Ch283-New Friends

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up sighing with happiness. I am so relieved that I have my Healing Magiks back. Since my powers are back k don't have to worry about my friends getting hurt. That's a huge relief considering how strong Asher and Yun are.

I get up from where I was laying down and I look over at my friends, I'm the first one up so I take advantage of that and sneak into the shower first, they are all asleep so I don't think they would mind. And it's not like we have a timetable for the shower.

I lock the door and then I step into the shower. I close my eyes and let the water run down my body. It is such s relief to be able to have a nice warm shower after all of the stress we have been through.

I use my cinnamon body wash and then I get out of the shower and dry off. I get dressed in a pair of black shorts, a purple t-shirt and a pair of black ankle boots. I brush my hair and pull it into a side braid. I apply mascara, eyeliner and white chocolate fudge lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on some perfume.

I pack up my things in the bathroom and I put them all in my suitcase. I sneak back out to the main room and Lucinda and Katelyn are up. They are talking about who is going to make breakfast. Cadenza will put potions in the food and Katelyn will punch it.

"I'll make breakfast" I say

"Oh? Well thank you Aphmau" Lucinda smiles

"Yeah thanks, need help" Katelyn adds

"Nope, I'll be fine thank you" I giggle

I walk over to the kitchen and I begin cooking some breakfast. Of course I am making pancakes because pancakes are the best. I feed Celestia and Shadow as well. When everyone is up we eat breakfast all sitting in the floor because there is no table. Why wouldn't they put a table? Tables are lovely.

We talk while eating our food and everyone begins talking about the feast last night. Apparently we all agree that The prince Electro guy tried to kill his father. But we need proof. That's why we have decided we will go back to the castle today to get information.

When we have finished breakfast everyone else gets dressed. I clean up all the dishes and as people finish getting ready they help me. There are a few people now who aren't allowed to help wash dishes. Such as Katelyn who broke a plate when she didn't dry it properly.

When everything is cleaned up we begin walking to the castle. The streets are very different now, there are still lots of people but no one is dancing to music anymore. It must just be something that happens only on festivals. It was really fun yesterday though.

We arrive at the castle and the guards let us through because they recognise me as the person who saved the King. We walk through the gates and through the halls to the throne room. When we get there the king, queen and prince are sitting in their thrones.

We all bow to the King but he tells us not to.

"King Lightbeam (Gosh I was so creative), we have come to ask you about what happened yesterday" I say

"Well then, ask away" He smiles

"Do you have any idea who would want to kill you?" Cadenza asks

"Well no not really, I get along epwith anyone. The only person with something to gain if I'm dead is my son because then he will rule. But he would never do that" the King says laughing

As I thought, if the King is dead the prince will be able to rule. I sneak a glance at Electro and he looks a little nervous. I ask the King if we can look around the castle for a bit and he agrees. I need to find out why Electro wants to rule so badly.

I tell my friends taut we should split up so I'm all alone. That will lure Electro to me. I take a few steps down one of ten hallways and I hear a sharp clink of metal. Someone just unsheathed their sword. Well this is perfect, Electro is falling right into my plan. I turn around to be face to face with him.

"Aphmau, I know what you're up to" Electro says

"What? Proving that you tried to kill your father?" I smirk

"Well, yes" he says at a loss for words

"Put your sword down" I say coldly

"No" he says shakily

He raises his sword and brings it down on me. The second he does my whole body turns into ice and there is a horrible sounding screech. I feel myself raise from the ground. Oh my Irene I am flying. I'm an ice woman flying. My whole body is ice. I have a long white ice desks and I'm not wearing any shoes.

I freeze Electro and break his sword. I float back down to earth and I land gracefully. I use my ice powers to move him to his room. When we are behind closed doors I unfreeze myself and melt the ice. He looks at me terrified.

"Why did you try to kill the King?" I ask him

"Hmph" he says looking away

"I said why did you try to kill the King" I ask again grabbing his collar

"Fine, because the only way I'll be worth something is to be King" Electro says pouting

"Really? But you're a prince, you're worth something to so many people" I say confused

"Do you really think so?" He says

"Well yeah duh, I mean you're going to be King eventually" I say

"Are you going to tell my father I tried to kill him?" He asks

"No but don't do it again" I say

I walk out of his room giving him threatening eyes before I leave. I'm not going to turn him in because if I do then the royal family might loose their power because they have an issue between the,. But I need to make sure he won't do it again.

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