Garroth tells me to take of my top. I slapped him.

"Not like that, I mean so I can fix your arm" he says "Your healing magiks aren't working properly remember?"

I pull down the shoulder of my top and he playfully rolls his eyes. He starts to work on my arm and it stings a lot. I grab his arm out of pain and he frowns a little bid. I know he doesn't like away deign me pain but he has to do this in order for my cut to get better. Garroth really is a good person.

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