Ch279-The Train

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up to Lucinda shaking me. She is bugging me to get up. I know I need to but I really don't want to. If I do then it will be like everything that has happened actually happened. I don't want any of this to be real.

But it is real and I need to get ready for whatever fight happens. I need to protect my friends. After all this is my issue that I'm sharing with them and I can't leave them alone. No matter how tired I am. Which brings me back to the fact that I need to get up.

I open my eyes and smile. Lucinda tells me that we all need to get up and get ready now because she can feel Yun and Asher's presences getting closer. I can sort of feel it to which I guess is a very bad thing.

I quickly go to one of the rooms in the abandoned house and I get dressed. Today I'm wearing a pair of black leggings, a black t-shirt and a pair of black flats. I brush my hair and I pull it into a high ponytail.

I apply water proof mascara, eyeliner and caramel popcorn flavoured lipgloss. I go to the main room and I have some of the food that Cadenza has made for us. I feed Celestia and Shadow some food. When we are done eating we pack up all of our belongings.

We bring out our things to the cars. We decide that it would be best to leave our cars here because it will mean that Asher and Yun can't follow a road anymore. They will have less idea of where we are. Luckily we all have backpacks and things so we don't need to carry anything really heavy.

It's still kind of dark and cold outside so Yun and Asher probably won't be up yet. Luckily I am wide awake so I'm not falling asleep. Shadow and Celestia are very excited about the early morning exercise but I'm getting tired.

We walk through the forest and eventually come to a hill. We walk up to the top and look at the view. The sun is just starting to rise and it looks beautiful. I realise that I'm holding my breath. How long am I going to be away from Phoenix Drop?

What if for some reason I don't come back? This might be my last time seeing Phoenix Drop. I look around and I see a few people with tears in their eyes. I'm guessing we are all thinking the same thing. I feel someone wrap their arm around my shoulders and I turn to see Garroth.

Apparently I was crying to. I hug Garroth and we smile at each other. Lucinda wipes away her tears and tells us that there is a train station very close to here and we should go there. She begins to walk down the hill and we follow.

We after a while of walking we finally make it to the train station. One of the trains is just starting to move. Without talking we know what to do. We manage to catch up to the slow moving and jump on the cargo cart.

When we are all on the train we breath out a sight of relief.

"What are you doing in my cart?" We hear a voice ask

We turn to see a man in very ripped dirty clothing. He is very old and looks very poor. I think he is a hobo.

"Umm we're sorry we just need to get on a train to run away" Cadenza says

"Ahh I have a story about running away" the hobo states

Ohh he is one of those hobos with a million stories

"Have you ever heard the tale of The Black Knight and Lady Mystiria? Well if not then clean out your ears and listen well" the hobo says

Xx Story Start xX

Lady Mystiria's P.O.V.

It was just another ordinary day in the castle. The ladies where teaching young kings and girls manners and how to behave. The Knights where practising jousting and fighting. The King and queen are dealing with social matters and the serpents were working hard.

I am lady Mystiria the daughter of the Lord and his wife. I live in a mansion above the village where all the normal people live. There is a jousting event today and everyone is going. There is a knight that mysteriously shows up to these competitions.

We call him The Black Knight, no one has seen him before. No one knows who he is or where he came from. All we know is he shows up, wins and then leaves before claiming his winnings. He is very mysterious.

As the trumpets begin playing and the people start heading to the jousting tournament I am called to the booth where my parents sit. I take my seat and the competitors are introduced. There is Sir Lambert, Sir James and the man I am to marry Sir Mundane.

Just as the competition is about to start we see black armour enter the stage. This is my first time seeing the black knight. All I have heard is stories of him. He really does not show his face. Ten competition begins and of course The Black Knight wins everything. He leaves before he can claim his gold

As I am leaving the arena I decide to sit in the garden. I walk around the garden for a while and then I sit down on a bench. I really feel like singing so I do.

Xx Song Start xX

Alice sits on the corner

She feels better than ever

She knows, she knows you're not coming home

Alice sits on the corner

Alice walks by the river

She feels prettier than ever

Light reflects on water, the sun hits her hair

Alice walks by the river

Alice Alice

What is your secret?

Alice Alice

How do you sleep at night?

Alice Alice

How do you stand so calm?

When everything you live for is gone..

