Ch280-The Desert

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up to the strum of a guitar. I open my eyes to see the hobo playing his guitar and a few of my friends sitting around and watching him play. It's very nice. For s hobo he is really good at playing his guitar.

I walk over and sit with them. He is teaching Aaron how to play guitar. It's so cute and kind of funny. But Aaron is actually really good at playing guitar which surprises me. I knew he could play but not this well. It's so cool.

The hobo walks over to a pot of wood over a small fire and hands out some bowls of food. We begin to eat it and he talks to us.

"So what's a group of kids like you runnin' from?" He asks

"Oh just some killers" I say

"Why are your friends with you," he asks

"We are friends, we stick together

"Ahh I have a story about friendship" he states

"Before you tell us can you tell me what's in this stew?" Lucinda asks eyeing him suspiciously

"Oh some carrots, spices and a dead rat that o found here" The hobo says smiling

We all spit out the stew and wipe our mouths. That was disgusting. Why would you eat a rat? We're not cats. Well I guess Kawaii-Chan kind of is but it's not the same. It's very unhygienic. But I guess it tasted alright. But then again, a hobo cooked our breakfast, what was I expecting?

"Are you ready for me to tell you the tale of Lapisa and the warriors of the ice kingdom?, oh it's a grand tale of friend ship" the hobo says

Xx Story Start xX

Lapisa's P.O.V.

I am currently practising my fighting skills. I really need to practise for my friends and I are going off to the Air Kingdom to claim our ice crystal. My friends and I make up the warriors of the ice kingdom.

There is Ametrine (Amethyst and citrine), she is the leader. There is Jaspire and he is the brains. Obsidiano and he is the muscle. Malachite and he is the networker and finally me, Lapisa who is the spy and actress.

We are all really close to each other and we all know everything about one another. It's of course amazing because I get to spend all my time with my best friends but it's also kind of sad when we fight because they might die.

Back to the original problem, in the land of Geminalia there is five kingdoms. The Ice Kingdom which is where I live, the Fire Kingdom, the Earth kingdom, the Water kingdom, the Air Kingdom, the Light Kingdom and the Dark Kingdom.

The Air Kingdom stole our ice crystal which is the source of all the winter balance in the world. They have taken the Fire crystal and the light crystal as well. We really need to get them back because they might do something really bad.

If the Air Kingdom has all of the elemental crystals they could open a portal to hell. It is very dangerous because we could be eaten by demons. All Kingdom protect their own crystal. There is usually harmony but the Air Kingdom has gone power hungry.

As I am packing up everything that I was using to practise Obsidiano runs out from behind one of the pillars.

Obsidiano's P.O.V.

I walk up to Lapisa who is packing up her things. She looks so beautiful when she is fighting. But I need to interrupt her because Ametrine has called a meeting. I tell her that she has called a meeting and we begin walking to the meeting room. I hold the door open for Lapisa but she doesn't really notice, she thanks me of course bet it's nothing striking to her.

I know the other two guys in out group love her as well but she doesn't know that. We have agreed not to let it ruin our friendship but I wish they didn't like her. Lapisa doesn't even know what is going on. It makes me feel really bad.

"Alright guys, We have a mission to get our Ice Crystal back and we need to do it now. We have our whole mission planned out. We are leaving to the Air Kingdom tonight" Ametrine states

"Tonight?!" Jaspire yells

"Is there any problems?" Ametrine asks

"Isn't it a bit soon?" Jaspire asks

"Well no, we don't have any time to waste, so go get ready" Ametrine states walking away

"Hey Lapisa, want to be my travel buddy?" Malachite whispers in Lapisa's ear

She punches him in the shoulder and walks away. I turn to Malachite and he smirks. In our group I'm the shy one, Malachite is the cassanova and Jaspire is the playful one. Before an argument breaks out i go to my room to get my sword.

Lapisa's P.O.V.

I put my white hood on with white fur around the edges and I grab my knives. I get ready to leave and finally Ametrine calls me to come. We begin walking under the cover of darkness. It's hard to see of course but it's better that being seen.

When we finally have made it half way we fall asleep on he ground. I feel someone put their cloak over me and I can just tell it's Jaspire. I don't know why, but it's just a certain thing that makes it obviously him.

When the night passes we wake up and continue walking. It is long and hard on the hot weather. I really don't enjoy all this walking and I am getting very tired. I feel someone pick me up and I look to see that it's Malachite.

"Hey sweetheart, want me to carry you?" He asks

"Fine, BUT ONLY because I'm tired" I say looking away annoyed

Malachite is smirking, I can tell. I look over at Obsidiano and he is scrunching up his hands. He looks so mad but I don't know. The truth is I really like Obsidiano a lot but I don't know if he likes me back which is why I don't tell him how I feel.

When we have made it to the outskirts of the Air Kingdom Malachite puts me down and we sit down on some tree roots.

"Alright guys, we will need to break into the outer wall, Lapisa and Obsidiano, you're up" Ametrine tells us

Obsidiano and I begin walking to gate alone. It makes me feel really awkward because we are alone. I miss being able to act natural around him. We were such good friends and now we still are really close but it's different.

We make it to the outer wall and begin climbing over. The rest of our friends aren't as agile as us so they can't climb up a wall like this. I feel myself slip down the wall and Obsidiano grabs my arm. I feel myself shaking and I close my eyes.

We finally get over the wall and I jump on Obsidiano. He stumbles back and wraps his arms around me. I am hugging him because I honestly thought I was going to die. We let go and we run to the castle. I think Ametrine and the others have found another way in.

Obsidiano and I run to the gem room and we quickly take care of the guards. When she have our Ice crystal we leave. It's up to the warriors of all tej kingdoms to get their own Crystals. We can't do it for them.

We get to the exit and the Air King blocks our way.

"Give me back my crystal" he says

"No, it's our crystal" I say

"Well my hate for you is stronger than your strength" The King says and he points a sword at us

We begin fighting and I am getting cut. He is really good at fighting. I am using my knives to try and pin him down while Obsidiano is trying to knock him out with the hilt of his sword. I fall to the ground and I look up.

The ice crystal begins to glow and it freezes over the Air King. I slip out from under his sword and I run to Obsidiano.

"The Ice Crystal gets its power from love, I guess our friendship is stronger than his hate" I say

"Umm I think it's more than that, I umm, really like you a lot and I understand if you don't feel the same way and I-" I cut off Obsidiano by kissing him

Friendship and live really are the best things on earth. This is the happiest moment of my entire life. I want this to never end. Remember to always stay with your friends.

Xx Story End xX

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Wow that story was beautiful. But those names to sounded like names that are familiar, they all stem from a gem. We want to stay and continue hearing stories but the train has come to a stop.

"This is where we leave, thank you so much for the stories and the... Food" I say

"Good luck kids, remember to stick together" the hobo says

We call out of the train and we are in the desert. We walk out into the heat and over the sand. Yun and Asher will have a hard time tracking us in the desert. It will be prefect. The issue is the sun is starting to set.

We continue walking until we find a lone tree. We notice that there is something in the tree. We climb up and there is a massive tree house, this is perfect. We can spend the night here. It will be nice and cool to.

Cadenza and I begin to cook dinner. I use my water powers to conjure up some water and we boil it to make stew that doesn't have rat in it. After we have eaten we talk for a bit. The whole time I am thinking about how the stories the hobo told were actually really meaning full. It's really nice to have heard those stories.

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