Ch281-Elemental Temple

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A/N: In honour of Aphmau's new series being uploaded today my brand new book is being uploaded. Please go check it out and tell me what you think. I wonder who the first comment will be :) This is also a thank you for not getting angry when I wasn't uploading chapters. The schedule will be back to normal now, Boiii.


Aphmau's P.O.V.

We wake up due to the heat. It was very hard to sleep because last night the weather turned very cold. Of course it's so hot during the day that we are all sweating from it. It's so hot that I'm tired but I can't go to sleep.

Well I guess it could be worse, at least we aren't melting. But then again, I could possibly burn in the sun. Well I don't really burn, I usually tan actually, but Kawaii-Chan might burn and then she will be crying because we don't have any of that prickly heat or aloe Vera stuff.

I sit up and stretch. Breakfast has already been cooked and right now everyone is in the process of walking to the small table in the centre of the tree house. Cadenza puts bowls In front of us and Dante scoops in some stew.

I'm surprised it isn't boiling considering the heat. I just keep going on about the heat but it is just so hot. I wonder if there is anything interesting in this desert though. Like in ice deserts there are glaciers and caves so maybe there is something in this desert.

Probably not though. It would be highly unlikely that the one desert we chose to run away in is one with something cool like that. When I have finished my breakfast I help wash the dishes and clean up. Everyone is always helping each other and it's nice.

We pack up all our things and decide to keep moving. I make sure Celestia and Shadow are well fed and then I carry them down the tree. I can sense that Asher and Yun's presences are getting closer. I think they are about a few kilometres off from us.

We can't let them catch us so we have to keep walking. One leg after the other in the boiling heat on the grainy sand. Water isn't an issue because of my magiks but shade is kind of hard to get. There are a few trees that have been able to grow in the sand but no big trees.

We continue walking and eventually stop to take a break. The distance between us and Yun and Asher hasn't gotten any bigger. Actually I think it's smaller. I think they could catch up to us. No they just couldn't. I won't allow that to happen.

"Come on guys, we need to keep walking" I say

"But Kawaii-Chan is so tired, and she is burning" Kawaii-Chan whines

"I have a potion that can heal sunburn" Lucinda cuts in "Now come on we have to keep walking for not only Aphmau's safety but ours as well"

"Kawaii-Chan guesses you're right Lucinda-Chan, let's keep going" Kawaii-Chan states sighing

We get up from our resting place and begin walking again. In the distance I think I see something shaped kind of like a house. I point it out to my friends and we decide to look. Maybe there could be something to defend ourselves from Yun and Asher.

We keep walking towards the building and when we are finally there we find ourselves looking at a giant sandstone temple. It's absolutely huge. Much bigger than the temple in Ohoenix Drop.

We walk inside and it is so beautiful. It's like there is no head or sand at all. Everything is clean, neat and tipsy. There are paintings of beautiful women on the wall that seem kind of colour coordinate.

Our bracelets we got a while back when we were on the road trip have started blowing and rising. I allow my bracelet to take me to one painting that is of a blue woman. I look at the title and it says she is the elemental warrior of Water. Hey I think I get it, we are at another elemental temple.

There is a circle in the middle with a bunch of images drawn on it. Our bracelets seem to match up with the pictures so we decide to stand by the image that our bracelet matches. I find my picture and step next to it.

The middle of the centre starts to glow and we watch with anticipation. There is a bright light and it looks kind of like a nether portal has opened. But it isn't made out of obsidian. It's still purple though. I take a step forward and accidentally trip. I fall through the portal and my friends jump after me.

The portal closes behind us and we look around confused.

"What are we going to do?" Lucinda asks

"Well maybe there is an elemental portal here to" Jeffory states

"But where is here?" I ask

We look around and we are in a beautiful forest with trees of all different kinds. There are green, silver, pink, white and purple. They are all sparkly to.

"Kawaii-Chan thinks she knows where we are, we are in the twilight forest" Kawaii-Chan states

"Well then, Yun and Asher can't follow us here. Let's go look for a village or something" I say

We all get up and begin walking through the forest. There are many villages in the Twilight forest is what I have heard and we are lucky enough to come across one of them. We walk up to the village and walk through it.

We sit down by a tree and decide what to do. Celestia and Shadow are jumping around very excitedly. Some guys that look like locals walk up to us and we greet them with smiles.

"What a bunch of loosers like you doing around here?" One of them asks

"Looking for a place to stay" I state coldly

"Well there is always the trash piles" another guy snickers

"Thanks but we don't want to room with you" Cadenza giggles

They look at us shocked and storm off angrily, ahh I love Cadenza. She is so savage. We decide that we are going to look for an inn to stay at. This of course causes our search for a place to stay to start all over again.

Luckily it's easy and we manage to find a place to stay, sadly we have to work for the inn keeper because we have no money. But it's better than being caught by Asher and Yun. At least now we don't have to worry about them for now.

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