Alice watches the sky above

She feels younger than ever

As she spins and spins the wind hits her dress

Alice watches the sky above

Alice Alice

What is your secret?

Alice Alice

How do you sleep at night?

Alice Alice

How do you stand so calm?

When everything you live for is gone..

Hold my hand til they turn cold

Til my eyes finally see gold..

Take my hand, embrace this dance

Our last is almost over..

Sell my antiques, tell their story

We my friend made history...

Alice knows where she's going

She says in heaven, there's no loneliness

As she reaches her final day, she still wears a smile

Alice knows where she's going..

Xx Song End xX

The Black Knights P.O.V.

I am just leaving when I hear beautiful singing coming from the garden. I climb the wall and I see a beautiful young lady with blue hair that is light at the bottom and dark at the top. My eyes widen. Not that anyone can see it due to my helmet.

I suddenly slip and I fall over the fence with a loud clang. My helmet falls off and my dark purple hair falls out. I open my silver eyes and look up to be met with a pair of blue eyes.

"Umm are you alright?" I hear the young lady ask

"U-umm I-I'm alright" I reply nervously

"W-who are you?" She asks passing my helmet

"Who are you?" I reply

"Haha, I asked first, but I am Lady Mystiria, now my question" Mystiria says giggling

"I am The Black Knight" I reply

"But what's your name?" Mystiria smiles

"Instincto" I say

After that first meeting we met up a lot. Mystiria didn't tell anyone about me and I didn't tell anyone about meeting up with her. It's been about two months and we learnt so much about each other.

She knows why I never accept prize money. It's because I don't need it. I found out that she is betrothed and her family life is very bad. She can't even choose who she wants to marry. I know that Knight Mundane isn't a bad guy, it's her parents where there is an issue.

She comes to me crying and all I can do is hold her. One day she tells me that her wedding is the next day. I come to realise that I have fallen in love.

"Mystiria, you can't go through with this" I say

"But what can I do?" She asks

"Run away, come with me" I say to her

"I couldn't, right?" She says confused

"You could, imagine what we would do, we could search all around the world, head to other continues" I say excitedly

"Well it does sound fun, alright, I'll do it, I'll run away with you" she says hugging me

"No you won't" we hear a voice say

We turn to see Sir Valor pointing a sword at my head

"So you're the Black Knight, leave my fiancé alone" Sir Mundane states

I pull out my sword and point it at Sir Valor. I whisper for Mystiria to run away and begin packing, she does and Mundane and I circle each other.

We begin sword fighting, our swords begin clashing and crossing, we fight each other and I receive a few scars. I must continue fighting, this is for Mystiria. My love for her is stronger that Valor's hate for me. I have beat him every time and I will continue winning. Eventually Sir Mundane is beat and I feel someone jump on me.

I have enough time to see that it's Mystiria. Her lips meet mine and we kiss. Her lips are soft and sweet. I feel tears of happiness falling down our faces. I wrap my arms around her waist and we kiss for a while.

We run to her room and grab some food, clothes and gold and then we run away from the castle on my horse. We ride as far as we can. Over hills, through mountains and under trees. Eventually we are far enough away from the kingdom.

Xx Ten Years Later xX

Mystiria's P.O.V.

Running away from home was the best thing I have ever done. I now am married to Instincto and we have a young son called Valor. Instincto and I live in a small village very far away from my original village. I will never regret my decision for as long as I live.

Xx Story End xX

Aaron's P.O.V.

"Wow I was not expecting that" I say

"That was beautiful" cadenza whispers

The sun outside is going down and it is becoming dark. Cadenza starts to cook dinner with Garroth and Vylads help. While they are doing that we begin to to talk about the story. The names of the characters sounded awfully familiar.

"Kawaii-Chan thinks the story was so amazing, it was so romantic" Kawaii-chan states

"I really like it, I want expecting a story like that" I say

"Aww Aaron" Aphmau giggles

"What? It was a good story?" I say laughing

We eat some food and then fall asleep. The hobo guy sets some food to because he told us that amazing story. I feel some pressure on my shoulder and I turn to see Aphmau, resting her head on my shoulder fast asleep.

I smile and put a blanket over her as the final light dims down. We all fall asleep while the moon is shining in the sky. Of course we are taking shifts in staying awake to make sure Asher and Yun don't catch up to us. I'm in the first shift. I will never let anything happen to Aphmau or my friends so they mean to much,

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